Jim clears his throat and pours himself a shot of whisky. “The Sheriff and I had a conversation after Dustin left the bar. We decided we have to get rid of this kid. His head isn’t screwed on right, and we worry about him drawing attention to our town,” he explains before throwing back his shot.
“Get rid of him?” Autumn asks as Jim downs his liquid courage.
The bartender looks around the table before landing back on Autumn. “Not, like, kill him or anything,” Jim chuckles nervously. “We need to do something to run him outta town, that’s all.”
“What do you suggest?” Blake asks from beside Autumn. He had been silently listening to the conversation while eating his dinner up to this point.
“Well, Sheriff Baker and I think you need to do something that’ll push Dustin over the edge. He’s so close already. If he were to freak out in front of the townspeople, well, let’s just say they would be less inclined to take his side,” Jim says with a wink.