Eden's Past-1: The Water God

In the Land of Honour, a realm where deities were forbidden from clashing and angels were prohibited from retaliation, the gods were more ruthless than mere mortals, as

I've heard about. Much like in the human world, the dominant one always prevailed.

The memory of that day when that wretched man first made his presence was etched into my mind.

The day when my nightmare actually started.


"This is such an enchanting flower garden, don't you agree, Requaniel?"

My lady Celestia and I leisurely wandered through the exquisite blooms of our dedicated realm, The Theos' realm.

However, for me, amidst the myriad of ethereal flowers, there was only one flower that I held dear in my heart, and that was my lady herself.

It may sound cringe, but it was the truth. She was my everything.

Since the weather seemed to be lovely, I casually suggested, "Shall we have some tea, my lady?"

My lady's face lit up with an angelic smile as she nodded in agreement, replying, "Certainly, why not? Having tea with you is always delightful."

"Ah, you're flattering me."

I chuckled in response, but deep within, for some unknown reason, a shadow of uncertainty seemed to loom.

It was as if there was some kind of ominous feeling. Yet, I pushed the uneasiness aside and guided us to our tea stall on the left.

I decided not to let anything spoil this idyllic moment with my lady.

As we made our way to the charming tea stall nestled amidst the radiant flowers, I couldn't help but admire the vibrant colours and fragrant blooms that surrounded us.

After all, every moment I spent with my lady was a golden memory for me.

The tea stall was a quaint, picturesque spot, adorned with delicate porcelain teacups and a teapot that glistened like polished gemstones.

The aroma of freshly brewed tea wafted through the air as the gentle breeze carried the scent of the flowers.

We settled at a small, ornate table, and a soft melody played in the background, creating an atmosphere of serenity.

The tea was a blend of celestial herbs known for their soothing properties.

I carefully poured the fragrant liquid into our cups, and my lady Celestia's eyes sparkled with appreciation.

She gave me a gentle smile, saying,

"I'm glad you've never changed, Requaniel."


Her words seemed to pique my interest as I sat on my chair and gazed at my lady, asking,

"What do you mean, my lady? Am I supposed to change?"

Her hair danced in the breeze, and her golden eyes, like the radiant sun, remained fixed on me as she answered, "No, Requaniel."

With a thoughtful expression, she went on, "Most angel attendants tend to adopt a certain air of pretentiousness once they attain the esteemed rank of Elite Angel."

"But you, Requaniel, are an extraordinary exception."

She then rested her head on her hand and mused, "You've maintained the demeanor of who you were as a regular angel. At times, it appears as though there's something deeper that drives you beyond this mere position."

Her insight was right to the point, and I couldn't deny her words.

I had never aspired to become the Angel of Protection for the sake of authority or prestige but for a more profound reason.

I smiled and confessed, "It's because I wish to be by your side, my lady."

With that statement, I slowly rose from my chair and approached her.

I gently lifted a strand of her hair and softly kissed it.

"You see, my lady," I whispered, "As the Angel of Protection, I strive to be an ideal for others. But for me, there is nothing more meaningful than you, my lady."

After hearing my words, she smiled, and her smile was enough to swell up my heart.

She touched my palm gently; I could say that her touch was a silent affirmation, showing that my feelings were shared.

She confessed as her soft voice filled the air, "It's mutual, Requaniel."

With utmost tenderness, she caressed my palm, leaving a soft kiss on it.

"You hold great significance in my heart. If it weren't for the restrictions of our celestial races, perhaps we..."

Her voice trailed off as she lowered her head.

I could sense the sadness in her voice, and so, to lift the veil of sadness that lingered in her voice, I delicately touched her chin and raised her gaze.

With a warm smile, I spoke in a reassuring tone, "It doesn't matter, my lady."

"Love, my lady, is a force that defies the boundaries of race, caste, or any worldly limitations. My love for you is a passionate fire that blazes through the very fabric of reality. It's a love that knows no end or restraint."

My lady's eyes glistened with a mixture of emotions as she listened to my words.

In a voice filled with tenderness, I whispered, "So, you shouldn't worry, my lady."

Declaring this, I got closer to her face, close enough to the point that the tips of our noses touched, and our breath mingled in this moment as I confessed,

"Whether you choose to reciprocate my feelings or not, my love for you will burn eternally, my lady. It's a flame that will never cease to extinguish as long as I remain in existence."

After hearing my words, she giggled as her laughter danced through the air, and she slowly placed her palms on my cheeks, replying,

"You truly are a master of words, aren't you?"

A little smile graced my face as I closed my eyes, answering her,

"Anything and everything for you, my lady."

It felt like I was worrying about nothing.

This day might be the best, or at least, that's what I thought.


Unexpectedly, a beam of azure light descended upon the flower garden, disrupting our sweet moments.


My lady shifted her gaze towards the light as a frown shaped her face.

Upon seeing my lady's frown and her fixation on the luminous water element, I couldn't help but inquire, "Is something wrong, my lady?"

My gaze, too, was drawn to the enigmatic beam composed of water.


In the next instant, a man materialized from the luminous beam.

His attire was an arrogant display of his obsession with water.

He donned a flamboyant, flowing blue astral dress that seemed more like a vanity project than a practical choice, with an excessive number of water elements adorning it.

His piercing, cold blue eyes bore an air of arrogance as if he believed himself to be superior to all others.

Strands of overly-styled, electric blue hair cascaded like a torrent around his face, further enhancing his self-absorbed aura.

Each step he took left a watery, imperious trail behind him, and he approached with an overbearing sense of entitlement.

The iridescent glow of his ostentatious attire only accentuated his pompous presence, creating a jarring and obnoxious sight in the flower garden.

A smug grin spread across his face as he laid eyes upon us, his gaze particularly fixated on my lady.

"There you are~," He purred with an unsettling air of possessiveness.

"Nerothen..." My lady's voice held a tinge of irritation as she let out a sigh and deliberately turned her gaze away from the intrusive newcomer.

"Nerothen? That would imply he's the water god, wouldn't it?" I mused quietly and glanced towards the enigmatic figure.

Our eyes met for a brief moment, and in that exchange, I felt an intense, almost murderous, glare directed at me from the water god.

Unbeknownst to me, that first encounter was the beginning of the nightmares that would soon plague my existence.