Eden's Past-3: The Curse


I felt a strong surge of pain coursing through my body. I tried to open my eyes and see what was happening out there.

But my eyelids were so heavy, making the simple act of opening them a daunting task.

'Damn it! What's happening?!'

I gritted my teeth, trying my best to figure out what had happened.

'I was with my lady, wasn't I? Then, does that mean I am in a dream now?'

I wondered, and finally, after attempting many times, I've managed to open my eyes.


A stunned look shaped across my face after noticing a completely different environment around me.

As far as my eyes could perceive, all I could see were grasses cloaked in an otherworldly shade of blue, while the sky above was an inky black void.

As I attempted to move my hand, I realized it was bound by blue shackles. My legs were in such a condition that I couldn't even stand.

Instead, I found myself kneeling on the blue-coated grass, severely injured and unable to move.

"Seriously! What the fuck is happening?!"

I raged in anger, struggling to free myself from the shackles.

However, for some inexplicable reason, I felt utterly powerless, as if my strength had been sapped from my body.

"Oh, my~ it looks like you're awake."


Shortly, I heard a familiar voice from the front, and the sound of approaching footsteps became audible.

Still staggering in pain, I gradually raised my gaze to look up at the figure approaching me.

"What the?! You!!"

My eyes burst open with a surge of anger within me as I noticed that loathsome, love-obsessive freak, Nerothen, in front of me with a creepy smile on his face.

Witnessing his arrival and the change in the area around me, I realized something as I glared at Nerothen, demanding in a rather intimidating voice,

"Am I in your wretched soul realm now? Send me back right now!"

Yes, that bastard was the only one capable of trapping souls within his revolting soul realm. Since his actual strength was weakest, he was a dominant one when it came to the soul level of power.

"My, what's the hurry~"

He smirked and grabbed my head tightly, taunting me.

"The fun is just beginning, you know~"

"Grrr!! Let go of me, you freak!"

I vehemently shook my head, protesting while attempting to free myself from his grasp.

However, my soul's power compared to his was weaker, even though I was physically stronger than him.


"You're such a buzzkill, Requaniel."

For some inexplicable reason, he sighed with an air of disappointment and released his grip.


Just when I assumed he was releasing me, he abruptly seized my head and ruthlessly blasted it onto the ground.

Blood spurted out of my nose and mouth in the brutal impact, and my vision started distorting.

"But I'm still having fun, regardless~"

He chuckled in a singsong tone.

I despised him to the core; his voice had the power to drive me to the brink of rage.

I knew all too well why he was doing this to me.

"Hehe…hehehe…How foolish," I couldn't help but start giggling, even as I lowered my gaze, knowing that he had only taken these actions for a very personal reason.

"Ho? What's so funny, Requaniel? Or have you lost your mind from all the beating?"

As I began laughing, his smile waned with a perplexed look shaping on his face.

"Do you think you'll win my lady over after what you did to me? How naive."

I chuckled continuously, taunting him relentlessly.

"No, angel, you've misunderstood," Nerothen shook his head and gripped my head once more.

He retorted, "I'll torment you enough to drive you away from my Celestia, just as I did with Evie's angel aide."

Evie, the Goddess of Lust.

I had heard rumours about her angel aid abandoning his duties, though I wasn't entirely certain about the reasons behind it.

It appeared as if he had taken such actions to gain an opportunity to be with my lady exclusively.

He didn't seem to be aware of our existing relationship.

"Celestia is only mine."

He went on and got closer to my face as if trying to intimidate me, adding,

"She's only mine. No one can stay closer to her; ONLY I am allowed to!"

His behaviour disgusted me to the core, and luckily, his face was closer to mine, so I took advantage of the situation, moved my head backwards, and roared.

"Fuck off!"



I delivered a powerful headbutt to him, despite the searing pain it caused me.

It did hurt like hell, but I didn't care as long as I could hurt him.

"You bastard!"

While clutching his head in agony, Nerothen wailed and seemingly collapsed to the ground.

"Heh, serve you right."

I laughed and added,

"Do you think you can trap me here forever? Once I wake up in the physical realm, it's all over for you."

"What if an angel can't retaliate against you, gods? It doesn't matter to me. Maybe I'm weak now, but just wait; it will take me only a few hours to enhance my soul, and then!"

I glared at him, and as my eyes locked with his, I added,

"I will kill you in your own soul realm, Nerothen!"

Without even addressing him with 'lord,' anymore, I openly challenged him.

"You asshole…"

He cursed me and raised his right palm as a dark blue staff materialized over his palm. He grabbed it tightly and thrust it into my chest.

"Ugh!" My eyes widened as an anguished cry escaped my mouth, I felt my soul being consumed by searing pain.

"I may not be able to kill you or obliterate your soul, but I CAN curse you!"

Nerothen declared as a menacing grin crept on his face as he continued,

"You won't be able to speak of this torment to anyone! Your soul won't level up, it will continue to suffer endlessly as long as you exist within the Land of Honour!"

"Your fate was written to endure ceaseless suffering at my hands by the moment Celestia closer to you, Requaniel!"


The pain escalated to its zenith as my screams grew more intense.

I felt as if every fiber of my soul had started disintegrating.

My soul consciousness began to fade, and in the final flicker of my awareness, all I could discern was a sinister grin on Nerothen's face.

Then, the darkness consumed my perception entirely.


"Ah!" With a gasp, I jolted awake, my eyes wide open, as if something had instantaneously snapped within my body.


For a moment, my eyes were wide open, gaping at the ceiling. Everything felt surreal. 'Was it all a dream? I can't be sure.'

With these thoughts, I turned my head to the left and saw my lady sleeping peacefully, embracing me like a child.

Catching a glimpse of her cute sleeping face, I couldn't help but smile and gently raise my right arm to pat her—


Only to be met with a searing, excruciating pain.

I clenched my lips tightly to suppress a scream that might come out of my mouth at any moment.

The pain was so intense that it caused blood to trickle from my bitten lips. It became evident that my right arm was broken.

'No… it wasn't a dream…'

I realized as I clenched my teeth, pondering, 'It looks like those injuries from his soul realm are still effective in my body despite being invisible.'

I felt so exasperated after realizing this!

"I won't allow it…"

Surpassing the pain, I mumbled as some drops of blood appeared in my eyes. I remarked inwardly,

'I won't allow myself to suffer like this. I'll find a cure for this curse, and…'

My gaze sharpened as I added,

'I'll destroy that bastard, no matter whatever it takes!'

"Ummmm..." Suddenly, a soft hum emanated from my left. It seemed like my lady was starting to stir awake.

"Hmm…Requaniel?" While gently rubbing her eyes, my lady's golden gaze like the blazing sun fell towards me as she leaned her head on my chest, mumbling, "It feels so nice…"


I responded with a smile, though I remained quiet since my body was still aching from the pain.

"Hmm? Requniel? Why aren't you saying?"

My lady asked, still in her half-awake state.

I clenched my teeth silently, and while ignoring the pain, I wrapped my broken arms around her and gently kissed her forehead, whispering,

"M-My lady…I have…some work to do."

With these words, I somehow mustered the strength to rise; my voice strained as I added, "I'll be... right back…"

"Wait, Requaniel," she said, gripping my shirt and tugging gently.

She inquired, "Can't you do it later?"

"My lady, I…"

I attempted to respond, but suddenly my legs gave way, and I collapsed onto the bed beside my lady.

"Requaniel?!" My sudden fall startled her, as she woke up completely now, her hand gently caressing my head.

She asked in a concerned tone, "Are you okay? What happened to you all of a sudden?"


I tried to say something, but my throat felt dry.

After gulping the saliva from my mouth, I opened my mouth, attempting to explain what happened to me.

I began to speak, "Actually, my lady—?!"

But suddenly, my voice trailed off, and my eyes burst open as I felt my neck constricted by invisible shackles.

'No way…is it because of the curse?!'

I pondered while grabbing my throat. I tried to speak but miserably failed to do so.

"What's wrong? Say something."

My lady urged me while pulling me closer. She seemed to be genuinely concerned now.


I remained silent and slowly got up from the bed once more.

"I'm sorry."

I finally replied and turned around, still staggering, and made my way outside.

"Requaniel, wait!"

My lady exclaimed, but I didn't stop and left her room.

I felt so damn irritated after ignoring her, but the situation left me no choice.

While walking to my left, I gazed forward, noticing the library.

My gaze sharpened since I knew that some ancient books in the library could help me find the cure, as I mumbled, "Even problems have their solutions. I need to find the cure first. Everything else can wait!"