An Unknown Encounter

"!!!" Eden experienced an intense burning sensation in his body; the pain surpassed even the hardships of exile and the adrenaline-fueled clashes with the golden wolf.

Eden struggled to scream, but his voice remained silent, as if his vocal cords had already been devastated by the overwhelming pain.

A voice echoed in Eden's head, asking, 'Are you in pain?'

He attempted to reply, but all he could manage to do was clench his teeth and bite his lips. Complete darkness enveloped him, leaving him uncertain whether he was unconscious or perhaps already dead.

'It hurts...' Eden managed to convey.

'Poor child.' The voice responded with pity, expressing sympathy for Eden's plight. The source of the voice remained a mystery to him.

The voice began with 'If only…' and transformed, deepening and reverberating as if multiple voices spoke in unison.