Challenge Accepted!

"He straight up rejected...a duel challenge...? From an Elite member...?"

One of the boys stammered, his face reflecting utter disbelief.

Declining a duel proposal was no small matter, as it was tantamount to disrespecting the Elite family.

"H-hey, Eden! You don't know what you are doing, do you?" Emilie exclaimed with a mix of perplexity and panic in her voice as she desperately sought a reason behind Eden's refusal.

But hearing her plea, Eden just snorted and turned around, replying, "Sorry to be a buzzkill, but I have more important matters to deal with than engaging in this meaningless duel."

'Dang it, I do want to kick his ass so badly, but there's no point in wasting my time when I don't get anything as a reward from you, system.' Later on, he added inwardly.