Chapter 8: Within


“We found the burners,” Arlo said in between breaths as he and Grayson walked into the firelight.

“Where?” Tor asked from where we stood by the fire.

“About half a day’s run to the Northwest,” Grayson said in a low voice. My stomach twisted into a knot. I couldn’t believe how fast we were able to find them and how close they actually were.

“How many?” Tor asked next.

“About twenty or so,” Arlo responded. The carefree personality from before was now replaced with a serious exterior.

“Are they armed?” Tor asked

Arlo nodded vehemently. “To the teeth.”

Tor stared into the small fire at his feet, seemingly contemplating the information he had just learned.

“Ok, in the morning we will go Northwest to head them off. I think it’s time we gave them a taste of their own medicine.” Tor’s smile was dangerous with the firelight reflecting off of his face.