Chapter 14 A Day with the Crew

Mirano was a dull little town not far from Ginswell. Michelle looked slightly disappointed as she looked out the window – she was expecting something more.

"It's so... quiet." She said.

"All the towns around here have been like this ever since the Inferno Ghosts showed up," Brook said. He parked his car on the side of the road. Everyone else had also parked and began to get out.

"Guys, so what are we doing first?" Jett asked, leaning over his car.

"I gotta stock up on some stuff so I'll see you later," Paige said walking off through a line of shops.

"Payton and I are gonna check out some parts," Reece said.

"What about the groceries?" Jett asked.

"You and Leslie hit the supermarket. We'll catch up for lunch later." Brook said.

"Where are you going?" Payton asked with suspicious eyes.

"I'm gonna show Michelle around," Brook answered in a way that no one could argue with. He got back in the car. Michelle waved at everyone.

"See you guys later," she said. Brook drove off.

"So, what's to see around here?" Michelle asked.

"There's not much actually but I wanted some time alone with you out here. that's not easy to come by with everyone being around at the base." Brook said. Michelle smiled.

"Aw, is it a date?"

"You could call it that."

"In that case... Do you mind if I pick our first stop?"

"No but, what did you have in mind?"

"I read in an online tour guide that Mirano has a chapel in the center of the town."

"You want to go to a little town chapel?" Brook asked with mild surprise.

"It is Sunday."

"Right. Alright then, to the chapel."

The Anon chapel was the only chapel in town and was fairly packed despite the sparse population. Brook lingered back as he and Michelle approached the wide-open doors.

"Come on," Michelle said, holding out her hand to Brook.

"I'm not exactly a model citizen, Michelle."

"That doesn't matter. God won't punish you if you come in." She smiled encouragingly. He slowly took her hand and they went in. After the service finished, the chapel emptied out and Brook and Michelle were the only ones left sitting in the back.

"What's on your mind?" Brook asked, seeing Michelle gaze at the crucifix behind the altar.

"I was just thankful for everything. After all, I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for God."

"Then I should be thankful too – I got to meet you," Brook said. He heard her give a small happy laugh.

"It's – peaceful," Brook said in a low voice.

"What did you expect?" Michelle said with a giggle. "Wait, haven't you ever been to..." she trailed off looking at him questioningly.

"Not since I was a kid. My mom used to take me to church back then."

"I like your mom already."

"But you never met her."

"I don't have to. I can meet her through you. Through what she did for you." Brook searched her eyes, unable to understand her.

"You are an extraordinary girl." He said.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Michelle giggled. They sat together in silence for a moment.

"So. Does that mean your mom was the church-going type?" Brook asked after a minute.

"My foster mom was. I was adopted when I was a kid." Brook didn't miss the emphasis on 'was'.

"Oh, I didn't know." He said apologetically.

"It's alright. I've been on my own for a while now. But I can still let the memories live on like this, right?" she said, gesturing to the chapel.

"Yes, I suppose you can," Brook replied. Michelle leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Thanks for bringing me here Brook. I'm glad I could share this with you today." Brook rested his head against hers, his eyes fixed on the large crucifix up front.


Everyone met up outside a little restaurant diner called 'Grilled Eats'. Brook noticed Jett and Leslie were devoid of shopping bags.

"Jett, didn't you guys go shopping?" he asked. Leslie smiled.

"We would have if somebody hadn't gotten sidetracked at the video game store."

"The new PS4 Spider-Man game is out! Come on; don't tell me you guys aren't interested in that!" Jett exclaimed.

"I'm not," Payton said in a monotone.

"You guys are no fun!" Jett said, pouting.

"Yeah, yeah, just get in the diner. I'm craving tequila and you're holding us up." Paige said.

"Didn't you just have half a dozen shots last night?" Michelle asked.

"That was ages ago. And anyway, steak tastes better with alcohol." She replied.

"That's with beer, not tequila. Beef is always better with beer." Reece said.

"Whatever, let's go in already. All this food and drink talk has made me hungry." Payton said. They all agreed with that.

Michelle thought she had never been in such a rundown rustic place to eat. It was dark and worn inside – the wooden walls and floors were covered in scratches and badly needed a paint job. The lights gave out a dim yellow glow; the windows were the only source of bright light. The mild volume of some country rock played in the background. The booths and tables were mostly empty. Michelle thought the place must not be very popular.

"Come on," Brook said to Michelle, guiding her forward.

"Er, okay." She said, sounding unsure. Brook smiled, guessing her thoughts.

"Don't judge a book by its cover. This place makes five-star hotel steaks look pitiful." He said.

"How would you know what a five-star hotel steak tastes like?" Reece asked.

"I hijacked a delivery truck once," Brook said with a serious face. Michelle blinked.

"Really?" she asked. He laughed.

"No, but I have eaten their steaks. It doesn't compare."

"Yeah, and this place peaks at night. You'd have to sit out on the porch if you came after eight." Jett said.

"Okay. You've convinced me." Michelle said. They took their seats on bar stools.

"Why not a table?" Michelle asked.

"Because then I'd have to see your faces while eating," Paige said.

"Ouch, Paige. Are you hangry?" Jett asked.

"Don't ever say that word again," Paige said looking disgusted.

"Guys, we should order – they take half an hour to grill those steaks. If anybody wants 'em well done." Leslie said.

"I do," Michelle said, studying the menu. "I'll have the brisket, chicken tenders, cheese salad, and a coffee to start with." Everybody stared at her.

"What? Too much?" she asked.

"Chicken tenders?" Brook asked with raised eyebrows.

"Heh, yeah. I'm a fan of kids' favorites."

"That's a lot of food for a little girl." Payton teased. Michelle frowned but straightened her features quickly.

"You haven't seen college kids eat." She said.

"And yet you're so – tiny," Payton said.

"Give her a break, Payton. I for one can't wait to see her eat all that." Paige said.

"Okay, so the rest of us are getting the usual?" Reece asked.

"Nah, I'm switching it up. I'm going with the quesadilla and ribs," Jett said.

"But that's what you order every time," Brook said.

"Oh. Well, then I'm stickin' to the classics. You know what they say – if it ain't broke..."

"Break it. Or I could break you." Paige said. Jett laughed nervously.

"Ha, that's funny." He said.

"Grilled spicy chicken for me," Brook said. Michelle looked keenly at him.

"Mixing it up?" she asked.

"How did you know?" he asked in surprise.

"You don't look like the kind of guy who usually eats chicken." She said.

"Good guess. But I do like chicken. My mom used to make it."

"Hey, can we finish ordering?" Payton said.

"And to start us off, nacho fries and beer!" Jett said.

"Wait, don't you all have to drive later?" Michelle asked.

"Oh man, I forgot. Fine, looks like we'll stick with cokes." Jett said in disappointment.

"Sorry, Paige. Looks like no tequila for you." Brook said cheerfully. She grunted.

"I'll make up for it later." She said. The bartender took their orders and returned in a few minutes with the drinks, a basket of cheese-coated fries, and nacho chips.

"Game on!" Jett said as everybody dug in.

"Isn't this your favorite? If I remember right." Michelle said to Brook.

"You really remembered a little detail like that?" Brook asked in surprise.

"Yeah. Like I said, I happen to pay attention to a lot of things."

"Huh," Brook said, slightly impressed.

"Guys, anybody remember to bring a shopping list this time? I don't want a repeat of last month." Leslie said.

"What happened last month?" Michelle asked.

"We bought two bags of groceries each... let's just say we had to store the extra food in our dressers," Leslie said.

"Sounds familiar. Ever since online shopping though, that problem pretty much got resolved." Michelle said, sipping her coffee.

"But where's the fun in online shopping? In-store, you get to feel the snacks, sample stuff, and eat straight out of the packets!" Jett said.

"You're the only one who does that." Payton said.

"No I'm not – remember that one time we both broke into the Rice Krispies?" Jett asked.

"Hmm... No." Payton said.

"You did try some. I saw you." Brook said.

"I think everyone does that – I know I've opened cans of choco sticks in a grocery store at least a dozen times." Michelle said.

"I've never broken into choco sticks... I'm gonna do that today!" Jett said. Reece rolled his eyes.

"Oh brother. Sometimes it's hard to believe you're the second oldest." He said.

"I'm young at heart." Jett said contently.

"Oh good, food's here," Paige said as the bartender slid plates along the counter.

"Finally." Payton said. Michelle noticed Jett open out his quesadillas over his lamb ribs.

"Jett, what are you doing?" she asked.

"Believe me, it tastes better this way. It's like a roller coaster of flavor." He said. He took a huge bite and groaned.

"Hmm... so good!" he said.

"You say that every time," Leslie said.

"Well, it's true!" Jett said with his mouth full.

"Ew, Jett don't talk with your mouth open!" Paige said.

"Sorry." Jett apologized. Michelle watched them bicker good-naturedly over lunch, a small smile on her lips.

"What's got you smiling?" Brook asked.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about how close you guys are despite all the teasing. It's nice being around friends." Her face fell a little.

"Hey," Brook said, touching her hand. "You'll get back to your old life one day, okay? I promise, even if I have to drive you there myself."

"It's not that Brook... I was just thinking if I'd even want to leave. What if I don't want to?" Michelle said, watching the others. "I like being with you guys and..." she sighed. She didn't know how to explain her wish to live in both worlds – her college life with her new crew friends.

"Things will work out, okay? They always do in the end." Brook said softly.

"How can you be so sure?" she asked.

"Because I'd go crazy if I didn't believe that." Michelle laughed.

"That I can relate to." She said.

"Okay, we start with snacks and dry food, and end with the cold stuff," Jett said as they entered the supermarket later.

"You're forgetting fresh food." Leslie reminded him.

"Right. Who can live without veggies?" He asked rhetorically.

"Do we split up?" Michelle asked.

"It does make things faster... and I do wanna get home so I can play the Spider-Man game..." Jett said longingly.

"And I don't want to miss the Flash marathon so let's settle this. Rock paper scissors. Three teams. Whoever gets the same item together is a team. Go!" Reece said.

"Rock paper scissors, shoot!" Jett said. He and Reece did paper, Paige, Leslie, and Brook got rock, and Payton and Michelle got scissors. Payton didn't look happy about it.

"I have to go with her? Payton said, looking glum. Michelle frowned at him.

"Rules are rules. The sooner we pick up stuff the sooner we can go." Paige said.

"And break!" Jett said. They split up, going different ways through the aisles.

"So what do we pick up?" Michelle asked Payton.

"Nothing. I usually pick up the cold cuts and we can't pick those up right away. They would spoil."

"Oh, so we do nothing."

"Do whatever you want," Payton said, leaning against a shelf.

"Fine," Michelle said, slightly irritated by his cold attitude. She browsed the sweets section at leisure until she found what she was looking for.

"Ganache cookies." She said to herself, lifting a box. She opened it and took one to taste.

"Hmm." She said with relish.

"You've got chocolate on your lips," Payton said, watching her a few feet away. He touched his own lips as if mistakenly trying to wipe hers. Michelle smacked her lips licking the chocolate. Payton snorted in restrained laughter.

"What's so funny?" Michelle asked.

"You are. You look like a kid eating sweets."

"Want one? It's delicious." She said waving a cookie in front of him. He grabbed the cookie she had bitten into and stuffed the whole thing in his mouth.

"Hey!" Michelle said in surprise.

"You offered it," he said.

"Yeah but I would've given you a new one. Want another one?"

"If you're offering." She gave him one more and took another.

"It's a mystery how you have any room for cookies after that gigantic meal," Payton said.

"Exaggerate much? You really shouldn't underestimate me." Michelle said, refusing to let him rile her up.

"I don't. I'm just trying to warn you not to overdo it. We have an hour's drive back and you might puke... on the other hand, forget it. if you do puke it'll be in Brook's car." he said with a smirk.

"Ha, ha," Michelle said, rolling her eyes. Payton walked off to another rack.

"What are you doing?" Michelle asked.

"Getting you something you'll need later." He said picking up a bottle of ginger fizz and a packet of gum. Michelle looked at him with puzzled eyes.

"You secretly have a heart, don't you?" she said. His face slipped for a second showing surprise but he quickly straightened it.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm talking about the fact that no matter how much you try to hide the fact that you care with your 'tough guy' act, you really do have a heart," Michelle said.

"It's not an act," he said, avoiding her eyes.

"Yeah, it's just a defense mechanism for you, isn't it?" Michelle asked.

"Think whatever you want." He said taking his sunglasses and putting them on.

"Did I strike a sensitive spot?" Michelle asked, leaning close with a mischievous smile.

"It'll take a lot more than your petty teasing to get to me," he said. Michelle thought hard.

"I guess you are as tough as you look." She said. Payton's lips quivered a little.

"You're realizing that now?" he asked rhetorically. Michelle shrugged.

"I'll get behind that wall someday." She said.

"What wall?"

"That wall of 'I'm so tough I can knock you out with a glare' look you have up."

"You can try," Payton said. Michelle turned to scan the shelves.

"What are you looking for?" he asked.

"Something sweet."

"You just had cookies."

"Not for me. I figured you'd talk more if you had sugar." Payton almost grinned.

"Nice try." He said. He saw her trying to reach for a packet of doughnuts on the top shelf.

"You want some help?" He asked without making a move.

"Really? Most guys would just step in and get it." Michelle said with skepticism.

"I'm not most guys. And I enjoy watching you try to do something you can't," he said.

"How sadistic," Michelle said. After watching her struggle for another minute he came close behind her, reached up, and took the packet. Michelle felt a little uncomfortable that he was standing so close to her and her pulse sped up.

"Oh, so now you help me?" Michelle asked, quickly recovering as he stepped back.

"You were getting kind of pathetic to watch."

Very funny." She turned to walk away with dignity but didn't see a stick of mints that had fallen and slipped on it. Payton automatically grabbed her arm before she could fall.

"Watch it. If you break a bone on my watch, Brook's gonna total my car." Payton said.

"Gee thanks," Michelle said. He immediately let go of her.

"We'd better get those cold cuts now. I've had enough of wasting time."

"Whatever you say mister grouchy-Mcgrouch pants," Michelle mumbled. She followed him to the chill area where rows of meats and cheeses were on display. Michelle noticed that Payton seemed to know exactly what to get and relayed orders without hesitation to the butcher.

"Wow, you must know what everybody eats by heart." She said.

"It's the same every week," he said.

"But you paid attention. See, you do care."

"It's called being prepared." Payton justified.

"Uh-huh. mind if I order something?"

"Go ahead." Michelle studied the racks of meat.

"We haven't got all day," Payton said impatiently.

"Alright, alright. I'll have the cheddar stuff deli..." while Michelle gave her order, Payton glanced around sensing something. He spotted a man slouching against the backdoor a few feet away. He was watching Michelle. Payton's expression hardened.

"We have to go." He said pulling Michelle away from the meat rack.

"What? But we haven't even collected the – oh, it's ready." She grabbed the bag the butcher had placed on the counter.

"Thanks!" she called as Payton pulled her away.

"Payton, what is with you? why are you in a hurry?" she asked. He was almost at the door when two more men appeared and blocked the path. Payton's fist clenched.

"It's an ambush." He growled. Michelle looked around and gasped when she saw they were surrounded.