Chapter 17 In Vegas

Ten minutes later, Michelle stepped out of the bathroom wearing the clothes Payton bought.

"Payton, this is ridiculous!" she hissed. She was dressed like a boy in ripped jeans and a graffiti tee and denim jacket, her hair rolled up in a baseball cap.

"You look convincing." He said.

"I look like a one-hit loser rock star!"

"How would you know what one of those look like?" Payton asked with a smirk. Michelle groaned.

"Why aren't you in costume?" He put on a pair of nerdy reading glasses and a cap.

"I am."

"No fair, you only had to put those on and I had to put –" she gestured to her clothes, "all these on?"

"You're more noticeable as a girl. Now stop complaining and walk." Payton said, casually draping his arm around her shoulder.

"We're not a couple, you don't have to stick this close," Michelle whispered.

"No, we're brothers who met each other after a long time and have a lot to catch up on. Play along." Michelle groaned but complied.

"Why couldn't I wear another outfit that wasn't guy's clothes?" Michelle asked.

"The other option was a pregnant woman. Think you could've kept that up until we reached Vegas?" Payton asked with raised eyebrows.

"A – no. I guess this is better."

"You can change on the flight. This outfit isn't as eye-catching as a pregnant woman would be."

"I feel like I'm in a Korean soap opera."


"There are a bunch of Korean soaps where girls dress up like guys for crazy reasons."

"Yeah well, this is a crazy enough reason. I'm keeping you alive in that outfit."

"How long do we have to walk around? We look like a couple of lost tourists."

"Just until they announce the boarding. Which should be right about – now." Payton said, checking his watch. Immediately the P.A. system announced the flight to Las Vegas was boarding.

"Smooth," Michelle said, impressed. Payton led her to the gate.

"We're first class so we can go first." He said handing over their boarding passes.

"You booked us first-class seats for a seventy-five-minute flight?" Michelle asked incredulously.

"It means we'll be safer sooner," Payton said, gazing over the crowd. "And just in time. The Ghosts are here." Michelle's eyes widened in fear.

"Play it cool." He warned her. They got their passes and walked down the hallway leading to the flight.

"Relax, they can't get us now. Airports don't let just anyone on the flight." Payton said.

"I hope you're right," Michelle said, her hands shaking.

"They don't have tickets and they don't know which flight we're on. So would you stop being so nervous?" Payton asked, pointing to her hands. She stuffed them in her pockets.

"Boarding passes please." The attendant asked before they entered the flight. They showed the passes and got on.

"Enjoy your flight." The attendant said.

"We're in the last row. Follow me." Payton said. They found Michelle was placed next to the window.

"Wow, this is what first-class looks like. It must have cost a fortune." She said.

"Not as much as my car," Payton said. Michelle took off her cap.

"I'm gonna go change," she said, taking her bag.

"Hurry up, the flight leaves soon," Payton said. Michelle went and changed in the bathroom and came back wearing her own clothes.

"Where's my jacket?" Payton asked. Michelle pulled it out of her bag.

"I thought it was too conspicuous." She said.

"Not anymore. Nobody cares what anybody looks like in Vegas."

"Okay, then I'll put it on," Michelle said and sat down. Another attendant came and offered them fresh juice or strong drinks. Payton took a soda.

"I thought you'd pick something stronger," Michelle said.

"Not on a flight."

"Afraid of getting airsick?"

"No. I need to stay alert." He said plainly.

"Oh, right." Michelle focused on her juice.

The attendant announced that the flight would take off soon and everyone should fasten their seatbelts. Michelle clutched her hands tightly together on her knees until they were white. Payton laid his hand in hers and loosened her grip.

"It's gonna be okay." He said, entwining his fingers through hers. His voice was muted over the hum of the plane. Michelle only nodded, staring out the window as the flight taxied and took off.

"Here we are – Las Vegas," Payton said as they stepped off the plane later. Michelle yawned.

"I almost wish the flight took longer... sleeping in first class was a dream."

"The hotels are better. At least the bed isn't vibrating thirty thousand feet above the ground." Payton said. Michelle thought he looked tired. He couldn't have gotten much sleep last night.

"Where do we go now? You don't have a car anymore so..." she waited for him to speak.

"We go straight to headquarters by cab. It's about a couple hours from the airport." Payton said.

"But you look dead on your feet. Can't we rest somewhere for a bit? We barely got any sleep last night." Payton hesitated. He couldn't tell her that he didn't feel safe until they reached the headquarters. But he was tired and really wanted a few hours' shut-eye.

"Fine, a couple hours rest, and then we go."

"Good. Because I really want to try Las Vegas room service." Michelle said with a smirk.

The hotel they had gone to was not far from the airport. It was smaller than Michelle expected and looked more family-friendly.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you're gonna complain about the hotel?" Payton asked, seeing her look around with a less-than-thrilled expression.

"No, it's just... I kind of thought Las Vegas hotels were big and flashy and fancy. This place looks – cozy."

"It's only a mile from the airport. I figured you wouldn't want a long drive."

"Sure," Michelle said, playing along. "It has nothing to do with the fact you're ready to collapse on the first bed you see." Payton grinned.

"Exactly. And the fact that I'm running low on hard cash also has nothing to do with it." He said with light sarcasm. They went through the scanner and stopped at the reception.

"One room," Payton said to the receptionist. Michelle nudged him.

"Um, there are two of us." She whispered to him.

"And half a dozen Inferno Ghosts after us. You think you'd be safe in a room alone?" he asked. Michelle pouted.


"We'll only be here for a few hours. I'm not gonna encroach on your space." Payton said, rolling his eyes. He took the room key from the desk and they went to the elevator.

"It's a suite," Michelle said as they entered the room.

"What did you expect?" Payton asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"A suite?" Michelle said lamely.

"You can take the bed if you want. I'll use the couch." Payton said.

"No, I'm not gonna sleep. You take the bed. I'm gonna order room service." Michelle said. She ordered crispy duck wings, truffle soup, and crème brulee from the menu on the side table. She looked at Payton expectantly.

"I'm not really – fine; get me a steak." He said. She placed the order and sat on the couch.

"You're going exotic with lunch," Payton said as he took off his jacket.

"I'm in Vegas for the first time. I can't order the same old food. It won't be memorable."

"It's like you forgot we're running for our lives... forget it." he flopped on the bed and shut his eyes.

"Payton, the food will arrive soon. Payton?" there was no answer. He was already fast asleep.

"At least one of us can sleep," Michelle mumbled.

It was evening when Payton woke up. He checked his watch and jumped out of bed.

"Hey, you're awake," Michelle said from the couch.

"Why didn't you wake me earlier? I slept for hours!"

"So? Your food's on the table by the way." Michelle said pointing to the tray on the table. An empty tray lay next to it, showing the remains of Michelle's lunch.

"Didn't you get any sleep?" Payton asked, taking his sandwich.

"Me? I'm in a four-star hotel, I got room service and television with the premium pack paid for. Why would I waste time sleeping?" She asked with a shocked look.

"That's – whatever," Payton said, shaking his head hopelessly.

"You look like you were really out of it so I let you sleep," Michelle said.

"We need to get going. We've stayed in one place too long as it is."

"It's not like the Inferno Ghosts can trace us here. We lost them in Reno."

"You have a serious issue underestimating your enemy. Come on, get moving." Payton put on his jacket and bag and they went out.

"So how do we get to wherever it is we're going? Cab?" Michelle asked Payton. They were standing outside the hotel, the fading rays of sunset glinting off their hair.

"You ask way too many questions. Just trust me, alright? I got you here safely so far." Payton said. He hailed a cab and they got in. They drove to a quiet industrial neighborhood and got off.

"Is this the place?" Michelle asked. Payton ignored her and walked purposefully to an empty warehouse. Michelle followed, the dark stillness creeping her out. They came across a row of what appeared to be cars under silver tarpaulins.

"Found it," Payton said half to himself as he stopped in front of the last car. He swept the tarp off revealing a maroon and black striped sports car.

"Another car? What's it for?" Michelle said.

"Backup. The crew's got cars like this all over the state for emergencies." Payton said.

"I shouldn't have asked," Michelle muttered. Payton unlocked the car and they got in.

"So we're driving this car to the crew's headquarters," Michelle stated.

"No. I'm driving." Payton said with a sly smile. He started the car and grinned at the engine's roar.

"Whoo, yeah baby." He said, thrilled at the purr of the car. He drove the car out of the warehouse onto the freeway.

"So what's this car called?" Michelle asked.

"Dodge Viper." He said.

"No specs?"

"It's not like you'd understand anyway."

"Try me." Payton looked surprised.

"It's a two-thousand-year model with unleaded V-10 engine six-forty-five horsepower, max speed two oh eight, max RPM sixty-two hundred."

"Uh... cool," Michelle said. Payton grinned.

"You didn't get a word of that, did you? Why the sudden attempt at small talk anyway?" Michelle's expression became worried.

"We still don't know if the others are even okay or if they're really at the headquarters." She said.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. No use worrying about that now. Sheesh, college students stress too much." Payton said roughly, but not unkindly.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Michelle said, trying to encourage herself. She yawned. The bare minimum of five hours' sleep was catching up to her.

"Get some shut-eye. I'll wake you when we get there." Payton said.

"Thanks, Payton," Michelle said, closing her eyes.

"For what?"

"For everything."