The Lake, Meeting The 100

Despite what may seem,nthe MC will not remain with the hundred and will have his own plans too.

If you're a massive star wars fannand suddenly wake up in that universe, you'll be a little thrilled and fanboyish at first, same with the MC. But he will slowly grow out of it, patience people, patience.


The ER suit, short for exploration and Reconnaissance full body suit. From the wearer's perspective, it will look like he was looking through a glass helmet with a full-field-of-vision, very high-resolution, full-color display that provides stereoscopic imaging. It allows the wearer to see the world around him as if he were not wearing the helmet, augment the view with goal-, person-, location-, and object-sensitive awareness.

The suit is resistant to many different things and has a shock absorption effect which will reduce knockback, recoil when using weapons and force from attacks. The suit has many compartments that allow the wearer to carry a variety of diverse objects.

The one Leon and Stella are currently wearing has smoke bombs, stun grenades, multiple antidotes and a wide range of medical supplies.

Despite the suit not being built to handle battle, it is still bulletproof and can handle Early Semi-auto Battle Rifles, Assault Rifles ,Varmint Rifles, Semiauto Pistols, Submachine Guns and Utility carbines.

It also has two offensive means for self-defense, a shock function and a battle baton similar to the one Robin from Batman uses.

The shock function can travel through the conductive exterior of the suit to shock, paralyze or even fry targets. This depends on the output that ranges from 0 to 100%.

10%= Harmless shock

20%= Can inflict Pain

50%= Full body paralysis

70%< Lethal depending on target

The suit has an insulating second layer that insulates electricity in order for the shock to not affect the wearer.

The baton can be split apart into two equal, independent rods each the size of an arm.


"We're back Bitches"

Shouted Octavia as she ran outside, followed by the crowd of delinquents behind her who cheered and shouted at the top of their lungs as they chased her out, feeling all kinds of new sensations and relishing in the new environment they are in.

They were all entranced by mother nature, peaking at her greenery and flowers and breathing her scent. Unaware of the two people hiding in the trees with stars in their eyes.

"Damn it Stella! We should have brought popcorn! Wait, TELL ME YOU FILMED THIS?!"

"Don't worry dear, I got you! everything is in here~" she tapped her head.

"Aaaand" Stella brought out two cans of ice-cold Pepsi.

Leon got emotional and said dramatically,"My angel!"

They then opened them up, cheered and took a sip of the refreshing beverage as they watched the rowdy kids, some of which were already kissing.

"Sigh, kids these days~" Stella lamented with an aged voice, definitely fit for an Oscar nomination, which made Leon almost break out in laughter exposing them.

But then a certain someone walked out of the dropship who caught their attention, there she was in all her serious yet got glory, THE Clarke Griffin. Leon instantly zoomed in on her using his cybernetic eyes...which happened to have an x-ray function.

"Hehehe~ It's white~" he laughed lewdly.


After getting a smack to the back of his head, he was greeted by Stella who was looking at him. Despite not seeing her face due to the suit's helmet, he can tell what face she must be making.

Not bothering to argue he said, "Sorry"

Clarke was holding a map looking at the mountain in the distance when she was approached by Finn, which prompted a response from both the spying couple.

"That bastard" x2

Seems like they were both of the same opinion regarding Finn, definitely not fans. Although they both wanted nothing more than to go beat his ass, they knew patience was a virtue.

The events then proceeded according to the show with the argument between Clarke and Bellamy about her being a privileged princess then Clarke, Finn, Monty, Jasper and Octavia heading for mount weather, which cued the hiding couple to follow them silently.

After a walk where they came upon an ugly ass mutated dear with two faces that were grotesquely merged together into an utter abomination that would be fit to be Frankenstein's pet, they finally came upon the lake.

Octavia took the lead, walked up to the lake and began striping down sensually, both me and Stella said nothing as we recorded the whole thing, coming to a silent consensus. Heck, even Jasper and Monty had their mouths open and eyes ogling her sweet sweet behind.

Seeing that ass bend over I instantly got a hard-on, shit, I need to think of something else, umm..Oh I kno---OMPHHHH!!!!

Stella punched my little brother, sacrificing countless future generations...on further thought, yeah, fuck them grandkids!

In all seriousness, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would due to my muscles being made out of metal.


The hot piece of as-- Octavia jumped into the lake, unknowingly with a rather dangerous predator.

Leon: [You wait here]

Stella: [Kay]

"We can't swim!" I heard someone say, but I wasn't focused or interested to notice who, after all, I had a hot babe to save soon.

"No, but we can stand" Octavia countered, standing up in the shallow water that only reached her belly.

Taking off their clothes, excited for their first swimming experience, Jasper's movements suddenly stopped as his face paled.

"Guys, get out of the water !" He shouted with a panicked expression plastered on his face, looking behind Octavia in fear.

"Get out of the water now!" The rest were confused at first, but as they saw a stream created by something heading straight for Octavia at high speeds, they joined in his warnings.

Octavia stood flabbergasted and frozen in panic, her big brother wasn't there to save her this time, and she didn't know how to swim, she could only stare desperately as the thing headed toward her.

To be continued...











[A/N: Not gonna happen, I want to live to see my kids. Not my grandkids though, fuck them grandkids!"


Leon went into a full-on throttle as he sped up from behind the group and jumped gracefully from the cliff and into the lake below. This attracted the attention of the group, but they hadn't the time to ponder with their friend in danger.

Having jumped with extreme precision, Leon landed right next to Octavia who stared at him in awe and confusion, he then pushed her gently yet firmly a moment before he was dragged under the water.

In a true test of character, Octavia, instead of running, hurriedly shouted and searched for her savior. And shortly after, a water Eel the size of a fucking Anaconda leaped out of the water with Leon grabbing onto its mouth.

Electrical charges began to gather in his suit's gloves, it was a Shock attack at 100%. Oversized or not, the eel was fried into becoming sushi. Fortunately, he was careful enough to release the shock attack when he was above water or the whole lake including Octavia would have been fried too.


The eel then floated lifelessly on the water's surface, Leon then stood up, grabbed its jaw and began dragging it behind him with one hand towards the shore, looking absolutely badass.

Clarke shouted worriedly, "Octavia are you okay!"

She rushed along with the others to the awe-struck Octavia who was actually getting a different kind of wet.

As Leon got closer, Octavia said, "Thank you very much, you saved me! Um, what's your name?"

Finn, being the "man" he is, stood up to Leon and questioned, "Who are you!"

Everyone else also waited for his response, this man wearing a high-tech suit suddenly came out of nowhere and saved Octavia, for better or for worse, they wanted to know who he was.


Out of the bushes behind him came Stella in the female version of the same suit and headed for Leon, standing beside him. They were still wary of him but decided to wait, it was understandable they were a bit cautious.

At least they were until Stella stood next to me, so I patted her covered helmet and due to the height difference, it appeared as if she was my kid. Which seemed to make the group less wary of me.

I sent her a message right after.

Leon: [ I bet they think you're my daughter]

Stella: [Oh shut up! ಠ⁠ω⁠ಠ]

"I said who are you." Finn added again this time with a more threatening tone.

"Hey, what is wrong with you he just saved my life! It's fine even if he doesn't wanna talk!"

Said an angry Octavia.

"Does he even understand us? I mean look at his suit, I've never seen anything like it even on the ark" stated Monty.

"Can you understand us?" Asked Clarke taking the lead and standing Infront of Finn.

Leon and Stella nodded. They thought it would be cool to act as the mysterious couple Lincoln style. This way was way more fun than outright telling them and would guarantee they didn't reveal too much.

Seeing them nodd, she continued on "Then who are you? Why did you save Octavia?"

Leon then approached Octavia, prompting Finn to approach blocking his path, only for him to be pushed aside by Octavia who wanted to meet her savior.

Leon then pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear and stared at her. Which made Jasper jealous "He's probably ugly, that's why he wears the mask!"

Smirking, Leon pressed a bitten two the side of the helmet opening its front latch and revealing his face and hair.

As soon as they saw his face, they all blatantly stared. Although his skin wasn't magically perfect, skin care of 2052 came a long way and his skin appeared almost flawless. His face was the definition of charm and his thin lips enhanced his looks.

But what made them sink in so deeply into his face were his eyes that appeared out of this world. The cybernetic eye was mesmerizing, it was unique and one could simply stare forever without getting bored.

Closing his helmet again, the group went out of their stupor. "Well Helloooo handsome"

"Cool!!" Jasper appeared more impressed than anything.

Octavia playfully and seductively stuck up to him and traced his helmet, even Clarke silently blushed but tried her best to hide it.

"What about your companion, who is she your daughter?" Said Finn in suspicion.

Leon shook his head and arrived near Stella then held her tightly by the waist as she leaned into his embrace.

Seeing this, Clarke and Octavia were visibly upset while Finn uttered a secret sigh of relief. Oh poor Finn, he doesn't know he lost the moment he met Leon.

Monty however was more curious about the exotic eyes, "What kind of eyes do you have? I've never seen anything like it."

Again, no response, he just thought they couldn't speak and gave up on it, unbeknownst to him, Leon was currently laughing his ass off with Stella after he showed off his face.

Leon: [You should appreciate my charm more, look how they all stared~]

Stella: [Tsk, shut up you narcissistic son of a --]

Leon: [Oh~ Is my dear Stella jealous? Don't worry I'll share.]

Stella: [Hmph]

Leon: [Alright come on now, we can't delay the guests]

Since they didn't hear this conversation, all they saw was Leon looking at his 'daughter' which made her come up next to him.

Gesturing for the to continue, Octavia asked happily, "You wanna come along?"

He nodded.

"Absolutely not! We don't even know where he came from, for all we know he could be planning to kill us all!" Finn was firmly against it.

"I say let him come, he saved Octavia, and we have no reason to believe he would harm us." Refuted Clarke.

"I agree with Clarke" said Monty, who was seconded by Jasper beside him.

Having no choice, Finn relented and the couple was allowed to come along.

On the way, an unlikely bond formed between Jasper and Leon when he offered Jasper some of the Pepsi Stella brought along. Making Jasper instantly warm up to him, truly the way to a man's heart is through his belly.

Leon then started his plan of getting friendly with everyone. Monty asked him about how he killed the water Eel, whose carcass was left by the lake to be picked up on their way back, and Leon showed him his gloves and gave him a friendly shock at 5%, which didn't hurt at all, but made his hair stand in a funny way which made everyone laugh.

An unlikely bond also happened between Octavia and Stella, with the former asking yes or no questions to easily communicate with Stella, Stella too was overjoyed for both talking to her favorite character and making her first friend.

For Clarke, Leon didn't stay still and prepared something special, he took out multiple pieces of paper and a charcoal pencil from one of his many pocket compartments that he prepared beforehand.

Clarke was surprised, "You know how to draw?"

Leon nodded and began drawing none other than Clarke. In truth, Leon knew jack shit about drawing however he used his eyes to create an imaginary translucent image on the paper then all he had to do was trace over it, appearing like a master painter in the process.

His speed and precise markings impressed Clarke quite a lot as she too got thrilled and began to draw a sketch of him, his suit at least. They kept drawing different things together until they reached the river. On the way, Finn was visibly irritated but remained silent.

When they reached the Riverbed, the atmosphere was much more friendly and it seemed everyone finally warmed up to the couple, some more than others.

Leon and Stell got serious, because this is where Jasper was attacked in the show, while Stella hadn't watched the show, Leon informed her about every detail and plot point beforehand.

Time to prepare for another force that will be the main 'ark' of season 1, The Grounders.


See what I did there~

0. Isolation Level. [S-Model Storage]

1. Garage, Air filtration System

2. Common Area, Assembly Area, Lounge and bar

3. Cafeteria and food court.

4. Library, School, fitness centre, Pool

5. Command Centre, Monitoring, surveillance

6. Medical Facilities


7. 300 Luxury Units

8. 300 Luxury Units

9. 300 Luxury Units


From level 10 to 37 are 1,000 Normal units per level. For a total of 28,000 units.



39. Fire suppression, maintenance, sewage and water treatment.

40. Leon's Private Floor

41. Firing Range, Weapon and ammunition Storage

42. The Garden (Flowers, fruits)

43. Hydrofarm, hydroponic food production

Deep freezer, food storage.

44. Livestock and animals, bees, Harvesting Chamber

45. Storage

46. Water Storage and Supply.

47. Cryogenic Chambers

48 Electrical Control and Data Center(servers)

B-model, Modelled after 2B automata.

==There is a total of 10 numbered B-1 to B-10 specialized in combat. They are to act as an elite unit for a wide variety of jobs.

C-model, Modelled after an Atomic heart female.

==There are a total of 100 of them numbered C-1 to C-100. They are maintenance androids who take care of the farms, livestock and clean as well as repair the Bunker's floors and facilities.

S-model, security and army combat droid.

==There are a total of 1000 of them numbered S-0001 to S-1000. They look like a completely white ironman, and are responsible for security and maintaining order as well as acting as a proper army should the need arise. They have a single hive mind which enables their coordination to reach unprecedented levels.