Cracks All Around

A rock flew through a dark expanse, going at a neck breaking speed, orbiting a round a much larger rock made of smaller rocks that had completed the seemingly endless laps around it and become one.

However, as other rocks reached their destination, that one lonely rock never did, moving slightly away and sometime a slight bit further, it appeared as though it remained at the same distance on average.

At the thought of being stuck in this loop forever, gaining more and more speed without ever being able to reach its goal, the rock shuddered, it was terrified at the prospect of never joining its peers but it was only for an instant.

Looking at them merged into the larger rock, it saw no peers but a single entity it felt different from itself, it wasn't being left out after all.

'I am not like them, I am above, better!' thought the wretch as he opened his eyes.

Not paying any attention to the dream he had been having regularly ever since he was born, the monster contorted his body and pressed his head lightly against the planks in front of him, a small gap in them allowed him a clear sight of a sleeping member of the cattle.

The smooth skinned beast had stayed awake for far too long last night, seemingly feeling uncomfortable about something, he had seemingly felt the wretch's gaze and heard bits of his breathing at times.

Or so assumed the monster as the man had listened in his walls, proclaimed something outloud while raising his fist, punched the wall, hurt himself in the process and then went to bed anyways.

Quite the curious creature those bipedal beings were, were they monsters? Simple animals? Something else perhaps?

The wretch would have probably known their name had he not been utterly focused while stabbing some of them in the throat, not that their moniker mattered.

Too absorbed by the antics of the creature, the wretch had fallen asleep as well but had still awoken before the beast, they were slothful at that...

He made his way through the thin space behind the wall, nearly all of the houses seemed to have spaces everywhere in them, behind the walls, under the floor and even above the ceiling, some had even had some rooms up there, although most had seemed completely unused and filled with some cobwebs, whose resisdents had been unceremoniously devoured by the wretch.

He still remembered the satisfying tickling of their legs when he swallowed them alive, their desperate attempt to escape was quite amusing.

The purple eyed monser made sure to not make a sound, although it was unavoidable for some to be made, pieces of woods and iron littered the ground for some unknown reason and dust was everywhere, threatening to cause the handsome wretch to sneeze at full force.

Still, no matter how much of a blunder he made, the soft skinned wasn't pulled out of his reveries, the lack of awareness was truly laughable!

Pushing his nimble frame further and further, the wretch soon found himself in complete darkness, he had found himself able to slightly discern shapes even during the night after his evolution but without any source of light, there was nothing to discern at all.

Still, the monster was curious, he was going further and further from anything related to the any houses, no rooms were to be seen and the walls had shifted to stone and it felt like he was descending now.

The wretch sound found himself in a larger room, where he didn't need to contort in ways that would make nearly anything else wince in pain instinctively.

He still couldn't see anything however, he fumbled his way through the darkness, he didn't notice any sounds, apart from some echoes of distant footsteps coming from above and the occasional sound of something splashing.

Not noticing anything dangerous, not that he could sense much thing if they weren't actively making their presence known.

He made his way toward the place the splashing was coming from, hitting against walls and stumbing his toes a few too many times before finally arriving at his destination, he saw light as well.

A small hole let out some light, he squeezed his head through, the sign that he could have gone through this hole if he wished to and looked up.

Only to be rudely struck in the head by a bucket.

'Skra!' he yelped as he pulled his head back in.

Clearly noticing that the bucket had hit something as well as the sound of what sounded like a rat sized cockroach to her ears.

The girl that had attempted to get water from the well looked down and saw nothing, she thought nothing much of it and just resumed, their was only a single bucket for this well and there was only one well in this whole village, she had to hurry before people complained.

The wretch rubbed his forehead, not enjoying the fact that he had been struck in the slightest, although the stinging sensation of the small injury felt strangely nice as he pushed against it, he didn't forgive what had happened.

"I'll track you! You little mongrel!" he spoke out loud, only nonsensical noises echoed in the dark corridors as he rose his fist in the air, making a solemn promise of revenge.

'Anyways, I need some light...' he quickly moved on for now and thought about what to do.

How does one get 'light'? That was a question he pondered, to answer it, he decided to peep on some of the cattle for a while.

Not all of them seemed to have the same manner of doing things, at first, he figured that the one that was most used was probably the most reliable but remembering that he himself, was one of a kind and clearly, superior to all others, he set his eyes on the source of light that only a single of the beasts possessed.

He seemed to have acquired it recently as he had been showing it off, looking proud about it, unlike the other method, with used some sort of fire to light up some sort of melting stick or light something in a box, this man had the box but with yellowy crystal inside, which always gave off some light.

The wretch observed the man in his den for a long while, living off the scraps of food he left behind, or just serving himself in the food stocks directly, the man never suspected a thing apparently, the monster guessed so as the man hadn't teared down his walls and floor at all.

They kept speaking to one another and to themselves sometimes but the wretch understood none of it, it would certainly be easier if he could!

Anyhow, after careful observation as well as scratching the walls as the inhabitants of the den were on the verge of falling asleep, he determined that nothing was necessary to keep that thing going, he could thus, steal it without any issue.

Stealing it was another issue that he took some more time to solve as this den didn't have loose floorboards nor did it have cracks wide enough for the wretch to fit through, so it had to go through the outside.

He entered through one of those holes they had in their dens for unknown reasons and took his due, running in the dead of the night in the village.

Though, after bringing back his new possession, the wretch sneaked through the underground again just to see the reaction from the previous owner.

He felt like it would be worth watching.