Drake Oakborne

Unbeknownst to Calvin, the patriarch of the Oakborne family, a hidden threat lurked within the confines of his own household.

A spy, planted by the Evergreen family, had infiltrated the Oakborne family's ranks, gathering information and reporting back to Ronnie, the rival patriarch.

Under cover of darkness, the spy discreetly slipped out of the Oakborne residence, making their way through the dimly lit streets of Stonewood City.

Their footsteps echoed against the cobblestones, a silent testament to their treacherous intent.

The spy reached their rendezvous point, a secluded corner where Ronnie, the cunning mastermind, awaited their report.

Ronnie's eyes narrowed as he listened intently, absorbing every detail of the information.

The spy's betrayal served as a confirmation of his suspicions regarding the Oakborne family's actions.