Manipulation of people's hearts, Japan's thought murder case: 64-year-old woman's plan to kill 10 people with a knife

In 2011, Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.

The police station, which was as quiet as usual, suddenly received a rush of phone ringing...

" Please hurry up! This family is dying!"

" A serious case involving human life, hurry up!"

The police immediately dispatched troops. According to the location reported by the neighbors, in the rented warehouse, a body was found poured into an iron bucket with cement. The deceased was the long-lost 66-year-old female Oe Kazuko.

Homicide cases are rare in Amagasaki City, but they are also common in Japan.

The police thought it was just an ordinary murder case, and planned to visit the victim's family, only to find something was wrong when they went there.

This family was almost " destroyed", and Oeko Kazuko was murdered and abused to death by his family.

The police were terrified. After in-depth investigation, it was discovered that it was not the murderer who killed Oeko Kazuko, and all six members of Oeko's family were victims.

The most suspected murderer turned out to be an irrelevant stranger—the 64-year-old lady Miyoko Kakuda!

How on earth did this old lady do it?

How can a good family kill each other?

With the investigation of the police, a serial manipulative murder case that had been sealed for 25 years surfaced.

7 families were completely destroyed, 8 people were killed and 3 people were missing.

Wife and daughter turned against each other, and relatives tortured and killed each other. Not only obediently handed over their property and houses to others, but also obeyed the murderer.

Kakuda Miyoko never did anything herself, she borrowed a knife to kill people, and gained everything just by manipulation.

This is the most bizarre case in Japanese history-the Abandonment of Amagasaki Murder.

The question is, how did she, at 64, destroy so many families?


" Cemented Corpse"

This was Miyoko Kakuda's last case before her arrest, and the one that best exemplifies her ability to charm people.

After reviewing a lot of information, I will show you how Kakuda Miyoko destroyed her family step by step, harvested property, and killed people with a knife.

After sorting out the case materials, besides lamenting the fragility of human nature, I also have to admit that Miyoko's methods are so sophisticated and her criminal psychology is complicated.

This case is very high-level. After reading it, I believe you will have a better understanding of human nature.

The last victim was the 66-year-old woman mentioned at the beginning, Oe Kazuko.

A police officer who investigated said with emotion: " If the Dajiang family hadn't met her, maybe they would grow old in peace and happiness."

But fate is always weird, you can't predict which time you meet with a stranger, you will be doomed.

Oe's family is a very ordinary working family. The six members of the family live on the land under the name of Oe Kazuko. Not yet married, the family life is plain and happy.

In 2003, Oe's family decided to renovate the old house for Kazuko's retirement, so they built a three-story building in the name of their son-in-law Kawamura.

A day in April 2009.

Kawamura, who went to work on the Hankyu subway as usual, suddenly heard an exclamation from the carriage.

Kawamura hurried over, and when the door was about to close, he dragged the stuck baby carriage and the anxious Miyoko out of danger.

" This is a life-saving grace, please come to my house, I personally thank you!"

Kawamura waved his hand in embarrassment, thinking it was his duty.

But Miyoko was very sincere, and couldn't resist the warm invitation, so Kawamura went to Miyoko's home as a guest.

At this time, Kawamura has not realized that this will be the beginning of his eternal doom in the future.

With the unique kindness and superb communication skills of the elderly, Miyoko then maintained a pleasant relationship with Kawamura.

" Saving a baby's life is a big deal, and I can't thank you enough!"

With Miyoko's enthusiasm, Kawamura was invited to visit her home at least 20 times. The two gradually chatted like friends, and Kawamura's work gradually revealed to Miyoko.

Miyoko had a plan in mind.

On the grounds that the mismanagement of the subway caused the passenger's baby to be caught, she filed a claim for compensation to Kawamura's work unit, Hankyu Subway.

The reason is justified, and Miyoko has the audacity to make things big if he doesn't solve it, which makes Kawamura and his boss very headache.

As a last resort, the boss agreed to compensate 30,000 yen in the name of the company. Seeing the availability of the matter, Miyoko took advantage of the victory and pursued it. He immediately used a threatening tone and asked for 200,000 yen in compensation.

" You guys have to think clearly, otherwise I will make a big fuss and let your company executives know!"

The timid Kawamura wanted to calm things down, so under the disapproving eyes of his boss, he made a promise to Miyoko:

" I really can't get 200,000, or I will pay you 180,000 yen, and I will give you 90,000 yen each time."

Like most people, in the eyes of Miyoko, Kawamura, who just wants to solve this kind of nonsense incidents and only wants to solve them privately, is an excellent prey.

Miyoko knew that Kawamura would definitely treat her coldly if she made such a fuss. In order to get closer, she explained the reason for doing this to the Kawamura couple at the dinner table in the name of treating guests to dinner.

The Kawamura couple also have two daughters. They are both parents, and they can understand each other's feelings. The three of them ate this meal happily.

Miyoko has very superb social skills. With her magical charm and conversation, she quickly won the favor of the Kawamura couple and maintained a friendship for the next 8 months.

However, this is just the calm before the storm. Miyoko is like a snake, waiting for the opportunity to move, and she is very patient with her prey.

The year-long friendship made the Kawamura couple lose their wariness towards Miyoko.

Kawamura is also used to chatting with Miyoko after work, and occasionally complains to Miyoko about her dissatisfaction in her family and workplace. Miyoko gently expresses her understanding and enlightens him, while silently thinking:

" What a poor guy, let's start with him."

So Miyoko found a suitable opportunity and lent Kawamura 20,000 yen, never mentioning the repayment of the money, and expressed that she wanted to invite the Kawamura couple to dinner.

After that, Miyoko and the Kawamura couple often had dinner together on weekends. The meals were paid by Miyoko, and they never mentioned AA, which made the Kawamura couple treat themselves every time by default.

In the process of getting along, Miyoko conquered the Kawamura couple with her personal charm, and her favorability was already full.

Seeing that the time had come, Miyoko started the first round of action.

She calculated the meal expenses for several meals, and after confirming that the amount was too large for the other party to afford, she asked the Kawamura couple for the previous loan and AA meal expenses. Miyoko knew that the other party would not refuse her request because she was embarrassed.

Those who owed money were always submissive, so the status of the Kawamura couple and Miyoko changed. The guilty Kawamura couple couldn't afford so much money at one time, so they could only kneel down and apologize to Miyoko in the park, and Miyoko also borrowed money. The Kawamura couple punched and kicked, expressing their disappointment with their family.

He also persuaded Kawamura to quit his unprofitable job and leave this troublesome family that asked him to spend money everywhere.

Even if Miyoko went too far, after all, the Kawamura couple had a wrongdoing first, so they could only swallow their anger.

Kawamura had the idea of opening a cafe, Miyoko knew about it, and she promised Kawamura:

" You go ahead and do it, I'll take care of the land matter! A big man, don't be a mother-in-law, make a decision quickly!"

Sure enough, the encouraged Kawamura came home and told his wife that he was going to quit his job and open a cafe to make a lot of money.

His wife thinks he has mental problems, and there are two daughters at home, so he can't take such a risk.

Kawamura was thrown a bucket of cold water, and his relationship with his wife became worse and worse. After work, he went to Miyoko to talk about his troubles.

Seeing that the relationship between the couple was stiff, Miyoko seized this opportunity to further lead Kawamura to be dissatisfied with his family:

" Get away from that woman who doesn't support you! You two are simply not suitable!"

On PUA, Miyoko is really good at it. While soothing Kawamura's heart with her identity as a perfect lover, she fanned the flames and made him resign quickly .

In April 2010, Kawamura resigned from his 20-year iron job and bet his hopes for the rest of his life on Miyoko.

The cheerful Kawamura must have never imagined that his life would be ruined by being unkind and not knowing people well.

To celebrate his resignation, Miyoko gave Kawamura a batch of high-end coffee tableware, which made Kawamura grateful.

One side is a wife who doesn't understand and complains about you, and the other side is a perfect lover who supports your dreams. If it were you, how would you choose?

The answer is obvious.

Kawamura was completely fascinated by Miyoko. He gave Miyoko 9 million yen in resignation compensation from the company, millions of yen in loans, and even real estate under his own name to Miyoko for opening a cafe.

Miyoko, who got a huge amount of property, happily moved into Kawamura's house and began to live with Oe Kazuko's family.

Miyoko's ambition is far more than that, what she wants is to squeeze everyone dry!

So Miyoko has already successfully destroyed the family drama countless times, and it was staged at Oe's house.

After reading the plan of the perfect surrogate, I speculate that she must have excellent insight into the heart, excellent communication skills, know how to interrogate prisoners, and understand the dark side of human nature very well. It is as skillful as it has been done hundreds of times.

The first step of Miyoko's plan: stripping out the opposition.

Let the young couple turn against each other first, and start to leverage the family relationship from the children.

Miyoko couldn't understand her assertive wife Hiromi very much. For more than a year, she secretly instilled the idea that Hiromi was not a good mother to Kawamura's two daughters. Compared with the strict mother, the daughters naturally prefer the talkative Miyoko.

Taking advantage of her lover, she also continued to instill bad things about his wife in Kawamura. Miyoko, who has the dominant position in the family, called everyone to hold a family meeting to discuss the Kawamura couple's divorce.

The two daughters have long been dissatisfied with their mother. While watching the show, they expressed that they want Miyoko to be a mother.

Miyoko forced his wife Hiromi to give up custody and divorced Kawamura.

Controlling a family's finances is like choking a snake by its seven inches. In order to settle the meaningless resistance, Miyoko called his cousin Li Zhengze ( an accomplice who was later arrested). Li Zhengze, a strong man in his 30s, worshiped the Japanese underworld since he was a child, and helped Miyoko use violence to control the family.

Normally speaking, if it's just a robbery, Miyoko, who has already taken away the family's property, should stop.

Greed for money is only Miyoko's superficial motive, what she really wants is far more than that.

What she wants is an experiment, a massacre called human nature.

With the power of the underworld, the six members of Dajiang's family no longer dared to resist.

Miyoko skillfully treats the family as criminals, strictly controlling everyone's diet, work and rest, and even going to the toilet for 16 hours a day requires her consent.

Mind control + violent assistance, almost no one can withstand this double oppression.

Although his wife Hiromi divorced Kawamura, she was still trapped at home by Miyoko. Her only sister, Xiang Ai, who had contact with the outside world, was threatened by Miyoko with her family, and had to turn against her fiance and resign from the company.

Since then, the family has completely cut off contact with the outside world, without any income, and can only live by Miyoko's winks.

Miyoko uses the experience she has accumulated in her previous life to further deepen family conflicts.

The second step of the plan: the collapse of trust.

Miyoko started her experiment on human nature, dismantling the family's seemingly unbreakable relationship of trust.

Disintegrating love and family affection, she seems to want to verify something.

How did she turn her family, who had lived for more than ten years, into enemies in an instant?

The method is simple and rude, and those who are disobedient will be beaten until they are obedient.

Miyoko asked his wife Hiromi to abuse her two children in front of the family, but Hiromi refused to agree and was beaten crazily.

After the wife had no choice but to agree, Miyoko laughed at the two children and their mother as a covetous person, and the two children hated their mother even more.

Miyoko, who has a capricious personality, suddenly slapped Hiromi in a rage and announced to the whole family that only she has the right to beat anyone.

The frightened family trembled under Miyoko's extreme character and dared not make her angry easily.

Miyoko, who knew that if she wanted to disintegrate her family, she could only start from the inside, encouraged everyone to tell the truth, and anyone who was accused would be severely beaten. For a while, everyone stared at each other cautiously.

Miyoko understands human nature very well, she wants to subtly influence this family, make them completely enslaved, and target each other.

In April 2011, the first domesticated human appeared.

Kawamura had the closest relationship with Miyoko, and had maintained an ambiguous relationship. After being disciplined by Miyoko, the violent factor in his body awakened.

Kawamura always believes that he is different in Miyoko's heart, and he wants to prove to Miyoko that he is trustworthy.

A family under strict guard will be beaten even if they doze off. Miyoko found out that his wife had secretly hidden a piece of chocolate and beat his wife angrily. After Kawamura saw it, he also joined the ranks of beating his wife in order to show his loyalty.

He threw his fist at his wife and shouted:

" Hiromi, you should die of rebellion! Obediently listen to Miyoko!"

Miyoko fanned the flames:

" You can't do this, use your strength!"

After hearing this, Kawamura beat his wife harder, completely shattering his wife's expectations, and the friendship between the two disappeared.

Kawamura, who has become Miyoko's right-hand man, has changed from a caretaker to a caretaker of the family.

The family's determination to secretly plan to resist at first, and the mutual trust relationship gradually disappeared.

If there was a slight possibility of resistance in this family before, it has completely become Miyoko's plaything by now.

The cruelest part of Miyoko's character was completely exposed.

The third step of the plan: slavish stimulation.

The Oe family, who had been abused for a long time, gradually developed a Stockholm mentality. Miyoko saw the signs and made the violence control more stringent. She knew that she was about to succeed.

Miyoko began to make everyone reflect on herself. Under violent detention, she wrote down her mistakes and read them to them. She was locked in a small black room and beat them with a special " punishment stick". The beaten people were covered in blood and almost disfigured. . In addition, Miyoko also belittled their self-esteem, making Oe's family on the verge of collapse.

Miyoko was extremely satisfied, the pleasure of controlling other people's personality was the greatest happiness she had obtained in the first half of her life.

It has only been two years since Miyoko came into contact with the Oe family, and she has completely controlled the family.

In July 2011, Miyoko's desire was getting bigger and bigger. She also wanted to get the ownership of Oe's family's land, and the ownership belonged to Oe Kazuko, who is over 60 years old.

So she conducted an obedience test on Dajiang Hezi and asked her to jump off the building voluntarily, but Dajiang Hezi refused.

This was not just a rejection of self-preservation, but also a humiliation to Miyoko's brilliant record. Since then, Oe Kazuko has become the target of family gang fights under Miyoko's targeting.

Miyoko supervised Kazuko more strictly:

I can only eat two meals a day, and go to the toilet twice a day. Since mid-August, I have been drinking less than 500cc of water a day, and even sleep is restricted.

Whenever Kazuko didn't comply, he was beaten by Miyoko's right-hand man, former son-in-law Kawamura.

Under the control of Miyoko, the family gradually formed a pyramid structure, with Miyoko having the highest power at the top.

Below Miyoko is the obedient son-in-law Kawamura, then below is his wife Hiromi and sister Xiangai, and at the bottom is the old mother Oe Kazuko. Everyone has the right to beat Kazuko to protect herself.

The sound insulation effect of houses in Japan is not very good. After the neighbors heard the screams, they called the police many times, but they were never taken seriously by the police.

The old mother and son couldn't stand the years of abuse at all, so the first victim of the family was born.

Summer 2011, 9 p.m.

The whole family beat and kicked Kazuko in a nearby park. The beating was named by Miyoko: the family outlet. The beating had been going on for 20 minutes until the neighbors saw it and called the police. When the police arrived, the beating had been going on for 20 minutes.

The most brilliant thing about Miyoko is that she knows that if she wants to completely cut off the family's desire to call the police, she must let everyone's hands be stained with blood and turn into grasshoppers on a rope.

She wants to use the hands of this family to kill the disobedient Hezi.

On September 11, 2011, under the instructions of Miyoko, the family of four beat Kazuko who was asleep again. The 66-year-old Kazuko Oe was beaten to death by her daughters.

After Kazuko's death, Miyoko decided to fake suicide, and asked Kawamura to write a family suicide note, leaving all land, property, and houses to Miyoko.

Miyoko is also very experienced in handling corpses. She immediately soaked the dead Kazuko in the bathtub of the apartment with ice water.

And immediately ordered Kawamura to buy an iron bucket, fill the body with cement and discard it in the abandoned warehouse.

Everyone is the murderer who killed Kazuko with their own hands, no one can escape, no one will call the police, this makes Miyoko completely at ease.

Her older sister, Kaai, feels guilty about her mother's death, which also annoys Miyoko.

Xiangai takes Hezi's position and is targeted by the whole family.

On October 30, 2011, Kawamura and Miyoko bound and imprisoned Kaa in a car near their apartment, leaving her to fend for herself.

Xiangai, who was lucky enough to escape, fled to Osaka alone, and gradually returned to a normal life incognito.

Seeing this, do you think Xiangai really escaped?

The answer is no, Miyoko will never let go of any opportunity to exploit loopholes.

After Xiangai escaped, she immediately ran to the police station to report the crime, crying and saying:

" My important family member is missing, please let the police know as soon as they have news!"

Unaware of the police, they informed Miyoko of the news that Xiangai had changed her driver's license in Osaka.

This time, Xiang Ai, who was taken home, never escaped alive again.

Kawamura threw Xiangai's body into the sea and was arrested by the police. Afterwards, Miyoko and the family were all arrested.

Due to long-term dietary restriction, his wife Hiromi was on the verge of starving to death when she was arrested. She weighed only 70 kilograms, and Kawamura also lost 70 kilograms.

Even if the evidence is solid, Kawamura still claimed his innocence on the grounds that he was confused by Miyoko and lost his mind during the trial, but there are signs that he always has a clear mind.

Both the police and the judge are curious about Miyoko, who has incredible criminal abilities.

Unfortunately, after being arrested, Miyoko committed suicide in the detention center.

The investigators once asked the family what they thought of Miyoko.

Kawamura said that although Miyoko destroyed her home, her favor to herself was actually greater.

When Xiangai was still alive, she never thought of judging Miyoko, but regretted beating her mother even more.

It seems that even if Miyoko was arrested, the family could not escape from the spirit of domination, and even fell into some kind of worship of Miyoko.

The Oe family is the last case committed by Miyoko in the past 25 years. The unimaginable but interlocking modus operandi is skillful and exquisite.

After consulting a lot of information, I found that Miyoko was just an ordinary woman in her early days.

How did Miyoko master these abilities and become a top murderer who " manipulated human nature" step by step?


" Miyoko Kakuda with a mysterious charm"

What is the origin of this mysterious Kakuda Miyoko?

Looking at her early life experience, we can see how a cold-blooded perverted murderer is formed step by step.

In 1948, Miyoko and her younger sister Sanedo were born in an unhappy family in Amagasaki City. Their parents often quarreled, and their father was a very powerful local contractor.

Around the 1960s, many manual laborers in Japan came to work in Amagasaki. My father let the workers live in his own home and took 40% of their hard-earned money . ", to train the migrant workers to be " obedient and obedient".

Miyoko realized that people can be manipulated from the experience she had been exposed to since she was a child.

When she was in middle school, her parents decided to divorce, and Miyoko and her younger sister had to live between their parents without a fixed place.

The parents who broke up as soon as they said goodbye, and the indifferent family atmosphere, accompanied her through her entire teenage years, and also planted the seeds of distrust in her heart.

At that time, she was just in the rebellious stage, and girls in the rebellious stage always seemed to want to prove something.

After graduating from junior high school, Miyoko, who wanted to live like an adult, moved in with her ex-husband.

On April 10, 1972, 23-year-old Miyoko and her ex-husband registered their marriage and devoted themselves to being a housewife.

At that time, like thousands of ordinary women, she lived an ordinary life and took care of the family after marriage, but she also had her own persistence, that is, she was determined not to have children.

What kind of personality do you think she should have for such a woman?

The ex-husband who lived together for 10 years said that Miyoko is just a very timid woman, and she will cry when she is angry.

" One time I went home and got lost on the subway at Kyobashi Station. She was afraid of getting lost and was waiting for me on the platform crying."

The ex-husband couldn't believe that this timid woman would become the murderer who shocked Japan.

It was the following experience that made Miyoko change amazingly.

Marriage didn't actually bring Miyoko what she wanted...

Just 2 years later, Miyoko, who divorced her ex-husband, opened a porn bar by herself and introduced exciting special services.

The bar staff is mixed, so Miyoko gets acquainted with the local underworld group, and as long as she pays the protection fee, she will be covered.

The friends in the underworld gave her a great sense of peace of mind, as long as there was a disturbance in the store, Miyoko would call someone to deal with it immediately.

More and more customers were settled, and Miyoko was immersed in the pleasure of this violent submission. Long-term contact with the underworld allowed her to secretly learn the methods of the underworld to suppress others and use violence to break up resistance.

As the proprietress of a porn bar, Miyoko also gradually learned the skills to seduce men. After understanding the psychology of men, her communication skills became more and more sophisticated.

Miyoko, whose life is getting more and more regular, plays the electronic gambling game " Pachinko" during the day, and hangs out with friends in the underworld at night. No one dares to provoke her.

In the Amagasaki Kase area, Miyoko, who is "not easy to mess with", gradually became famous, and some people even asked her to come forward to settle some neighborhood disputes .

This kind of life continued for 15 years. When Miyoko was 40 years old, the porn bar was closed for unknown reasons.

After consulting a lot of information, I analyzed that during the process of contacting the underworld, Miyoko found that the underworld made money quickly and did not need to pretend to be with customers, and could enjoy a high status, so she simply joined the underworld.

In the years since the porn bar was closed, Miyoko seemed to have disappeared from the world. No one knew exactly where she had been until she committed the first crime and started her capture plan.

It was not until after being arrested and imprisoned that the true appearance of the 64-year-old Miyoko gradually became known to us from the mouths of the inmates.

The woman who lived with Miyoko for two weeks in a shared prison said she had a complex personality:

" Sometimes crying at night, talking to himself, is an unpredictable person."

Later, there was a prisoner who was imprisoned in the detention center for killing his own son. Miyoko actually reminded the woman:

" That woman has a brain problem, she even killed her own son, don't talk to her, be careful."

The normal three views and the unexpectedly heart-warming Miyoko, under the huge contrast of " genocide-like tragedy", even the prisoners in the same room can have a good impression of her.

Perhaps, it was the years of opening a pornographic bar that allowed Miyoko to master the skills of getting closer to people quickly.

What kind of person is Kakuda Miyoko? What is her inner thoughts like?

Kaoru Takamura, one of Japan's three major reasoning writers, believes that Miyoko has the shadow of an ordinary woman's loneliness after field investigation. A person who is numb to everything.

From being a pornographic bar owner to committing suicide in a detention center, Miyoko has always been sober. She has clear goals, knows what she wants, and doesn't care about morality, law or even human nature. Her character has a negative and pessimistic side from beginning to end.

After being arrested, Miyoko complained to the prison guards many times:

" There's no point in living anymore. I really want to commit suicide. When will I die?"

Eventually, on the eve of her trial, she hanged herself in the detention facility using a futon and a rope made of clothes, leaving everything to posterity.

How did Miyoko Kakuda use her abilities to gradually become a " serial manipulative killer" that has amazed the whole world?


" Hashimoto Family Proving Ground"

The Hashimoto family was the first family that Miyoko tested the waters, and it was also the first " massacre of extermination".

At that time, Miyoko's methods were still very young, and it took her a lot of thought just to find a reason to invade the family relationship.

Through this case, perhaps we can find a trace of Miyoko Kakuda in the early days.

How did the Hashimoto family get targeted by Miyoko? This starts with Miyoko's own sister Sanedo.

In 1981, Miyoko used some means to confuse the eldest son of the Hashimoto family and moved into the Hashimoto family to live together. At the same time, Miyoko opened a pornographic bar in Amagasaki City.

In 2001, Miyoko married the eldest son of the Hashimoto family, and Miyoko became a relative of the Hashimoto family. At this time, Miyoko had closed the pornographic bar and joined the underworld organization.

The tragedy of the Hashimoto family was planned by Miyoko and her younger sister Sanedo.

Because the Hashimoto family is small, with only three members, it is very easy to control.

In 2005, Sanzhizi and her husband climbed a mountain, and when they were taking pictures, they repeatedly made her husband fall back and fall off the cliff. Sanzhizi subsequently obtained a huge amount of insurance compensation.

The two sisters felt that it was not enough, and Miyoko hoped to squeeze out all the property of the Hashimoto family, so the plan began.

After the eldest son of the Hashimoto family died, only the 71-year-old mother and the 54-year-old second son remained in the family. The sisters took care of them with violence and abused them for 6 years . Killed the old mother. In 2011, the only surviving second son of the Hashimoto family was also tortured and killed. The sisters put the body in an oil drum and mutilated it.

Because of the long history and no report record, this case was not filed by the police in the end, and it has been hidden until now.

Miyoko inherited all the inheritance of the Hashimoto family. Perhaps the crime was done so smoothly that even the police could not detect it. Miyoko seemed to have received great affirmation. She learned from her younger sister Miyoko and prepared to commit the crime alone.


" A Burning Funeral"

With the successful experience of the Hashimoto family, Miyoko felt that it was very feasible to destroy the family and occupy the property.

She began to continuously optimize her crime process, and also honed her PUA ability in each family. In the next two cases, Miyoko learned how to break down the trust relationship within the family, and she gradually mastered the ability to destroy the big family. Ability.

The unfortunate Mensie family and the Yokochi family became Miyoko's training tools.

These two families are huge, and both have a marriage relationship with Miyoko's family, and they are natural fertilizers in Miyoko's eyes.

At first, Ms. Chun, the aunt of the Mensie family, married into the Kakuda family and became Miyoko's aunt, but later divorced and returned to the Mensie family to live until she died of illness.

At Ms. Chun's funeral, Miyoko came uninvited. She expressed her dissatisfaction to the family association on the grounds that Ms. Chun's funeral was too simple.

Miyoko kept saying: the woman married to the Kakuda family is a member of the Kakuda family, and everyone present dared not speak out.

Not only the Menxie family but also the Hengdi family were present at the funeral.

Counting, the Hengdi family is the in-laws of the Menxie family, because Ms. Chun's sister, Ms. Xia, married the Hengdi family.

As a result, the dozen or so people present were overwhelmed by Miyoko's unrestrained behavior. Miyoko knocked on the table while criticizing the two families for their dishonesty.

" Chun is the one who married into our Kadota family! She is going to be buried with my uncle, and the funeral money and ashes, what are you going to do with it?"

The two families had never met such an arrogant person, and the funeral was indeed relatively simple, so everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

Miyoko observed the reactions of the two families, and continued her pressure.

In the next few days, she called the two families together, and called the juniors and daughters-in-law over for a family meeting.

At the meeting, Miyoko seemed to be looking for a breakthrough. At this time, Miyoko was still unskilled in sowing dissension.

She found that her children were unwilling to support Ms. Xia, and the two families naturally had internal strife.

Miyoko was very happy. She knew that Ms. Xia's son owed usury loans and could not repay, so she promised to help him deal with the debts, and used her financial strength to gain the right to speak in the two families.

During those years in the underworld, Miyoko knew a truth: first let others owe her, and then she can leverage a bigger cake.

So Miyoko, who settled the usury, began to frequently extort money from the two families. According to the investigation, in just two years, Miyoko took all the property into her pocket.

Things should end here, right?

However, Ms. Xia's third son couldn't repay the money that Miyoko lent him to repay the usury, so he ran away.

Miyoko is still worried about how to find the next breakthrough. With this incident, she suppressed the two families morally.

She began to try to apply the set of supervision methods used by the underworld to the family.

The underworld is good at interrogation, destroying a person's willpower with various forms of violence. Miyoko has learned these methods ten to ten.

While guarding and interrogating the two families violently, at the same time they selected two from the younger generation to adopt as adopted sons.

Neighbors have reported to the police many times, but they were all rejected by the police on the grounds that "conflicts within the family are not dealt with" .

Two poor families were torn apart amid endless abuse.

In 1999, Ms. Xia was tortured to death by her three sons. Miyoko has become very proficient in using borrowed knives to kill people.

Takeo Takeo of the door association plucked up the courage to surrender to the police station. The witnesses were afraid of Miyoko and did not dare to come forward. The family members did not dare to admit it because they participated in the murder of Ms. Xia. The last report ended in failure.

Once again, Miyoko easily escaped the punishment of the law. She was not convicted of killing two families in a row. Miyoko became more and more satisfied with her ability.

Her inflated self-confidence made the crimes more rampant.

" Which family should we start with next time? Let's have something more exciting!"


" An Exciting Blood Massacre"

After ruining three families in a row, Miyoko slowly found the knack and evolved into a skilled murderer.

She is very clear that the family that she can directly or indirectly connect with is the best food to be harvested.

Taking advantage of the weakness of the humane society, following the clues, one can always find the next family.

So she set her sights on her ex-husband's circle of friends, using the natural favor of relatives to get close to him.

Miyoko went from selecting a family to breaking into the interior, her speed was getting faster and faster, and her entry point became more and more precise and ruthless.

The Jieji family would never have imagined that an ordinary greeting would actually become an invitation from the God of Death.

Minyoshi's eldest son and Miyoko's ex-husband were alumni in middle school, and Miyoko quickly chatted with each other.

In 2001, the two met and kept in touch.

In 2002, Miyoko began to visit Minyoshi's home many times.

Remember at the beginning we introduced Miyoko's experience of opening a porn bar?

In this hunt, Miyoko used her old profession and her ability to charm men. She was skilled in business and charmed the eldest son of Minakishi, and invited the eldest and second son of Minakishi to live in her apartment.

It is worth mentioning that her apartment was originally the property of the Hashimoto family.

After the three lived together for 11 months, the eldest son of Miyoshi was bewitched by Miyoko and quit his job, and Miyoko also began to reveal his true nature.

The two brothers who came to their senses escaped successfully in 2007, changed their names and started a long-term escape.

With Miyoko's character, the other family members of Minyoshi's family can't let it go.

In 2003, the 87-year-old mother of the Minayoshi family who stayed at home was taken by Miyoko to Takamatsu City, Kagawa, where she was imprisoned and tortured to death, and her body was buried near the Tanimoto family in Takamatsu City.

The weird thing is.

Miyoko never does meaningless things, so why did she take the 87-year-old man all the way to Takamatsu, Kagawa?

After combing through a large number of cases, I found that Miyoko has become more and more skilled in manipulating the family. Not only has the speed of destroying the family accelerated, but her techniques and abilities have gradually matured.

It even started a two-line parallel, and in the process of " finishing" the previous family, it started a plan to destroy the next family.

That's right, Miyoko is looking for the next family while imprisoning the Minayoshi family.

She was no longer content to eat grass on the edge of the nest, she wanted to verify something bigger.

" stranger" family that Miyoko tried .

The Tanimoto family was the penultimate crime committed by Miyoko before she was arrested, which marked that Miyoko's crime methods were fully mature.

It can be scaled, batched, and highly efficient, and even the crime process has been fixed.

The Tanimoto family and the Oe family mentioned at the beginning are very ordinary ordinary people, and Kazumiyoko can be regarded as a stranger.

How to break up a strange family? After Miyoko thought about it day and night, she entered the family as a friend.

The kind and happy Tanimoto family of four never imagined that the family would be completely destroyed by this old woman who had a one-sided relationship in the future.

The information on the murder of the Tanimoto family by the police is not comprehensive. After reviewing a large amount of information, I will restore the most critical parts of the case.

Tanimoto 's family . Mr. Tanimoto and his wife Ms. First Generation have two daughters, the eldest daughter Molizi and the youngest daughter Rui.

No one would have imagined that after many years, the youngest daughter Ruyi would actually be the murderer who killed her elder sister Molizi.

Rui not only recognizes Miyoko as her mother, and obeys her, but also marries Miyoko's adopted son and becomes a complete accomplice.

In 2003, Miyoko frequented the Tanimoto family in Takamatsu City as a friend. In the morning, she talked and laughed happily with the Tanimoto family, and in the afternoon, she went to the house in Takamatsu City to abuse the old mother of the Minayoshi family.

With the fat meat of the Tanimoto family, Miyoko took it easy to finish the disposal of the property and destroy the corpses of the Minayoshi family.

From controlling the family to completely occupying the Tanimoto family's property, it took Miyoko less than half a year this time.

She brought 10 people from the society to the Tanimoto's house and lived there for half a year. She used violent means to drive the Tanimoto family to live on the second floor to prevent them from escaping.

Lock the women who have no ability to resist in the hut, and exert violence while exerting mental pressure:

" You should know what you are, you are a disgrace to society!"

She asked family members to write bad things about each other, mastered the contradictions between everyone, called the younger generations to talk alone, instilled bad things about the elders, and forced them to be loyal to her.

This family has become a scene where each other is restrained and targeted at each other. Miyoko has established a new order and does not need to take care of it herself.

Every morning, the Tanimoto family was forced to take out 200,000 yen in cash. In just half a year, Miyoko took away more than 20 million yen ( equivalent to about 1.2 million yuan).

She let her family members kill each other, took the juniors as hostages and threatened the elders to obey, and no one could resist.

But her elder sister, Jasmine, has a firm will and has not been brainwashed by Miyoko.

Mr. Tanimoto realized that with Miyoko's tight control, there was only one chance to call for help! He found the right time, pretended to quarrel with his wife, the first generation lady, and let Jasmine escape out of the chaos. The confused Jasmine was going to leave the city by train, but the train required identity registration, and Miyoko took her back on the grounds that her family ran away.

The older sister, Moliko, is not disobedient at all. Miyoko asks her completely brainwashed younger sister, Rui, to take her to an apartment in Amagasaki City and imprison her.

Ruyi abused Jasmine more and more, burning herself with guns and cigarette butts was commonplace.

The neighbor had called the police as many as 36 times. Like the victims of other cases, the police refused to investigate because they could not file a case if they were not the victims themselves.

Like Dajiang Xiangai, Jasmine was lucky enough to escape. She came to Osaka, concealed her identity, and started a new life. Because she was also involved in the abuse of her family, she refused to call the police.

Jasmine's peaceful life lasted for 2 years and 11 months.

December 2006.

Also because of the change of driver's license, the police notified Miyoko of Jasmine's whereabouts. Jasmine was arrested again by her sister who had come all the way, and was brutally tortured to death.

Miyoko embezzled all the property of the Tanimoto family, took away a daughter who was the head of the family, and killed Tanimoto's wife and eldest daughter before Miyoko was completely satisfied.

In the same year, Miyoko set her sights on the unrelated Oe family...

After sorting out all the cases, I found that Miyoko was not able to commit such a perfect crime from the beginning.

She had trials and mistakes, but because she firmly grasped the psychology of the victim's family, took advantage of the loopholes of the police and the law, escaped again and again, and perfected the criminal methods, she became a grown-up 7 tragedies in 25 years.

Behind the 7 cases, Miyoko is also different from ordinary serial murderers.

She obviously came here for the property, but she forced the families who had no economic value after being squeezed dry one by one to death.

It seems that it is some kind of pleasure for her to pierce the superficial harmony between human nature. Watching family members suspect each other may be one of her motives for committing crimes.

What kind of mood did Miyoko commit the crime?

What is her real motive? With Miyoko committing suicide after being arrested, it is no longer known.


" Final Judgment and Ending"

On 25 September 2013, the last case was heard in Kobe.

For 25 years, at least 7 families have been completely wiped out. The " mind serial murder case" has finally come to an end.

Members of the family who were directly or indirectly involved in the homicide were convicted to varying degrees.

The Kagawa Prefectural Police Department, which ignored the family's 36 calls to the police, also publicly admitted its inadequacy. Because the case shocked Japanese society, the Hyogo Prefectural Police and the Kagawa Prefectural Police established a new department to analyze the help inquiries received by each police station.

Japan has also issued relevant policies for disputes between relatives and neighbors.

The media have speculated on Miyoko Kakuda's motives for committing the crime, but there is still a lot of fog.

Perhaps, from the perspective of case organizers, we seem to be able to see some key information that has been ignored, and try to analyze and restore those hidden truths.


" Crime Analysis"

Earlier we talked about Kakuda Miyoko's entire criminal experience and her personal mental journey.

Regardless of the superficial connection of the cases, there are hidden common issues behind the cases that deserve our consideration.

First, most of the families Miyoko persecuted are of Korean descent, and these people are not considered " pure Japanese" in the eyes of the Japanese.

Through the understanding of the Japanese social background at that time, combined with in-depth excavation, it will be discovered that these persecuted families are in Japan's embarrassing " third society".

What is the " third society"? This is a review of Japanese history.

During the Japanese rule of Korea, some Koreans immigrated to Japan, but the Japanese national status of these immigrants was not recognized by Japan.

Later South Korea and North Korea thought they were Japanese, which caused these immigrants from the old Joseon period to be in an embarrassing situation where they were not recognized by the two sides. They were kicked around like " balls" by both sides.

This not only makes them unable to integrate well into Japanese society, but also suffers from many differences in daily life and legal protection.

" third society" that was neither Japan nor North Korea .

Therefore, facing the influence of many comprehensive factors, the National People's Congress of the " Third Society" followed the feudal ethics tradition of the old Joseon period, and the elders had absolute personal control over the younger ones.

Perhaps it is because of this tradition that the middle-aged and young people involved in Miyoko's gang will obey her words and help create more unfortunate crimes.

The deformed social culture has prompted these people to have deformed psychological changes, and they have also suffered from it in the end. This may be "whatever happens, what happens ".

Second, there are many police figures in the series of cases created by Miyoko. Why didn't the police notice the abnormality from the beginning to the end?

Combining the Japanese culture and laws at that time, we analyzed that: On the one hand, there are gaps or gaps in the handling of family civil cases in Japanese laws.

It is these imperfections that cause the police to ignore these things or underestimate the consequences of such incidents in the later law enforcement process.

In the case of the Tanimoto family alone, the police received more than 30 calls to the police, but none of them were taken seriously.

These more than 30 reports are only reflected in the case of Tanimoto's family, and it is presumed that similar situations will be encountered in several other cases.

If the report of a certain family had been taken seriously by the police, maybe Miyoko would have fallen into the French Open as soon as possible, and the tragedies of the subsequent families would not have happened again.

It can be said that the slow response of the police also indirectly caused several tragedies.

On the other hand, the inaction of the police may also have something to do with the victim's " third society" status.

these victimized families and the " third society" and their embarrassing situation make life difficult.

And these policemen are all Japanese out-and-out, just like the differences in class positions, maybe they don't want to deal too much with people from the " third society"...

After talking about the victim's family, let's go back and explore Miyoko, the instigator of this case.

Regarding Miyoko, there are some reasonable but abnormal contradictions in her extraordinary modus operandi and motives that deserve attention.

Combining criminal psychology and police speculation, most murderers with weird personalities are used to living alone.

In the whole series of cases, Miyoko formed a big family with 8 people who were not related by blood. From the narration of the previous case, we can see that she is obsessed with children and likes to adopt children. And her family depended on her for sustenance.

On the one hand, they are constantly destroying other people's families, and on the other hand, they start to build their own families.

Miyoko seems to have been in different families, proving the dark side of human nature and the fragility of love in various cruel ways. This also made her more convinced of the pessimism she had previously agreed with.

Every time the family relationship was provoked, she would watch silently. Sometimes weeping silently, sometimes laughing at myself.

Over the past 25 years, the collapse of every family seems to have started from the provocation of the relationship between husband and wife, and every couple's family is her testing ground. And the relationship between every couple eventually breaks down unexpectedly, and the two parties even fight each other.

As the incident developed to a later stage, this kind of rupture gradually rose between the two generations and became more and more intense. During the entire watching process, Miyoko seemed to be watching everything from the perspective of God.

Combining Miyoko's native family and childhood experience, one can't help but boldly speculate that Miyoko may have been subconsciously restoring the traumatic experiences of her childhood and restoring the plot of the family that had a major impact on her psychology.

Maybe she is verifying, wanting to repeatedly confirm whether there is a true relationship that cannot be broken, whether there is a love that can never be provoked in the family.

Or maybe she just let herself admit it in real cases over and over again, admitting that the pessimism in her eyes is the original appearance of the world...

Maybe one sentence can touch the world in Miyoko's eyes.

When you get used to pessimism, it can be as enjoyable as optimism.

— Bennett