Chapter 578: 10th place—

Although in a hurry, but under the actions of a group of elders and ninjas.

News that Sunagakure has a new Kazekage quickly spreads in the village.

Ordinary villagers are naturally quite worried about the sudden change of their leader.

But some people think that this may be in response to the golden list appearing in the sky, so they agree.

As for the ninjas, the ninjas who have seen Pakura's power and know Pakura's past experience naturally agree with her becoming a new Kazekage.

Although there are also many ninjas who disagree.

But in the end, it was still implemented.

As time passed, people all looked up to the golden list in the air.

——Ten minutes have come, and now the [Kage Ninja List] will be officially released.

[Kage Ninja List], 10th place; Third Kazekage-The Third;

——Magnetic Style: A Bloodline Limit ability which allowed him to convert his chakra into strong magnetic forces, enabling him to manipulate magnetic objects.

——Predetermined reward: random inheritance card, using this reward, you can randomly transfer a certain ability of your own to others. After the ability is transferred, the original owner will lose the ability.

[Third Kazekage・The Third: Huh?! Eh?! I can talk?! ]

[Third Tsuchikage・Onogi: Aren't you dead?]

[Onogi: Oh, I can even leave a message on this?]

Originally, he just retorted in his heart when he saw the Third Kazekage message in his heart, but what Onogi didn't expect was that what he thought in his heart actually appeared in the message area of the golden list.

[Third Hokage・ Sarutobi Hiruzen: According to the Golden List, anyone on the list can leave a message. It seems that you, Onogi, will also leave a name on the Kage Ninja List. ]

Kage-level ninjas are Kage-level ninjas after all, and there are few who can be the Kage of a village, and few are stupid.

Soon they understood the message mechanism of the golden list.

[Third Raikage·Ai: It's really interesting that even the dead can be on the list!]

[Third Tsuchikage・Onogi: It's really interesting, but why is the Third Mizukage not talking?]

[Second Mizukage·Gengetsu Hozuki: Oh, can I leave a message?]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Haha, since I can speak on it, it seems that I am also on the list. The Third Generation can't speak, it seems that the younger generation is not very good. ]

[Second Tsuchikage·Mu: Hump! Compared with your Kirigakure, our situation in Iwagakure is much better. ]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Damn it, you bastard can actually leave a message!?]

[Mu: Don't forget, you were killed by me. If you can be on the list, I can also be on the list. What's more, my ranking should be higher than yours.]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Asshole, you also died at that time!]

[Second Hokage· Senju Tobirama: Hmph, it's really noisy, Second Tsuchikage, Second Mizukage. ]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Tsk, Second Hokage also appeared, so that one must be there too. ]

[First Hokage・ Senju Hashirama: Wahaha, are you talking about me?]

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: Are you really the First Hokage and Second Hokage, and the dead can really leave a message here?!]

[ Senju Tobirama: Although it may seem unbelievable, it is true, Saru. Although we are in the underworld, we can indeed speak through this golden list. Since you can leave messages through the golden list, you should be able to believe in the power of the golden list to a certain extent, Saru. ]

[Senju Hashirama: Haha, Tobirama is right, I didn't expect to be able to chat with you like this, Saru. By the way, how is Tsunade now? Is she good?]

'Damn it, why is Hashirama able to leave a message on it but I can't?!'

In the underworld, Uchiha Madara thought with a face full of resentment.

Somewhere in the land of fire, Tsunade stared at the golden list in the sky with a bewildered face.

"Is that really Grandpa and the others leaving a message?"

Tsunade muttered to herself.

[Kage Ninja Ranking] The ranking is only based on the current strength data of Kage Ninja, and the actual combat may change.

——The ninjas who bear the name of the Kage in the ninja world, or those who have reached the Kage Level ninja strength, can challenge the [Kage Ninja List] ranker, and the winner will win the list reward.

——After the challenge is over, the winner will hold the ranking, and the rest will drop in turn. The winner's injury will automatically recover immediately in order to accept the next challenge, and the loser will not be able to receive healing services.

[Kage Ninja List] The low-ranked person can challenge the high-ranked person. After the duel is over, both sides will be healed so that they can accept the next challenge.

[Kage Ninja List] The challenge can only be made after the list is fully announced.

- Time limit, ten days.

'Oh? So you can challenge those people in the list.'

'In other words, I can challenge others too?'

Uchiha Madara thought excitedly.

Just as Uchiha Madara was happy, two lines of reminders appeared on the golden list again.

——Note: Only the existing ninjas can challenge the top-rankers.

——Note: When the dead ranker accepts the challenge, they will automatically return to their peak state.