Chapter 583: 4th and 3rd place—

[Kage Ninja List], 4th place, Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato; predetermined reward, Teigu "Dimensional Formation: Shambhala".

——The space movement system Teigu can instantly move the target to the marked area, and its performance is one of the few among all the Teigu.

With two lines of golden characters appearing on the gold list.

A display screen suddenly popped up.

Shura, who uses the Dimensional Formation: Shambhala, and Lubbock, who uses the Teigu "Cross Tail", fight fiercely.

During the period, Shura kept using Teigu to teleport himself to the marked position.

Although Lubbock's linear weapons were powerful, it was difficult to touch Shura's body.

[Namikaze Minato: Ale, is this Teigu a space item?]

[Yakura: Space weapon, if Fourth Hokage is still alive, you who are good at using space ninjutsu will be even more powerful. ]

[Onogi: This thing is really convenient. It is hard to imagine what kind of combat effectiveness Fourth Hokage will have after using it. ]

Even Onogi recognizes Namikaze Minato's strength quite a bit.

"Fortunately Namikaze Minato is dead, otherwise, it would be really hard for us if he got this thing when he was still alive."

Onogi shook his head and said with a sigh.

"Old man, aren't you angry? Your rank is even lower than that of Namikaze Minato, who is much younger than you?"

Onogi's granddaughter, Kurotsuchi asked while smirking.

"Hmph, it's just a ranking. If I really fight him, it's not certain who will win and who will lose."

"I see, then you can challenge Minato later."

"Why do I have to challenge him? My predetermined reward is a life span of 20 years, although that spatial weapon is indeed very useful, it still can't be compared to human lifespan!"

"Che, I originally told you to snatch that thing over, since you don't want it, forget it."

Of course, Kurotsuchi is just talking casually. If she really wants to let his grandfather give up the opportunity to increase his lifespan by 20 years, it is impossible for Kurotsuchi to do it."

"However, if Konoha Village really gets that thing, I'm afraid Konoha will have another Yellow Flash."

"We can only hope someone can rob the reward."

Onogi sighed.

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: What a nice reward, Minato. ]

[Namikaze Minato: Haha, although the reward is excellent, unfortunately I don't need it. Third Hokage-sama, if I am fortunate enough to keep this reward, please keep it for Naruto temporarily, and when he is old enough to use it, give this reward to him. ]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: Understood, you can leave it to me. ]

Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen's mouth curled up involuntarily.

'This bastard!' Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression and couldn't help but curse. Danzo, who was familiar with him, immediately knew that Hiruzen was already planning something sinister.

Although Namikaze Minato wanted to give Naruto the dimensional formation directly, he also knew that Naruto couldn't use this power at his current age.

Rather than leaving it to him now, it is better to leave it to the Third Hokage for safekeeping.

After all, the Third Hokage is the most respected person in Konoha, aside from his teacher Jiraiya.

However, Minato could never have imagined that the Third Hokage, whom he respected, was now thinking about the possibility of taking the Dimensional Formation as his own!

——[Kage Ninja List], 3rd place, Second Hokage • Senju Tobirama; scheduled reward, "Bloodline Limit Potion · Wood Style.

——After taking this potion, you will be able to awaken Wood Style's bloodline limit.

[ Senju Tobirama: Am I the third place, so the Fifth Kazekage is the second place! She is so young but definitely promising!

Regarding the reward of Wood Style, it's a pity that I can't use this thing as a dead person. ]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: This... Sensei, if you don't have someone you want to inherit it, you can hand this reward to me. ]

[Onogi: Hehe, Third Hokage, are you sure you don't want to swallow this reward?]

[Muu: Wood Style, if it can be developed to the level of First Hokage, then… wait, what is that, why did First Hokage, Second Hokage and Sarutobi Hiruzen appear in the demo screen?]

As the demo screen popped up, the kage ninjas who were about to speak in the message area closed their mouths and looked at the screen in surprise.

"This is, Konoha Village?" Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, "And Orochimaru is there, surrounded by... war?"

"These pictures have never appeared before."

"What is going on?"

On the side, Danzo held his cheek with one hand and said: "Hiruzen, could that be a picture describing the future?"