Chapter 586: Senju Hashirama intends to show mercy~

"Can you send a challenge?" Uchiha Obito lifted his mask, and a blood-red Sharingan stared at Senju Hashirama's name. "Resurrection scroll, if I have it, I can resurrect Rin."

"Is it just me who has the power to defeat First Hokage?"

"No, I'll have to try it anyway."

Like Uchiha Obito, many who have lost a loved one at the moment have their sights set on Senju Hashirama's Resurrection Scroll reward.

It was only because of the name Senju Hashirama that no one stepped forward to challenge him immediately.

After all, if they were not on the list, and they died in the challenge, it would be a real death.

"Nagato, are you really going to challenge the First Hokage?" Konan looked at Nagato worriedly, "That's the god of ninjas, and if you lose, you'll be really injured and even killed!"

"Even if I die, I have to try it." Nagato's eyes were firm, "If the resurrection scroll can really resurrect the dead, then we can see Yahiko again!"

"I have the same Rinnegan as Sage of Six Paths, so I'm not necessarily weaker than Senju Hashirama!"

Hearing Nagato's words, Konan pursed her lips: "Nagato, I hope Yahiko comes back to life as much as you do."

"But for now, let's wait and see."

"Isn't the golden list said, the challenge will last for a while?"

"We can totally wait and see if anyone else is willing to challenge Senju Hashirama."

"Although the power of Senju Hashirama Wood Style was shown on the golden list just now, it is definitely not his true power."

Nagato shook his head and said, "I understand what you mean, Konan, but I don't think anyone would dare to challenge the god of ninjas, even if the reward is "Advanced Resurrection Scroll."

Just as Nagato finished speaking, a row of large golden characters interrupted his thoughts.

"Huh?! Rifan, the god of war, who is this?" Nagato frowned tightly. "He actually dared to challenge Senju Hashirama."

"Sword Saint? The golden list actually gave him such a title!" Konan was equally puzzled. "Did he really have the strength to deserve this title, or did the golden list advertise the title without relying on strength, but only by a person's nickname?"

"Look, Konan." Nagato looked up to the sky, where Rifan and Senju Hashirama were already on the screen at the same time. "We'll find out after they fight."

[Onoki: He actually challenged the god of ninjas? Interesting, let me see if this god of war is qualified to be called a god. ]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Tsk tsk, I was thinking of trying Pakura's power, but was it preempted by someone? So boring. ]

[Senju Tobirama: This young man…Saru, is there such a person in the ninja world who is called the god of war?]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: This...I have never heard of such a person. ]

[Muu: I hope this young man can hold on a little longer, and let me see more of the power of Senju Hashirama. ]

[Pakura: You will see that the man who is known as the Sword Saint and the God of War is not something that a mere ninja god can compare to. ]

During the two years of training, Rifan did not tell Pakura about the Pirate World.

But he mentioned that he had won the titles of "Juggernaut/Sword Saint" and "Martial God/God of War" successively.

Pakura, who had seen Rifan's swordsmanship and physical skills, naturally felt that Rifan was worthy of this name.

[ Senju Tobirama: Huh?! Sword Saint, Martial God? Fifth Kazekage, do you know this man?]

[Pakura: How could I not know him? He is the teacher who saved me and taught me for two years.]

[Senju Tobirama: Teacher?! Is his power stronger or weaker than yours?]

[Pakura: I know what you are thinking, Second Hokage. To tell you the truth, First Hokage's pre-determined reward can't be kept, and no one can take the reward from Teacher Rifan, even me. ]

[Onoki: Hey, hey, hey, is what you're saying true?! But if that's true, where the hell did he come from?!]

In the ninja world, Uchiha Obito and Nagato, who were thinking about taking the high-level resurrection scroll from Senju Hashirama, frowned tightly.

They suddenly felt that it was more difficult for them to win the high-level resurrection scroll now.

So I still retain the title I got from the world of pirates.'

"Looks like it hasn't forgotten me."

Rifan rubbed his neck and looked indifferently at Senju Hashirama who was walking towards him.

"Hahaha, hello, young man."

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that I would be the first to be challenged."

"Don't worry, I won't really kill you."

"After all, although I will be healed, if you die here, you will really die."

Senju Hashirama said with a big laugh.


[Tl/n: If you like my story, then you should also like these two fanfic. So go and check them out. [The Ultimate Rat In the World of Ninjas (New Project of Mine)] [In The Dungeon World of One Piece]