Chapter 588: Defeat—

Senju Tobirama is quite surprised seeing Pakura's message, others may not see it, but compared to him who knows his brother, he can understand that at this time, Hashirama has used all his strength!

But even so, he was not able to gain the upper hand in the battle! 

True Several Thousand Hands is already his big brother's strongest ninjutsu! 

If Rifan really has more power, then the winner of this duel must belong to Rifan! 


"Is this the power of the First Hokage?" Uchiha Obito looked ugly, "With such power, can my 'Kamui' really be able to compete with it?"

Although Obito is quite confident in his pupil skills, as long as anyone caught by him is teleported into his Kamui's space, victory is almost his own.

But seeing the exaggerated fight scene between Rifan and Senju Hashirama,

It's hard for Obito to feel like he'll get a chance to get close to the two.

Even though they didn't show any close-quarters fighting technique at the moment.

But being able to perform ninjutsu like True Several Thousand Hands, Obito didn't think the two would be easily caught by him.

At the same time, Nagato's face was equally ugly.

"With such power, even if I summon Gedo Statue, I can't resist it…"

Nagato clenched his fists with both hands and gritted his teeth, feeling for the first time that his Rinnegan was not invincible.

Konan patted Nagato on the shoulder and said comfortingly, "There is still a chance, we must still have a chance, Nagato."

"The golden list doesn't have to appear just once, it may appear in the future."

"In the future, there will be rewards for resurrection scrolls."

Konan felt the same regret in her heart, but seeing the fight between Senju Hashirama and Rifan, she couldn't ask Nagato to challenge either Rifan or Senju Hashirama.

In that case, she is very likely to lose a friend who she thought was extremely important again.

"It's amazing, I can't think of anyone other than me who can use Wood Release so well."

After fighting with Rifan for a while, Hashirama, who was unable to gain the upper hand, was full of surprise.

"You are also very good, you are indeed the god of ninjas, you have some strength." Rifan laughed.

"Some strength?" Hashirama shook his head when he heard it. He didn't know if it's complement or a ridicule.

Not even Madara has said that to him since he became First Hokage.

I didn't expect that Rifan would say such words in front of him today. But he couldn't refute it.

Up to now, he has used all his strength, but he couldn't even gain any upper hand.

Looking at Rifan's appearance, he seems to be able to handle it with ease.

Such a feeling of powerlessness, Hashirama has not felt it for a long time.

"It's almost time, Senju Hashirama." Rifan clenched his right fist, aiming at Hashirama, "This battle, it's time to end this farce."

After speaking, a powerful Chakra poured out from Rifan's body.

In an instant, the fist wielded by the Wood Style giant beside Rifan became stronger.

Even though Hashirama resisted, he was quickly suppressed by Rifan.

A few minutes later, when the Wood Buddha giant controlled by Hashirama was destroyed by Rifan.

Rifan suddenly appeared beside Hashirama with one hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Senju Hashirama, although you and I don't hold any grudges."

"But I am very interested in your scheduled reward, so I can only take this reward away."

As soon as he finished speaking, Rifan's fist hit Hashirama's chin from below. 


With the sound of a dragon roar, a giant dragon poured out of Rifan's fist, wrapping Hashirama's body and flying towards the sky.

Eventually dissipated from the sight of all spectators watching the duel.

——The winner, Rifan, the god of war; predetermined bonus, high-level resurrection scroll.

[Onoki: Hey, hey, did this Rifan really win?!]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: This guy is so strong?! Who would dare to challenge him?!]

[Muu: What the hell is that last attack? I saw something in it!]

[Onoki: It should be a dragon, right? After all, he is called the god of war, so he should have some ability related to dragons, do I feel that those dragons are more powerful than Wood Release?]

[Pakura: 'Lushan Rising Dragon' it suddenly reminds me of the picture of hundreds of dragons taught by Teacher Rifan which is quite scary. ]

[Namikaze Minato: Is it called 'Lushan Rising Dragon'? I was thinking of picking a name for the move just now. If there is a name, then forget it. ]