Chapter 594: Terumi Mei prepares for the next challenge—

[Namikaze Minato: It was quiet all of a sudden, no one want to challenged me?]

[ Senju Tobirama: Fourth Hokagr, do you really want someone to challenge you?]

[Namikaze Minato: Ahaha, sorry Second Hokage, I just stayed a little too long in the underworld and wanted to move around. ]

[Senju Tobirama: I have been in the underworld much longer than you. ]

[Senju Hashirama: No one will challenge, so let me challenge those who are on the list again, let me see... who should I challenge. ]

Seeing Hashirama's message, all the non-Konoha Village rankers were surprised.

In particular, Third Tsuchikage Onoki and Second Tsuchikage Muu, with the exception of Sarutobi Hiruzen of Konoha Village, Rifan and his disciple, the two of them who ranked the highest on the list.

And one of them's scheduled reward is "20 years of life", and one's scheduled reward is the future card.

With such a predetermined reward, Senju Hashirama has every reason to challenge them.

Fortunately, without waiting for Senju Hashirama to challenge, Tobirama put a stop to Hashirama's idea of challenging those who ranked on the golden list.

[Senju Tobirama: Stop, brother, don't be busy challenging the top list, when someone challenges us and beats us, you are going to challenge them. ]

Hashirama's current value, how can Tobirama not see through, in order to obtain rewards more securely for the Konoha, it is the best choice for Hashirama to wait until the challenge time is about to expire to challenge those who are on the list.

[ Senju Hashirama: Eh, do I have to wait until the end? ]

[Senju Tobirama: There are less than ten days anyway, and you have been in the underworld for such a long time. Can't you even wait for this time?]

[ Senju Hashirama: This... well, I'll listen to you. ]

"Phew, it's safe for now." Onoki took a deep breath and felt a lot more at ease.

"Although it's safe for the time being, it doesn't mean it's safe forever." Kurotsuchi patted Onoki on the shoulder, "Old man, you still have to prepare early.

"Prepare early? I do want to do some preparation, but with the level of power of Senju Hashirama, what should I prepare?"

Onoki glanced at his granddaughter speechlessly and sighed deeply.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Kirigakure.

"Elder Dun, the ninjas who participated in the attack on Pakura have been dealt with."

"Will their bodies be sent to Sunagakure now?"

Kirigakure Jōnin Ao's came to Elder Dun and said,

Hearing Ao's words, the ninjas and elders in the Mist Shinobi building sighed.

They never imagined that such a thing would happen again after the Fourth Mizukage's "Bloody Mist", which was ended by their cooperation not long ago.

But they also know that this is impossible.

After seeing Pakura's power, they have deeply understood that there is no way Kirigakure can stop Pakura.

If Pakura used the "Heavenly Governing Inside" shown on the golden list to Kirigakure, many of the ninjas in Kirigakure would die tragically.

Even Terumi Mei, the current strongest player in Kirigakure, doesn't feel arrogant that she will be Pakura's opponent.

"It's all Rifan, if it weren't for him, Pakura would have died long ago, and we don't need to do such a thing!"

"That's right, it is because he trained monsters like Pakura that we face the danger of the destruction of the village. How can there be such monsters in this world!"

"According to the report, Pakura was obviously killed, and even if she didn't die, she should have only her last breath. How did Rifan save Pakura, and why did he take Pakura to become his disciple!?"

Inside the building, the ninja and the elders argued again.

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Elder Dun shouted sharply.

"It's no use arguing now."

"You have also seen the power of that Pakura, if she descends on Kirigakure, there is no way we can stop her."

"Now that she's shown her strength, we're in danger if no one challenges her to make time for her to come to trouble us without waiting for the Golden List to disappear."

"Therefore, the body of the ninja who participated in the assassination of Pakura must be delivered to her as soon as possible."

"Send a message of reconciliation to Sunagakure at the same time."

"As fast as possible, you understand?"

After speaking, the already aged Elder Dun couldn't help coughing heavily.

"Elder Dun, why don't I challenge someone on the gold list?"

At this time, Terumi Mei spoke up.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Terumi Mei continued:

"As long as I participate in the challenge, maybe I can get the permission to leave a message on the golden list like Rifan."

"In this way, I can directly send a message of peace to Pakura through the Golden List."