Chapter 629: Terumi Mei Edition Meteor Volcano—

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Ha, Terumi Mei is Rifan's disciple? Is there such a good thing? So, our village doesn't need to be destroyed?]

[Onoki: Is that really true? If Terumi Mei was Rifan's disciple, Pakura wouldn't have warned Kirigakure just now. ]

[Namikaze Minato: Could it be that Pakura didn't know that Terumi Mei was Rifan disciple, so Terumi Mei wanted to let Pakura know in this way?]

[Senju Tobirama: If this woman is really Rifan's disciple, what will happen to her power?]

[Senju Hashirama: It's definitely not good for Saru, that Pakura is so powerful, this Terumi Mei dared to challenge Saru so she must be confident in her own strength. ]

[Third Kazekage: Fifth Kazekage, is this Terumi Mei really a disciple of Rifan, do you know anything?]

Seeing the Third Kazekage speak, people watched the Golden List with bated breath.

Although Pakura has always been very cold, with the name of the Third Kazekage, they think Pakura will give him some respect.

[Yakura: Third Generation, Terumi Mei is indeed Rifan's disciple. But before I threatened Kirigakure, she was not a student of Teacher Rifan. ]

[Third Kazekage: So, it has not been long before this Terumi Mei became a disciple of Rifan. In this case she will be in danger, the Third Hokage's power is still very strong. ]

[Pakura: She will be fine. Teacher Rifan has a special teaching method. Mei must be very strong now. ]

Just the magical props in Rifan's hands can make a person quickly possess strong power.

It is hard to imagine what kind of miraculous power Terumi Mei would have gained if she had been training in the time training chamber for two years.

'I don't know how she compares to me now. '

'Perhaps, I can ask Teacher Rifan to take me into the time training chamber for closed cultivation later. '

Pakura thought to herself.

[Senju Hashirama: Since Pakura has spoken, Terumi Mei must be Rifan's disciple. Does Rifan have the power to quickly raise his disciples? I wonder if Saru can win.]

[Senju Tobirama: If Rifan has the power to quickly elevate others, then those of us on the list have to worry. ]

[Namikaze Minato: Yes, he can find potential disciples to teach, then they can challenge us. However, the rapid improvement of the disciple's strength still makes me feel incredible. ]

[Onoki: Let's see, let's see how Terumi Mei will behave. ]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: I don't know if she will also use the mysterious eyes that Pakura and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya used to use. ]

[Muu: If Rifan could really give those mysterious eyes, Rifan would be too scary.]

Just thinking about mass-producing the Rinne-Sharingan scares the 'Kages' and ninjas of the ninja world.

While everyone was discussing, the battle between Terumi Mei and Sarutobi Hiruzen had officially started.

"Since it is the graduation assessment given by teacher Rifan, it's better to use the power given to me by Teacher Rifan."

"Then, let's say hi to you first, Third Hokage."

Terumi Mei rubbed her wrists, then unfolded the power of Lava-Lava Fruit under Sarutobi Hiruzen's wary gaze.

He saw Terumi Mei's raised hands suddenly turn into magma, and the hot magma dripped on the floor and made a sizzling sound.

"This is... the bloodline limit?"

"Or is it the same power that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya used?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart froze, and he naturally thought about the power that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya used to turn her body into lava when she fought with Rifan.

"Terumi Mei, did Rifan give you that eye too?

"Eyes? Mei shook her head," It seems you misunderstood something. I tell you that the power I possess is not brought about by the eyes. As for what my power is, you can experience it with your body!"

"Great Eruption!"

With Terumi Mei's coquettish shout, her right fist slammed towards Hiruzen in front of her.

The rolling lava formed a giant lava fist that charged straight towards Hiruzen with a loud volcanic explosion.

"So fast!"

Hiruzen's eyes narrowed, his hands quickly formed a seal and an Earth Style shield was constructed in front of him.

It's just that the hard protective shield did not last long in the face of Terumi Mei's magma fist, which was like a small volcanic eruption.

In just a few seconds, it was smashed by the magma fist.

Seeing this scene, Hiruzen hurriedly dodged Terumi Mei's attack.

"Really amazing ninjutsu, is this the ninjutsu you said Rifan taught you?" Hiruzen asked.

"Specifically, it's not ninjutsu, but it doesn't matter." Terumi Mei smiled, "The greeting has been done, and now, let's get to the real battle, Third Hokage."

"Meteor Volcano!"

The voice fell, Terumi Mei's hands were raised upwards, and lava fists continued to rush towards the sky.

Just when Hiruzen was wondering what Terumi Mei was going to do, the huge magma fist dragged the flames and fell towards the ground at an extremely fast speed!

And there's numerous magma fist falling from the sky even covering half of the battle arena!