Chapter 631: Ice crystal ability after magma—

Golden list, Battle Field.

"As expected of the Third Hokage, also known as the Doctor of Ninjutsu.

"This continuous use of ninjutsu really opened my eyes.""

"Although you don't look very good, your strength is still good."

Terumi clapped her palms and walked on the lava-filled ground with light steps.

Opposite her, Hiruzen stood on the earthen wall constructed using Earth Style ninjutsu, looking at Terumi with a solemn expression.

Until now, he has completely seen it.

Terumi, who was opposite him, didn't really show her true skills at all.

So far, she's just playing.

"Hey, Hiruzen, how did you come across such a woman who is covered in lava and we can't even touch her."

"Do you have any plans?"

Hiruzen shook his head when he heard The Monkey King: Enma question.

"I'm embarrassed too, Enma." Hiruzen smiled bitterly, "To be honest, it's hard for me to come up with a solution at this time.

At this time, Hiruzen even felt that facing the First Hokage summoned by Orochimaru using the Forbidden Technique that appeared in the golden list would be better than facing the current Terumi.

Although the tree world descend used by First Hokage in the video is quite troublesome, at least he can think of countermeasures.

But in front of the lava ocean created by Terumi, it is very difficult to even get a foothold let alone counterattack.

He had to constantly use ninjutsu to resist the erosion from the magma.

"Have you discussed your next plan? If it is, I will continue to attack." The corners of Terumi's mouth arched, "The time has been delayed long enough, it's almost time to end this battle."

Terumi's voice fell, and Hiruzen clearly felt a powerful murderous aura rushing from Terumi.

As a ninja walking in the dark, Terumi naturally has quite a lot of blood on her hands.

When she seriously wants to solve a person, the murderous aura will unconsciously cover the enemy.

Hiruzen pressed his feet down and stared straight at Terumi, preventing her from attacking.

"Nimpo, Boil Style·Mist Technique!"

Terumi smiled, her hands quickly formed seals, and she performed the first ninjutsu since she came to the challenge field.

Then, a large cloud of mist spewed out of Terumi's mouth and spread in the direction of Hiruzen.

Seeing this scene, Hiruzen was stunned for a moment, and when he came to his senses, Terumi's ninjutsu had already come close.

He hurriedly jumped with both feet and rushed into the sky.

Below him, the high earth wall was eroded away the moment it touched the mist exhaled by Terumi.

"How is it possible, Terumi-sama actually used Boil Style so easily!?"

Ao stared blankly at the scene on the Golden List.

In his impression, although Terumi can use Boil Style, there are still some difficulties.

It is even more difficult to control freely.

But now, Terumi's Boil Style ninjutsu, she is clearly extremely skilled in using it!

What Ao didn't know was that Rifan's accomplishments in ninjutsu were also quite powerful. With a little guidance, Terumi's ninjutsu skills would naturally improve accordingly.

"Damn, this power seems to be stronger than her magma!"

Hiruzen, who was in the air, frowned, looking at the terrifying mist chasing after him, and quickly formed a Shadow Clone in the air.

And came to the rear of Terumi with the power projected by Shadow Clone.

"Nimpo, Shadow Shuriken Technique!"

Several shuriken attacked Terumi, while Hiruzen stared at Terumi, trying to use ninjutsu to attack Terumi while she was dodging the shuriken.

However, Terumi, who turned around in the face of the incoming shuriken, ignored it and charged straight towards Hiruzen.


Hiruzen froze for a moment, then saw his shuriken pass through Terumi's body, and finally disappeared without a trace.

And where Terumi was hit by the shuriken, there was a clear circle of magma rolling and spreading.

"You too can turn your body into lava like Ōtsutsuki Kaguya!"

Hiruzen growled in surprise.

"What do you think, Third Hokage?" Terumi smiled, taking advantage of Hiruzen's astonished time to quickly close the distance between the two.

"Dark Hound!"

Terumi clenched her right fist and slammed it forward, her slender arm completely turned into a hot lava arm in an instant, rushing towards Hiruzen at an extremely fast speed!

Terumi answers Hiruzen's question with her own actions.

Her body is indeed capable of turning into magma!

"Damn it!"

The rapidity brought about by the "Dark Hound" made Hiruzen too late to use the seal to perform ninjutsu, and could only block the attack using the staff that the monkey king turned into in front of him.


With a loud bang, Hiruzen was knocked out by Terumi's huge attack force, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"I need to use ninjutsu to create a foothold!"

Glancing at the magma spread all over below, Hiruzen gritted his teeth and wanted to perform ninjutsu.

But at this moment, a huge shadow in the sky covered his entire body.

"What is that?!"

Hiruzen raised his head quickly, only to see an ice crystal even bigger than Nine Tails falling towards his position, and in a blink of an eye, it came to him!
