Chapter 649: Leaving Konoha with Samui—


They saw Samui swipe the long sword in front of her, and a crimson thunder and lightning condensed out.

They rushed towards Hiruzen and Danzo.

Seeing this scene, Hiruzen's eyes narrowed, and they quickly turned away from the red thunder that Samui waved.

Although Samui has not been able to fully use the power of the Noble Phantasm presented by Rifan.

But initially manipulating the lightning in it – it can be done.

And Hiruzen and Danzo, because of the identity of Samui.

Even if Samui made such a dangerous move to them, Hiruzen dared not really attack her.

Although he hasn't seen Rifan at the moment, it is uncertain when Rifan will appear again.

Under such circumstances, how can Hiruzen dare to do something to Samui?

"Samui, please calm down, we're talking!"

"No, Third Hokage, we've got nothing to talk about."

"Samui, aren't you worried that the Fourth Raikage will blame you for not completing your mission?"

"I think that being Rifan's disciple is enough to offset the punishment for my mission failure." Samui narrowed her eyes and looked at Hiruzen and Danzo coldly.

Just when she was about to say something, Rifan appeared in Samui's line of sight.

"Rifan... teacher."

Samui put her long sword on the ground and called Rifan calmly.


Hiruzen and Danzo were startled, and before they could look back, Rifan had already put his hands on their shoulders.

"Yo, you two, it seems that you haven't settled a deal with my new disciple."

You actually made her take out her sword.

Hearing this, even though Rifan didn't show any momentum, it was enough to make Hiruzen and Danzo feel shocked.

Not to mention, they were unaware of Rifan's existence until Rifan put his hand on their shoulders!

The guards of Hiruzen and Danzo saw the sudden appearance of Rifan, and subconsciously wanted to step forward to separate Rifan and Hiruzen.

However, just as they took a step, an inexplicable and terrifying aura descended on them.

In just a split second, these ninjas who had fully reached the elite level fell from the air and fell to the ground.

Hiruzen and Danzo's eyes were shocked, and their hearts were even more frightened.

Not only because of the fall of the ninjas, but also because at the moment when the ninjas fell, the two of them also felt an inexplicable aura covering them!

Under the influence of this aura, they could not even control their bodies normally!

Even if they were able to stand, it was already established that their strength was strong enough.

'What a terrifying aura, no, Rifan shouldn't have misunderstood something!'

Hiruzen was extremely serious.

At this time, he couldn't help but regret stopping Samui.

Not only has the goal not been achieved, but now it seems to have angered Rifan.

"Rifan… Your Excellency..."


Before he finished speaking, Rifan slammed the heads of Hiruzen and Danzo together with both hands.

The powerful force made the two powerful ninjas blink their eyes in an instant and fainted.

"Now it's finally quiet."

Throwing Hiruzen and Danzo to the ground, Rifan strode to Samui's side.

"Oops~ This one is a Konoha Village Kage after all, treating him like this in front of other Konoha Village people is bad for their reputation. What do you think, Samui?"

Samui twitched the corners of her mouth, please, you have already knocked them out, are you still worried that this will affect the opinion of the people in Konoha Village?

If it wasn't for Rifan who was her teacher, Samui might have said what she was thinking.

"You seem to be thinking of something bad." Rifan turned his head and glanced at Samui with interest.

"You misunderstood, Teacher Rifan."



"Is that so?" Rifan nodded and glanced at the ninjas of Konoha Village who were rushing towards this side.

"It's almost time, let's go."

Seeing that Samui nodded slightly and agreed, Rifan put his hand on Samui's shoulder.

The next moment, the two disappeared from the streets of Konoha Village in the eyes of the Konoha Village ninjas.