Chapter 673: Omoi and Karui—

The system does not allow Rifan to reveal the location of the disciple token to others.

It also restricts him from telling the outer disciples and formal disciples of the appearance of the disciple token.

But if it is the disciple who tells others about the appearance of the token, this is not restricted.

This is like in the world of pirates, Rifan's disciple Nami and others can tell others what the dojo looks like.

Of course, in the pirate world, the appearance of Rifan's dojo was displayed in front of the eyes of the whole pirate world because of the golden list.

Rifan was in favor of Samui and other disciples telling others about the disciple token.

After all, in this way, it is also beneficial for him.

If someone knows the existence of the disciple token, they will try their best to find it.

In this way, Rifan will naturally have the opportunity to receive more outstanding disciples.

As for those people who obtain the disciple token but Rifan doesn't like him or her, he can completely reject it and send the disciple token to other places.

Anyway, for him, there is no harm in doing that. 

Instead, the benefits are greater.

After all, no one in the world would know the way to become Rifan's disciple except Rifan himself and his disciples.

No one knows the meaning and appearance of the disciple token.

Then Rifan could only find his disciples by chance.

If this is the case, perhaps there will be a situation in which a disciple token is ignored for several years.

Just like the disciple token in Rain Shinobi Village, there are obviously several people passing by the location of the disciple token.

However, no one picked up his disciple token as Rifan wished.


Samui used the Transformation Technique to quickly show the appearance of the disciple token in front of A and others.

Looking at the disciple token in Samui's hand, which was made of kunai, without A's instructions, Mabui, who was Raikage's secretary, picked up the pen.

She quickly drew the shape and size of the disciple's token on the paper.

"Lord Raikage."

"Should I post a mission next?"

Mabui handed A the canvas depicting the disciple's token and recorded it on the document in her hand.

"Yeah." A nodded heavily, "Tell all the reliable ninjas in Cloud Shinobi Village to pay attention to this token when they go out on a mission, and if Rifan doesn't show up to accept him as a disciple after finding it, then bring back this token.

"Big brother is right, in this way, even if the person who found the token is not accepted as a disciple, we still have the opportunity to make other people his disciple." Killer Bee said in agreement.

"Yeah, but it would be great if Rifan could take in a few outer disciples first."

Mabui looked out the window, where Yugito led Rifan away.

"I don't know if Yugito would have such an opportunity."

Now, on the other side.

Outside Samui's door.

"Omoi, when do you think Samui will be back?" 

"She already beat the Fourth Hokage, and she's got 4th place on the Gold List."

"That guy Rifan should let her back."

In front of the door, a girl with flaming red hair turned to look at a boy with short white hair and a low face and asked.

The girl's name is Karui, and the boy's name is Omoi.

The two were the ninjas who teamed up with Samui and were taught by the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee.

As ninjas who came out of a team, the three have different personalities.

But their comradery is great.

After seeing Samui as Rifan's apprentice again, the two felt happy at the same time.

But they are also worried about whether Samui will be able to return to Cloud Shinobi Village.

It is also for this reason that the worried two people came to wait in front of Samui's room.

"I don't know." Omoi shook his head at Karui, "However, Rifan is so powerful that if he really wants to do something to Samui, she can't resist."

"Speaking of which, why did Rifan accept Samui as his disciple?"

"Is it because Samui is good-looking?"

"Does that mean Rifan is actually a womanizer?"

"Speaking of which, Samui seems to have matured a lot."

"I heard that women mature quickly when they have a man."

"Samui should not have become Rifan's disciple, but his wife."

"A powerful person like Rifan must be a very controlling person."

"He definitely won't let Samui come back."

Omoi kept talking, unaware that Karui, who was standing behind him, had a black line on her face, and clenched her fists, ready to give Omoi a punch on the head.

However, before she could act, someone had already punched Omoi on top of his head.


"It hurts so much, Karui, what are you doing?!" Omoi covered his head and turned his head surprised, "Huh? Miss Yugito, what are you–? Huh!? You are Rifan!!"

Looking at Yugito standing behind him, her fists seem to be smoking.

And Rifan, who was looking at him with interest beside Yugito.

Thinking of what he had just said about Rifan and Samui, Omoi couldn't help but want to find a place to hide.