Chapter 680: Mabuyi's Reverence

"This is the self-healing function of Teacher Rifan's Manor."

"When I was sent here by Teacher Rifan, the bear's paw marks on the ground also disappeared."

"Speaking of which, the houses and decorations here are very hard."

"It is very difficult for anyone other than Teacher Rifan to destroy this place."

"By the way, I'm Maki, the first outer disciple of Teacher Rifan, the one with the ability of transparent devil fruit."

"You two are the newly recruited outer disciples of Teacher Rifan, right? Welcome to this big family."

Maki took the tea and walked to Mabui and Atsui, as she welcomed them.

"Yo, hello, I'm Atsui.

"I'm the younger brother of Sister Samui. Teacher Rifan said there is a girl about my age in his manor."

"It should be you."

Atsui stretched out his hand and greeted Maki warmly, looking at her in front of him who was the same age as him with interest.

"I think he should be talking about me." Maki nodded slightly, "The two of you, please come with me first, and I will show you the manor."

"By the way, I will also tell you some things that you should pay attention to in the manor."

"By the way, you should be able to know without me telling you."

"You can't tell anyone else what's going on in the manor."

"Especially Big Sister Kaguya who became teacher Rifan's disciple."

After Pakura, the second ninja to live in the manor was Maki.

So Maki is already familiar with introducing the manor to people who are new to the manor.

Therefore, after seeing the two who came to the manor, she had the idea of guiding them.

As for the idea that the two were intruders, she had absolutely no notion.

After all, except for Rifan.

Maki couldn't remember who else had the ability to teleport Mabui and Atsui to the manor.

"Wait, Miss Maki, when you said Kaguya sister earlier, did you mean Ōtsutsuki Kaguya?!"

Just after taking two steps with Maki, Mabui asked Maki for confirmation in surprise.

Although there are many people whose name is "Kaguya" in the ninja world.

But after hearing the word "Kaguya", Mabui couldn't help but think of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya who had a very outstanding performance on the golden list before.

Maki smiled slightly and did not answer Mabui's question.

Instead, she raised her slender arm and pointed to the door that was opened in front of her, and then she stepped up to the door.

Mabui swallowed, and a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

After a slight pause, she picked up her pace.

After a while, she and Atsui came to the door together.

'It's really her!"

'She turned out to be Rifan's disciple?!'

'Wait…so, the fight between Rifan and her is all acting?!'

As soon as she entered the room, Mabui saw Ōtsutsuki Kaguya sitting in front of the TV.

Looking at the powerful figure, Mabui could only feel her heart beating faster.

'Could it be that Rifan has an unknown purpose?'

Just as Mabui was thinking hard, a light suddenly flashed in the corner of the room.

Mabui and Atsui, who were attracted by the flash, immediately followed the light and looked over.

In the light, a figure they were very familiar with came out.

"Sister, why are you here?"

Atsui rubbed his eyes and looked at Samui in disbelief.

"In order to prevent you from doing something bad, I think it's more appropriate for me to come back first."

Samui answered coldly, then turned to Maki,

"Maki, leave it to me here, that kid over there is my younger brother."

"I'll introduce them to Teacher Rifan's manor."

Maki nodded: "It turns out that he is the younger brother of Sister Samui, then I'll leave it to you."

As her words fell, Maki came to Kaguya with the fruit and put the juice beside her.

"Samui, that woman..."

Mabui came to Samui's side and looked at Kaguya curiously.

"Don't worry about her, Mabui."

"Kaguya-senpai was accepted as an outer disciple by Teacher Rifan after she competed with Teacher Rifan."

How could the clever Samui not understand Mabui's thoughts?

In a few words, she told Mabui why Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was here.

"So it is."

Atsui nodded knowingly, looking at Kaguya with a little awe in his eyes:

"Even Teacher Rifan is willing to recruit her."

"In this way, Teacher Rifan and his disciples have occupied the top positions in the golden list!"