Chapter 691: Magical Ruby

"Teacher, is this the world inside the time training chamber you mentioned earlier? It's so beautiful!" 

After running curiously on the beach for a few minutes, Guren ran to Rifan with a blushing face.

Rifan is not surprised, after all, Guren is still ten years old, so it is normal to be excited when she sees the beautiful environment in the time training chamber.

"Yes, this is the time training chamber."

"You must be ready to train hard."

Rifan laughed.

"Yes, Guren is ready!" 

Guren nodded heavily, her face gradually becoming serious, she hadn't forgotten the task that Rifan gave her, that is to defeat the First Hokage and intercept the rewards of the Hokages. 

"Okay, don't pretend to be serious." Rifan squatted down and pinched Guren's face. "Even though you have to be serious when training, you have to laugh when you have to. Besides, Guren, you are so cute when you smile."

"Really, Teacher Rifan?"

"Of course it's true."

Rifan nodded solemnly.


After getting Rifan's confirmation, Guren immediately showed a big smile.

"Okay, let's talk about your training direction first." Rifan stood up, "Guren, Mabui is right, you are relatively young and don't have much foundation."

"Also, the opponent I picked for you is Senju Hashirama's existence."

"So, it's not enough to just train you to the level of Samui."

"For this, I have prepared this for you."

After saying that, Rifan snapped his fingers, and the treasure house of the king unfolded.

With golden ripples appearing beside Rifan, a wand with pink gems floated in front of Rifan.

"It's for you, Guren."

"What is this, Teacher Rifan?"

Guren took the wand, her face full of curiosity.

"Magical Ruby, this is its name. Don't look at it like this, it actually has life."

Magical Ruby! A magical wand from Magic Girl Illya.

It is a special item created by a great magician with powerful magic power.

Those who use it can instantly transform into a mysterious magical girl.

That's right, for Guren, Magical Girl is her training direction.

'Hehe, since the current Guren is only ten years old, after the training in the time training chamber, she is only twelve years old.'

'It's just right to be trained as a magical girl.'

"Has life?" Guren blinked, "Teacher Rifan, since it has life, why doesn't it move?"

"That's because it hasn't met its owner yet." Rifan smiled, "Guren, I will make you the owner of the magical ruby.

"But what you need to pay attention to is when you become the master of the ruby."

"It will automatically help you awaken the magic circuit in you."

"As for what the magic circuit is, I'll tell you after you awaken it."

"What you need to do now is to relax your mind, don't deny the power that will enter your body, I will help you guide the power of the magical ruby so that you can awaken as many magic circuits with better quality as possible."

Guren nodded ignorantly, although she didn't understand what Rifan was talking about.

But she knew that Rifan wouldn't hurt her, she just had to do what Rifan said now.

"Then let's start, "Magical Ruby" starts!"

As Rifan's voice fell, "magical ruby" emitted a gentle pink light.

Surrounded by this pink light, Guren's body slowly floated up.

"So warm!"

Surrounded by pink magic, Guren, who felt comfortable, closed her eyes unconsciously.

At the same time, without her noticing, linear objects gradually appeared on her arms and feet.

This is the magic circuit.

Seeing the appearance of the magic circuit, Rifan did not hesitate, raised his hand to separate his magic power into the pink magic power, and flowed into Guren's body, guiding the pink magic power to continue to help Guren awaken the magic circuit.

With Rifan's help, the awakening process, which should have been a little painful, became much smoother.

Half an hour later, when the magic circuit was fully awakened, Guren even fell asleep under the gentle force.

"Not bad, there are a total of 60 magic circuits, and they are very good quality magic circuits."

"If she has this foundation, you should be able to use that Heroic Spirit card."

After reaching out to catch the Guren falling towards the ground, Rifan nodded in satisfaction.

"Speaking of which, are you still pretending to be asleep, magical ruby?"

"Oh, I really can't hide it from you, boss." as Rifan's voice fell, the ruby magic wand that had not moved just now in Guren's hand flew away from Guren's palm in an instant.

"Thank you, Rifan, for starting me up and finding me a pretty girl, hehe."