Chapter 702: Battle of the Kages (1)

Although Terumi was just a ninja who had just become a Jōnin during the Nine-Tails Rebellion in Konoha six years ago.

However, due to her rare bloodline limit, plus being part of a famous family.

She is still recognized by the Kirigakure Elders and can attend high-level meetings.

Therefore, she was also able to know the speculations of the elders at that time.

Together with the secret investigation, they basically determined that Konoha's Nine Tails Rebellion had a great relationship with the former masked man.

"Hmph, does that mean that the Uchiha clan of Konoha's rebellious ninja killed Kirigakure Mizukage and the Kage of Konoha Village?"

"If that's the case, then we're really useless."

Zabuza snorted coldly, although it was a reprimand, his tone contained a strong sense of unwillingness and resentment.

"Although Teacher Rifan seems to know all about these things…"

"But unfortunately, he doesn't want to say more."

"However, I believe that at the end of the matter, it will always be found out."

Terumi spread out her hands and looked up at the golden live broadcast in the sky.

There, the battle between Second Mizukage and First Hokage has come to an end.

"Maybe, it's my turn to play next."

"First Hokage, the god of ninjas, I don't know if that move will work on him."

Terumi whispered.

Zabuza and the others on the side looked at each other, each curious about the "trick" Terumi said.

- Second Mizukage Gengetsu Hozuki vs First Hokage Senju Hashirama, winner Senju Hashirama.

—— Senju Hashirama is tentatively scheduled to get the 8th rank in the [Kage Ranking].

As the two golden characters fell on the golden list, the battle between Gengetsu Hozuki and Senju Hashirama officially came to an end.

At this time, in the Mizukage building, Zabuza and the others all looked at Terumi.

No wonder, long ago,

Terumi challenged Senju Hashirama.

Now Senju Hashirama has won 8th place on the Golden List ranking which is equivalent to getting insurance.

The current Senju Hashirama can challenge those above.

Even if he challenges such existences as Rifan and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, he doesn't have to worry about losing his ranking due to failure, and he can at most maintain his original ranking.

"Water Body Technique"

Terumi made a seal with one hand, and a clone made of water-based Chakra appeared beside her.

"I'm afraid I'm going to the challenge field of the Golden List next, you can ask my clone if you have any questions."

Terumi turned to look at Zabuza and the others and said with a smile.

"Che, you might as well say that it is to prevent us from escaping to make such a clone," Zabuza said.

"However, I think you made a decision too early, compared to you, there should be people who want to challenge those on the ranking in the gold list."

Hearing this, Terumi looked at the golden list with some doubts.

Soon, she knew why Zabuza said that.

"This Third Hokage definitely won't just watch the show,"

Terumi whispered.

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: Shodai, please suspend the battle with Rifan's disciples. ]

[ Senju Hashirama: Huh? What's the matter, Saru, do you want to start the challenge now? ]

Hashirama stopped his plan to contact the golden list, and he left his thoughts on the golden list messages board in confusion.

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: As you said, the time is almost up, and it is indeed time for me to take a higher rank.]

[Senju Tobirama: That's right, brother, let Saru challenge for a higher rank, so you can hold on to it for the time being. ]

[ Senju Hashirama: Well, since you all said so, I'll just wait a bit longer. ]

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: Thank you, Shodai. ]

[Onoki: Hey, Hiruzen, don't tell me you…]

——Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen challenges Third Tsuchikage Onoki, please get ready.

——The Golden List Challenge Field will open in 10 seconds, 10, 9, 8...

Iwagakure, Tsuchikage Office.

"Haha, someone finally challenged you, old man."

"You have to behave well and don't embarrass us."

Onoki's granddaughter, Kurotsuchi, laughed and patted Onoki's shoulder as if she wasn't worried about the upcoming battle at all.

"This child." Kitsuchi shook his head and walked to Onoki. "Father, I wish you a smooth journey."

"Well, don't worry, the two of you." Onoki nodded, "Although Hiruzen was originally ranked higher than me in terms of strength, after watching the battle between him and Terumi."

"I already have a way to deal with him, you two just watch me come back victorious."

As his voice fell, the small figure of Onoki turned into a golden light and rushed towards the golden arena in the sky.

At this time, Kurotsuchi's face showed a slight worry.

She held up her hands and made a low voice in her mouth.

"Win, Grandpa!"