Chapter 722: Hiruzen vs Orochimaru (1)

[Onoki: It finally started, kid Orochimaru, I'm cheering for you, be sure to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen! Haha~]

Seeing the fight between Orochimaru and Hiruzen, Onoki excitedly started his speech on the Golden List.

You must know that the scheduled reward for this "20-year longevity" was originally his.

Although Hiruzen's strength is indeed powerful, how could Onoki like this old opponent who robbed him of his reward?

Now seeing Orochimaru taught by Hiruzen challenges his former teacher, Onoki can be said to be one of the few people who are most willing to see this situation.

Of course, supporting Orochimaru does not prevent him from planning to take back his prior reward.

After the battle between the two sides is over, Onoki determines that he has the possibility of winning.

He doesn't mind challenging the winning side.

[Muu: The battle between the master and the disciple is quite interesting in a way, I wonder if Orochimaru will use that move to summon the ninjutsu of First Hokage and Second Hokage. ]

[Namikaze Minato: Third Hokage-sama, Orochimaru-sama...]

"Come on, old man, don't lose to Orochimaru."

Tsunade shook her fist hard.

Although Orochimaru has not yet performed the Forbidden Technique to summon First Hokage and Second Hokage.

But the mere thought of Orochimaru summoning the Hokage ancestor in the future screen made Tsunade feel uneasy.

Even though she has a lot of opinions about her teacher, at least she supports Hiruzen at the moment.

In the golden list challenge arena.

The main body of Hiruzen rushed in front of Orochimaru, who was pulled into the ground at great speed.

In his hand, the adamantine staff transformed by his Summoned beast Monkey King Enma smashed into Orochimaru's head.

On the other side, his clone also formed a seal with both hands and used the shuriken Shadow Clone technique to stab Orochimaru's head.

Hiruzen is also quite afraid of Orochimaru's Forbidden Technique that calls the First Hokage and Second Hokage.

Even if he feels confident in the power of his heyday.

He doesn't have the confidence to face the First Hokage and Second Hokage.


With a crisp sound, Orochimaru was hit hard in the head with the staff in the hand of Hiruzen.

Immediately, Orochimaru's neck twisted ninety degrees.

With such an injury, an ordinary person would definitely not be able to survive.

Outside the golden list, the audience who saw this scene was dumbfounded.

Could it be that Orochimaru just died like this?

Is the fight over so soon?

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Damn, the battle is over so quickly, isn't this Orochimaru so useless?]

[ Terumi Mei: I don't think so. Orochimaru is one of Konoha's Sannin after all, and he is also a Kage-level ninja who can enter the Kage ninja challenge arena. He should not die so soon. ]

[Pakura: If Orochimaru dies like this, then Konoha's Sannin is simply a joke.]

Terumi and Pakura are the first disciples of Rifan.

Their eyes can see if their enemy is strong or not, even in Rifan's training room, they have fought against people with strong physical resilience.

Seeing Orochimaru in such a state now, they couldn't help comparing those undead creatures to Orochimaru's body.

Sure enough, when Terumi and Pakura's message appeared on the golden list.

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth, which had been tilted ninety degrees, suddenly twitched.

He opened his mouth in front of everyone.

The next moment, a pale hand stretched out from Orochimaru's mouth.

Then came the head, and half of the body.

Seeing this, Hiruzen's eyes narrowed.

'Has such a technique been developed?'

'It's amazing.'

Hiruzen sighed in his heart but did not hesitate in his hands.

They saw that he used force with both hands, and the staff charged directly at Orochimaru's body with a strong wind, vowing to cut Orochimaru's waist with brute force.

However, before the staff could get close, Orochimaru's newly grown body turned sharply and pointed his head at Hiruzen.

Orochimaru opened his mouth and pierced Hiruzen's face with a sharp sword that came from his mouth.

So close, Orochimaru launched such a swift attack!

Even Hiruzen was taken aback for a moment.

The staff in his hand turned quickly and blocked in front of him.

After hitting the center of Hiruzen's staff, the Kusanagi sword spewed out of Orochimaru's mouth did not stop, but continued to stretch.

It was as if this long sword had an infinite length.

In a blink of an eye, Hiruzen flew out dozens of meters away.

"Not good!"

Hiruzen's eyes narrowed, seeing Orochimaru's wicked smile, he guessed what Orochimaru was going to do.

Sure enough, as soon as Orochimaru crawled out of his old body, his hands began to seal.

The next moment, three coffins grew out of the ground!