Chapter 747: Concerns from Third Generation, Danzo, and others

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Hey, Orochimaru, tell me, who is this little girl?]

[Onoki: To have such strength at such a young age, she is a monster. ]

[Jiraiya: I don't know why, but I always have a very bad feeling. At such an age, she can be on the battlefield of the Kage Ninja List, don't tell me!]

[ Orochimaru: Hehehe, you guessed it right, Jiraiya. To tell you the truth, I also met Rifan when I met this little girl. Later, she was taken away by Rifan, so I don't need to say what happened next. ]

Orochimaru's message fell, and the golden list message area quickly swept the screen.

Those who can leave a message have left messages in the golden list message area to express their surprise.

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru in the real world couldn't help laughing with satisfaction.

Konoha Village, Hokage Office.

At the moment, it wasn't just the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo present.

Jiraiya and Tsunade also came here.

Jiraiya, who had been on the Golden List battle, was summoned by Anbu not long after the victory.

Tsunade, who was with Jiraiya, naturally followed him to the Hokage building.

"This is bad, this little girl Guren is actually Rifan's disciple, will the Second Hokage lose?"

Jiraiya put his hand on his head and looked worried.

"Idiot, that's Grandpa, how can he lose to a little girl, even if she's Rifan's…"

Tsunade punched Jiraiya and said righteously.

However, she didn't finish her words, after all,

By now, everyone knows that Rifan's disciples cannot be measured by common sense.

Even a teenage child is the same.

With the power of Rifan, it is possible to train disciples with strange powers.

"Teacher is in the last rank, and this girl came on stage at this time.

"Does she want to..."

Hiruzen frowned, he vaguely felt that Guren's debut at this time was not as simple as simply challenging the Second Hokage.

"Teacher once made Hokage of all generations wait until the last day to challenge those on the list."

"Now, it seems Rifan thinks so too."

"Did he also wait until the last day to let his disciple win more rewards decisively?"

Danzo frowned.

"But, why is that?"

"Rifan should have no shortage of these rewards."

"In addition to the reward of being able to revive someone, there is also the reward of increasing lifespan.

"Rifan already has items that are much better than other scheduled rewards."

Tsunade frowned and really didn't understand why Rifan was so keen to let his disciples challenge her grandfathers.

At the same time, she is also worried that Rifan will have more disciples.

In that case, maybe other Hokage's scheduled rewards will also be topped.

"Could it be that it wasn't Rifan's request, but the disciples themselves?"

Jiraiya tilted his head and offered his own guess.

"No matter what, we must pay attention to this fight."

"By the way, back to the question just now."

"Jiraiya, Tsunade, did you notice the token I gave you on your way back?

"I am now very suspicious that the reason why Cloud Shinobi Village ninja is favored by Rifan is because of that token."

"Otherwise, his performance would not have changed that much all of a sudden.

Hiruzen asked.