Chapter 761: Konoha's worry

The Deep Forest Bloom Technique, even if you wake up Wood Style, you may not be able to use it.

Only when the strength reaches a certain level can such ninjutsu be used.

Once upon a time, Nico Robin, one of Rifan's disciples, was not able to master this ninjutsu at the beginning.

It is only after her strength becomes stronger that this kind of ninjutsu can be used.

Its strength is so strong that it can even kill a Marine Vice Admiral in seconds.

And Rifan himself, relying on such power, obliterated one of the Five Elders.

And from that time on, he was completely opposed to the Marines and the World government.

This also led to Momousagi not being able to become Rifan's disciple.

Although Hashirama's ninjutsu is not as powerful as Rifan's Deep Forest Bloom.

But it has also been able to affect the Kage-level powerhouse.

This is even more the case when the Sage version of the Deep Forest Bloom.

Even Guren, who had used the berserker class card, and involuntarily inhaled the poisonous pollen around her, couldn't help but stop her frantic movements. 

And after that, she gradually closed her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Hashirama breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's finally working."

"However, has she really fainted?"

Hashirama was still a little cautious, looking at Guren in front of him, he decided to wait for a while and move forward.

After all, the Sage version of the Deep Forest Bloom has a strong anesthesia that can even kill people.

The enemy will fall directly into a deep dream under the influence of the magical Chakra, and the body will stop functioning due to the anesthetic and some weak people even die from it. 

[Gengetsu Hozuki: This... Guren was defeated? Why isn't she moving? ]

[Senju Tobirama: Big brother's Deep Forest Bloom, and the Deep Forest Bloom in the state of Sage Mode, even Guren, it should have an effect on her. ]

[ Sarutobi Hiruzen: So, this is a win? ]

[Onoki: Don't decide so fast, the golden list has not announced the results yet, which only shows that this battle is not over yet. Guren will definitely wake up later and defeat the First Hokage.]

[Third Kazekage: Yes, I think so too. ]

Guren is Pakura and Terumi Mei junior. 

Third Kazegake, as Sunagakure's Third Kazekage, naturally stands on the side of Pakura's junior sister. 

On the other hand, Onoki once suffered a big loss at the hands of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, and now the relationship between them and Konoha is also very bad.

Naturally, he does not want to see Senju Hashirama win.

Intellectually, they did not think that Rifan's disciples would be defeated so easily.

[Namikaze Minato: Look, Guren has opened her eyes!]

Seeing Minato's message, people looked at the top of the golden list.

Sure enough, Guren, who had stopped before, opened her eyes again.

A strange red light was constantly being released from her eyes.

"Huh? Still awake?"

"How come, why doesn't it work?"

Hashirama's eyes narrowed, and he quickly took a few steps back, avoiding the powerful blow that Guren suddenly swung.

Where the blade stone passed, a piece of the vine was violently cut down.

Seeing Guren so easily cut the vines, Hashirama twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely.

The hardness of those vines was even harder than his own body.

There is no doubt that if he hadn't retreated in time just now, the blade of Guren's weapon would have cut his body in half.

[ Terumi Mei: First Hokage is really lucky, if the battle is not over, the golden list ranking arena will not dissipate. This helps him know that the fight is still on and be on guard against Guren's attack.]

[Gengetsu Hozuki: Indeed, First Hokage is really lucky. ]

As for Terumi's words, Gengetsu Hozuki Moon naturally praised it without the slightest hesitation.

Tobirama, Hiruzen, and others did not reply.

Even if Hashirama is on their side, if the situation just now is put in the real-world battle, the possibility of Hashirama being attacked is indeed very high.

Thinking of this, they naturally have no way to say more in the golden list message area.

"Come on, First Hokage-sama."

"The reputation of Konoha Village is up to you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered.