Chapter 785: The Teigu Recognition

[Senju Tobirama: It's a really powerful ninja tool. If the person who owns this ninja tool also masters the Flying Thunder God Technique, it's hard for anyone in the ninja world to be able to keep up with his speed!]

[Namikaze Minato: You can also set teleportation points in the air, which is stronger than the Flying Thunder God Technique. ]

[Onoki: This is not the scary thing, what is even more scary is that this thing can achieve long-distance teleportation!]

[Second Mizukage•Gengetsu Hozuki: Tsk tsk, not only this ninja tool can do long-distance teleportation, it can also transmit other people! If it were me, I could directly set up a teleportation point in the volcano crater, and then directly teleport the enemy to that crater. That scene would definitely be wonderful!]

[Mū: During the war, if you can directly teleport yourself and your allies to the enemy camp, it will definitely bring a great positive effect to the war. ]

[Senju Hashirama: This little girl can use that Ope-Ope Devil Fruit, but with this Teigu, her teleportation ability is even more terrifying. However, if it is a close-range teleportation, the convenience of the teleportation with Op-Op Fruit may not be of much help.

Of course, teleportation over long distances is quite useful. ]


In the ninja world, although the Kage of the villages are quite relaxed in the comments in the golden list message area.

But in fact, the Kage of Major Ninja villages such as Iwagakure and Konoha village felt quite a headache when Samui obtained the Tegu Dimensional Formation: Shambhala.

With Samui's strength, if Cloud Shinobi Village sends her to be an attacker in the enemy village, it will definitely cause extremely serious damage to that said village.

On the golden list, after the live video of Samui ends.

Onoki, Hiruzen, and others were all thinking about not letting the ninjas from Cloud Shinobi Village come to their own Ninja Village in the future.

After all, this imperial tool can be given to others to use.

Samui is Rifan's disciple, and her power will definitely grow stronger in the future.

Perhaps, she will choose to give this Teigu to others to use, but not necessarily.

At this time, they can only hope that this Teigu named Dimensional Formation: Shambhala will not be used by too many people in Cloud Shinobi Village.

"Raikage-sama, I'll leave this Teigu to you."

Seeing that the golden list's live broadcast of her disappeared, Samui walked to Fourth Raikage A and handed the Teigu to him.

"Huh? Don't you need this Teigu, Samui?"

Fourth Raikage raised his eyebrows, although he was also attracted by the effect of Teigu's ability.

But he didn't even want to ask for the reward of the people from his village, not to mention, this person is still a disciple of Rifan.

"Although the power of this Teigu is powerful, but I have the power of Ope-Ope Devil Fruit, and its short-range teleportation does not require much consumption."

"And then I will go to the special training of Teacher Rifan, and my strength will become much stronger."

"And I think it will be more useful for Cloud Shinobi Village if this Teigu is handed over to you, Raikage-sama."

Samui said seriously.

Samui had a chat with Rifan and knew that Rifan didn't mind if she handed her reward to the people of Cloud Shinobi Village to use.

It should be said that Rifan allowed his disciples to deal with the rewards they had received however they wanted.

In the current Cloud Shinobi Village, the strongest is undoubtedly the Fourth Raikage.

With his ninjutsu, if the power of the Shambhala is added, Samui believes that he must be able to surpass the Yellow Flash of Konoha.

Fourth Raikage looked into Samui's eyes and determined that she was going to give the Teigu to him.

He nodded, responded, and took the Shambhala from Samui.

"The golden list said that Teigu has his own choices for users."

"I don't know if I can use this thing."

Fourth Raikage murmured and tried to use the dimensional square.

He succeeded.

However, after he successfully used teleportation, a sense of dizziness suddenly hit his heart!

The strong feeling of vomiting made the Fourth Raikage frown unconsciously, and then he took the Teigu from his hand.

"It seems that I have not been recognized by this thing."

"Bee, why don't you try it."

Fourth Raikage shook his head regretfully and handed the Teigu to Killer Bee.

Although he can't use it himself, if Killer Bee can use it, it will also be a good thing for Cloud Shinobi Village.

However, although the Fourth Raikage has a good idea, neither Bee nor Yugito and others have been able to successfully obtain the recognition of the Teigu.

Until, the Shambhala fell into the hands of Mabui, who was already the master of time and space ninjutsu.