Chapter 817: Taijutsu List

[Senju Hashirama: Hahaha, it finally appeared again, I thought I would be bored to death in the Pure Land.]

[Senju Tobirama: Brother, although it is a big event to appear on the Gold List, there is no need for you to be so excited. ]

[Jiraiya: Moshi Moshi, we previous rankers can really speak on the golden list. Having said that, the person with strong taijutsu skills, Tsunade should be on the list.]

[ Tsunade: I can contact the golden list, it seems that the golden list has me included. ]

[Senju Hashirama: It's little Tsunade, it's great, I can finally talk to you. How are you doing all these years, little Tsunade. ]

[Tsunade: Doing pretty good.]

At this moment, the corners of Tsunade's mouth, who was drinking in the Konoha Village tavern, twitched slightly.

Although there are many unsatisfactory things in life, she is very happy to be able to communicate with her grandpa on the Golden List.

But soon, her eyes dimmed.

'If Grandpa can leave a message through the golden list, Minato can also leave a message through the golden list.'

'If he knew that old man didn't leave the Flying Thunder God Technique to his son Naruto, he would definitely be angry.

Thinking of this, Tsunade let out a long sigh.

After the Kage List, although she also left Konoha from time to time, the time she came back did indeed increase.

Through her own investigation, she also discovered that the son of the Fourth Hokage, who was hidden by the Third Hokage, was Naruto, who was known as the demon fox boy in the village.

She also knows that Hiruzen didn't give the reward that Minato left behind to Naruto.

You can imagine how heartbroken Minato would be when he heard the news.

"Sigh, trouble"..

Tsunade shook her head and turned to look at the Ichiraku Ramen behind the tavern.

There, Naruto was holding a bowl of ramen and looking at the golden list in the sky excitedly.

[Hyuga Hiashi: I can also leave a message on the golden list, and sure enough, our Hyuga clan is also included in the list. ]

[Killer B: The Hyuga clan of Konoha, their taijutsu is really unique. But when it comes to taijutsu skills, we Cloud Shinobi Village is stronger. Konoyaro! Bakayaro! ]

[Fourth Raikage A: I can finally leave a message on this golden list, father, are you watching me. ]

[Third Raikage A: Of course, and it is a matter of course for us to be on the Taijutsu List. However, according to the previous experience of the Kage List, if we can't be in the top ten of the list, I am afraid it will be meaningless. A, Killer B, you two should have mastered Lariat right?]

Lariat, the secret ninjutsu of Cloud Shinobi Village.

It is a powerful ninjutsu.

Especially when two people use Lariat together, its power will be multiplied.

Although it is a combination of ninjutsu and taijutsu, Third Raikage A thinks that Lariat may still be included in the taijutsu list.

Although Lightning Style Ninjutsu is used to stimulate muscle strength, it is more similar to Taijutsu in terms of principle.

[Onoki: Lariat of Cloud Shinobi Village, it is indeed a very powerful taijutsu. However, compared to Lariat of the Third Raikage which is very terrifying. Their Lariat shouldn't rank high.]

[Second Mizukage·Gengetsu Hozuki: What is the use of being awesome, this time the dead person can't get on the ranking list, let's just be a background board honestly. ]

[Third Raikage A: It's really a pity, but if you want to talk about the most pity, it should beRifan.

Rifan's abilities such as Lushan Hundred Dragon Lords and Thunderclap Eight Trigrams will be singled out by the golden list, and cannot be ranked in Taijutsu List. ]

[Senju Hashirama: Lushan Hundred Dragon Lords, it should be the trick that Rifan used on me last time. Yeah... it's really amazing, I was completely shocked by that power.

Is the small universe the source of that power? By the way, what kind of power is the small universe? Doesn't this world only have Chakra?

[Senju Tobirama: Idiot brother, obviously, Rifan has completely different powers from Chakra. ]