Chapter 835: Tear Jerking Scene… 

The text on the gold list shows that Orochimaru is not just using the Nine Tails Rebellion as a node for past predictions.

He even pointed out that the golden list should focus on taking care of Namikaze Minato's son.

Although there is no figure of Namikaze Minato's son in the picture they just saw.

But since the golden list was able to agree to Orochimaru's request, people felt that a related picture of Naruto would inevitably appear in the subsequent pictures.

This point, others can think of, and Hiruzen, who is the Third Hokage, can also think of it.

Hiruzen felt a sip of old blood coming to his mind as soon as he thought about the things about Naruto being made public.

[Namikaze Minato: My... son? ]

In the Pure Land, Minato has a complicated mood.

On the one hand, he felt it was not a good idea for his son's information to be made public.

But on the other hand, he does want to know if his son is doing well after his death.

Is it really a child who was identified as a demon fox by the people of Konoha Village and lived a lonely and miserable childhood as analyzed by Onoki and others?

Fortunately, the golden list will not decide whether to unfold the picture of the past based on the mood of Minato.

The moment Orochimaru uses the "Past Detection Card", the detailed experience of the Nine Tails Rebellion must be made public on the Golden List.

So, even if Minato doesn't make a decision, he will see details about the past.

In an underground cave, Obito, wearing a vortex mask, frowned tightly.

'The pictures from the past, I don't know if my pictures will be revealed.'

'However, it doesn't matter if it shows up.

'I was wearing a mask at that time, and even Minato-sensei couldn't recognize it.'

Thinking of this, Obito took a long breath at the same time.

In the golden list screening area, the scene of the Nine Tails chaos that disappeared just now began to gradually emerge.

[Second Mizukage·Gengetsu Hozuki: Come, come, the good show is about to start. ]

[Onoki: In my mind, I just want to see what the Third Hokage looks like, hehe. ]

[Orochimaru: Although you can't see the expression of sensei now, you may be able to see the expression of the past Sarutobi-sensei. ]

[Onoki: It makes sense, I really want to know what that guy was doing when the Fourth Hokage solved the Nine Tails Rebellion, and even let the young people go first. To be honest, as a Kage of Iwagakure, I can't do such a thing. ]

[Mū: This shows from the side that, as a predecessor, my eyesight is much better than the Second Hokage. ]

[Onoki: As expected of a teacher!]

[Mū: You are indeed my disciple. ]

[Third Raikage A: Come on, you two don't praise each other here. Although what you two said is true, the pictures from the past have already started to show, so let's watch it honestly. ]

[Senju Tobirama: I... ]

At this moment, Tobirama felt that he couldn't help but want to utter foul language, but in the end, he still endured it.

He stared at the golden list above the Pure Land world, and muttered in his mouth.

"What happened in the past, what happened to the Fourth Hokage's son?"

On the Gold List Screen.

Namikaze Minato fights Nine Tails right after saving Hana.

It's just that the Nine Tails is the strongest of all tailed beasts after all.

Even Minato was unmatched in the ninja world at that time in terms of speed.

But if he wants to solve the Nine Tails without causing much damage to the village, he can only choose to use the Reaper Death Seal forbidden jutsu.

People in the ninja world once again saw the image of the God of Death through the golden list.

Only this time, it was Minato who cast the forbidden jutsu.

"This is the last goodbye, do you have anything else to say to Naruto?"

Minato, who was pierced by the Nine Tails' claws, looked at Kushina, who was also pierced by a claws in his abdomen.

In Kushina's arms, Naruto, who was just born before he could open his eyes, was crying loudly.

It was as if he had sensed that his parents were about to leave the world.

Although the corners of Kushina's mouth were coughing blood, her eyes when she looked at Naruto were extraordinarily gentle.

"Naruto, don't be picky eaters."

"Eat every day and remember to take a bath every day."

"You have to wait until you're 20 before you drink it, and you have to drink in moderation when you get old."

"Naruto, from now on, whether it is sad or painful, you must follow your own pace."

"And have a dream..."

In the picture, Kushina said while gently stroking Naruto's body.

At this time, Kushina in the Pure Land had already burst into tears just like Kushina in the golden list video.