Chapter 847: Kushina, are you going to give Naruto a chance?

[Namikaze Minato: Kushina, agree with Lord Rifan, become his disciple, and you can protect Naruto too. ]

Minato anxiously left a message on the golden list, for fear that his wife would reject Rifan's proposal.

This is an opportunity that no one else wants to come across.

Become Rifan's disciple, if nothing else, at least Kushina can protect Naruto safely.

At this time, Minato no longer expected Kushina to stay in Konoha with Naruto.

As a husband, he knows his wife's character.

After watching the video about Naruto's past, she will definitely never let Naruto stay in Konoha.

"Become a disciple of Rifan?"

Kushina glanced at the words written in the sky from Minato, then looked at Naruto beside her.

After thinking for a while, she opened her mouth and said to Rifan:

"R..Lord Rifan, can I give the opportunity to become your disciple to others?"

[Onoki: Pfft! This woman actually wants to give the opportunity to become Rifan's disciple to someone else?!]

[Second Mizukage•Gengetsu Hozuki: She glanced at Naruto just now. Could it be that she wanted to give this opportunity to her son?]

[Terumi Mei: What a good mother, I appreciate her more and more. I would also be happy if Kushina was to become a disciple of Teacher Rifan. ]

"You want to give the chance to Naruto?"

Rifan could naturally see what Kushina was thinking.

But he shook his head: "Unfortunately, this opportunity is yours. If you give up, I can only randomly project the disciple token to other places."

"Is it really impossible to be accommodating? Lord Rifan, I owe Naruto too much, and I want to compensate him!"

Kushina took Naruto into her arms and bowed to Rifan with Naruto.

The first thing to do is to make Rifan change his mind.

What she didn't know was that it was a limitation of the system.

Rifan also has no way to make changes.

When the person who comes into contact with the token for the first time and the person invited by Rifan refuses to become a disciple of Rifan, the token will be randomly distributed to a certain part of the world by the system.

Even Rifan couldn't stop it.

Otherwise, Rifan wouldn't have been waiting for someone to find the token.

"In my manor, there are two types of disciples.

"One is a formal disciple, and I will give a heavier resource tilt."

"Samui, Pakura and others you saw through the Golden List, I have given them precious items to help them become stronger."

"Besides that, something else will be given."

"But in addition to the official disciples, I will also accept some outer disciples."

"I will also teach these outer disciples, and I will also give them certain resources."

"Although the difference between an official disciple and an outer disciple is like heaven and earth, but if they train well with my guidance, they can become a strong person."

While talking, Rifan looked at Naruto.

After a pause, he continued:

"Actually, you don't have to give the token to Naruto."

"After I accept you as my official disciple, I can also make Naruto my outer disciple at the same time."

"Only if he wants to."

"Also, you don't have to worry that without the resources of official disciples, Naruto will not be able to become a strong entity beyond Kage-level."

"Your son's body contains quite terrifying power."

"By the way, I'm not referring to the Nine Tails demon fox that your husband sealed in Naruto's body."

Hearing this, Kushina blinked, and a big question mark appeared in her mind.

'My son has a powerful force in his body that can help him become stronger than Kage Level ninja? Why don't I, the mother, know?'

[Second Mizukage•Gengetsu Hozuki: This Naruto is not simple, Rifan actually give him such an evaluation. ]

[Onoki: Beyond Kage-level, that is to say, he can surpass us. Could it be that he can become a powerhouse of the level of First Hokage and Uchiha Madara? Minato's son has such a strong talent?!]

[Fourth Raikage•A: Although I think it's a bit incredible, since what Rifan said, it must be true. ]
