Chapter 850: Kushina's decision…

'Hashirama is the reincarnation of Ashura Chakra?'

'Where did this Rifan learn about these things?'

In the Pure Land, Uchiha Madara frowned, looking at the discussion on the Golden List with some strangeness.

'If Hashirama is the reincarnation of Ashura's Chakra, what am I who can fight against Hashirama?'

Madara was puzzled, as were others on the golden list.

[Onoki: If the First Hokage is the reincarnation of Ashura, then Uchiha Madara, who can fight against the First Hokage, will he also be the reincarnation of Chakra of some strong man?]

[Mū: At that time, the light of the entire ninja world was concentrated on the First Hokage Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. If the First Hokage's power comes from Ashura's Chakra reincarnation, it's hard not to think Uchiha Madara is in a similar situation. ]

[Senju Tobirama: This...I don't understand this ninja world more and more. ]

[Senju Hashirama: I can't understand myself more and more. ]

[Fourth Raikage•A: I don't know what happened in the past, but what I do know is that Konoha is about to lose another genius, and I really like to hear it. ]

[Onoki: Happy to see plus one, thanks to the Third Hokage for reducing the pressure on border defense for our Iwagakure. Haha~]

[Terumi Mei: Although I am confident in my strength and that I will not lose to Naruto who may become a strong man like the First Hokage in the future. But I still have to say, I am happy to see plus one. ]

In the manor, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, who was playing games leisurely, could not help but put down her handheld after getting the information about Ashura.

'Son of Hagoromo…'

'The reincarnation of Ashura Chakra…'

'Rifan, do you want to accept such a person as an outer disciple?'

Thinking of Naruto who might come to meet her in the manor, Kaguya's mood was a little complicated for a while.

Naruto is bound by the bloodline, but that bloodline also seals her in the moon.

'Sigh, I'll think about it later.'

Kaguya shook her head, again focusing on the game.

"Does Naruto really have such power!?"

It took a while for Kushina to regain her senses. Looking at Naruto's face, she also began to look forward to what Naruto could achieve in the future.

"Of course, if he can get the guidance of a good teacher, even if it is not me, his future may be able to surpass the First Hokage."

Hearing Kushina's words, Rifan retracted his gaze towards the golden list message area, and focused on Kushina and Naruto.

"So, what's your answer, Kushina?"

"Would you like to become my official disciple, and then make your son Naruto my outer disciple?"

"Let me hear your decision."

After Rifan finished speaking, Kushina immediately nodded heavily.

"I do, please Teacher Rifan, please guide me and Naruto in our practice!"

Just kidding, since Rifan said so, how could Kushina disagree?

She didn't want to lose both her and Naruto the chance to become stronger because of her humility.

Not only did she become stronger, she even felt that if she refused.

Rifan may even leave directly. At that time, whether she and Naruto can safely leave Konoha is a question.

Although it's only the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo and a few root ninjas are visible on this street.

But Kushina knew that there were many Konoha ninjas in the dark outside the street.

Perhaps, as soon as the image of the golden list disappeared, these ninjas would cooperate with Hiruzen to subdue her and Naruto in an instant.

"Since you agree, drop your blood on this token."

"In this way, you'll become my official disciple."

"In addition to you, Naruto, you also dropped your blood on this token."

While talking, Rifan handed the token used to register the outer disciple to Naruto.

Naruto took the token and looked at Kushina.

Under the affirmative gaze of his mother, he bit his finger and dripped his blood on the token.

At the same time, Kushina also put her own blood on her token.

And personal information belonging to Kushina and Naruto appeared in Rifan's mind.