Chapter 855: The Lost Minato…

[Third Raikage•A: Rifan is really an amazing person, the golden list only took out 'Armament Haki seeds', but he took out 'Conqueror's Haki seed'.

The Conqueror's Haki, who can lead the concussion figure, if I had such power when I fought Iwagakure, maybe I wouldn't have died of exhaustion. ]

[Terumi Mei: I heard about that battle, it is said that you Third Raikage fought with Iwagakure tens of thousands of ninjas, and in the end it was only because your Chakra was exhausted and died.

If you really have Conqueror's Haki, it's really easy to win. After all, strong people can often inspire stronger conqueror haki when they obtain it.]

[Fourth Raikage•A: Oh? The Fifth Mizukage is very familiar with this power. Did Rifan ever use it on you when he was training you? ]

[Terumi Mei: Hehe, I think, every one of us who is teacher Rifan's disciple has accepted his so-called "love". The power of Thunder Eight Trigrams makes me shudder just thinking about it. ]

[Samui: That's true, in the face of that blow, no matter how you dodge it, you can't dodge it. ]

[Pakura: The entanglement of Conqueror's, Teacher said that only truly talented people can master this power. I don't know when Junior Sister Kushina will be able to master this power.]

[Third Raikage•A: Huh? Don't you say that only a few people can master this Conqueror's entanglement? Why, Ms. Pakura, have you already determined that Kushina can learn this trick?]

[Guren: Hmph, you don't know anything about the power of Teacher Rifan. As long as you have Teacher Rifan's guidance, Big sister Kushina will definitely be able to master the Conqueror Haki entanglement.]

[Uzumaki Karin: The power of Conqueror's Haki, It's a pity I can't learn it. ]

Inside the manor, Karin pushed her glasses and looked enviously at Kushina who was talking to Rifan.

On the way to learn Eight Inner Gates and Marine Six Styles, Karin was curious about Rifan's skills such as Thunder Eight Trigrams, and expressed her willingness to learn.

But at that time, Rifan had said that Haki needed to use props to awaken.

Thinking that she had already taken the potion of immortality, she was embarrassed to ask Rifan for more.

[Namikaze Minato: Kushina, Naruto, it's good that you are safe, and then you should practice well with Lord Rifan.

As for what path you will take in the future, it is entirely up to your wishes, and I will always support you from the belly of the Shinigami. ]

Kushina and Naruto looked at the sky at the same time, and when they saw Minato's message, they both smiled and nodded heavily.

"Wait, I almost forgot." Suddenly, Kushina looked down at Naruto and asked:

"Naruto, did that old man give you the golden list reward your father left you?"

"Reward?" Naruto tilted his head. "What reward?"

Seeing Naruto's clueless appearance, Kushina immediately understood what happened and became angry.

"You bastard Third Hokage, Naruto already has Chakra, yet you don't give him what Minato left him!?"

"You bastard, just you wait, when I learn the skills of Teacher Rifan, I will definitely go back to find you to pay back all this hatred!"

Kushina clenched her fists and pointed to the sky.

Although she does not have the authority to leave a message on the golden list, she knows that Hiruzen can also hear when she speaks in the live video of the golden list.

'Damn it!'

Hiruzen's heart was beating wildly, and he shouted badly.

[Namikaze Minato: What? Didn't the Third Hokage just say that Naruto didn't have Chakra yet, so he didn't give him what I left behind?]

[Onoki: Oh, don't you understand? The Third Hokage must have lied and used it on himself.]

[Fourth Raikage•A: Kushina is a member of the Uzumaki family, she will never perceive it wrong, Naruto must already have Chakra. Now the Third Hokage doesn't give Naruto what the Fourth Hokage left behind. What Onoki said must be right. ]

[Orochimaru: Haha~ Sarutobi-sensei should think that the Golden List won't appear again after disappearing for a few years and thought that it won't appear again, so he swallowed the reward left by Minato without permission. ]

[Senju Tobirama: Saru, I need an explanation. ]

[Senju Hashirama: Saru, you wouldn't be such a Hokage, would you?!]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen: I... ]

[Namikaze Minato: I'm an idiot to give the reward to the Third Generation! I should have given it to Jiraiya-sensei… ]

Minato felt lost for a while, and felt lost that he trusted the wrong person.