Chapter 889: Chance to get all tailed beast power! 

"Teacher Rifan, is the golden figure in that image really the future Naruto?"

Inside the manor, Kushina asked Rifan curiously.

Although it is a future picture from the golden list.

But Kushina inexplicably felt that Rifan should know who the characters in it correspond to now.

"Indeed—he's the future Naruto."

Rifan nodded.

Although he is not going to reveal too much - revealing future things.

But Naruto and Kushina have both become his disciples.

And Naruto is also Kushina's son.

Rifan felt that he should tell Kushina about these things.

"Naruto, he has grown to the point where he can compete with Kaguya!"

Kushina's eyes light up.

You know, Naruto in the the golden list video probably did not become Rifan's disciple.

But under such circumstances, he has grown to the point where he can fight Kaguya! 

This can't help but make Kushina feel proud.

At the same time, she believes more what Rifan said before, even if Naruto only became an outer disciple.

He can also achieve great things in the future.

"Teacher Rifan."

"Is the golden light on Naruto really caused by Nine Tails, as that Killer Bee said?"

Soon, Kushina came back to her senses and asked Rifan.

She used to be the Jinchūriki of Nine Tails, and during the time she was Jinchūriki.

She never got into that bling state with Nine Tails' Chakra.

Since there is an existence around her who can be said to know all the secrets of the ninja world, Kushina naturally does not intend to miss the opportunity to ask.

"Well, there is indeed a reason for Nine Tails' Chakra."

Rifan nodded and said with a smile:

"Actually, I don't think only Naruto can do it, if you could make further use of the Chakra of Nine Tails, you would be able to enter that golden state."

"It's just, to achieve this state, unless Nine Tails is willing to give you Chakra to use."

"Or you take it forcibly and completely dominate a part of its Chakra."

"Of course, the mode shown on Naruto in the Golden List video is not just the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode.

"There is also a Sage Mode that uses Natural Chakra, a magical chakra in the atmosphere, and a mode that combines Chakra with the Power of light.

(Tl/n: The power of light is the one given by the Sage of Six Path to Naruto while the power of Shadow was given to Sasuke.)

Hearing Rifan's words, Kushina also remembered the eyes of the future Uzumaki Naruto in the image.

Those eyes that looked like toad eyes were indeed the state of Mount Myōboku's Sage mode.

As for the Power of Light...

"The Power of Light? Does Naruto have the power of light? Is it Indra's Chakra?"

"It's not Indra's Chakra, the power of light on Naruto in the future should be obtained from someone else. As for who it is, this is not something we can discuss now. 

Kushina blinked and looked at Rifan's slightly mysterious face.

She always felt that Rifan knew who the future Naruto got that power of light from.

"Really, Teacher Rifan is too mysterious, can't you reveal a little more?"

"This can't be done, but don't worry, Kushina. Since Naruto is my disciple, I will let him gain more power than the golden list image describes him."

"I believe Teacher Rifan can do it. By the way, Teacher Rifan, who do you think the kid with Rinnegan and Sharingan will be?

"Who knows."

Rifan shrugged and raised his head to look at the golden list in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Kushina could only put aside the doubts in her heart, and also looked at the golden list in the sky, just in time to see the golden list showing new words.

——Congratulations to Rifan and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya for being the 3rd place in the Taijutsu List. You can choose one from the "Random Tailed Beast Lottery Ticket" and "Tailed Beast Challenge Scroll".

——Use the "Random Tailed Beast Lottery Ticket" to randomly pick a tailed beast from One to Nine Tails.  The drawn Tailed Beast is an unconscious Chakra condensate. After being injected into the body, the user will become a perfect Jinchūriki.

—— Using the "Tail Beast Challenge Scroll", you can freely choose the tail beast from One Tail to Nine Tails to challenge. After defeating the tail beast, the challenger will get the tail beast. The tail beast obtained is also an unconscious Chakra aggregate, which is injected into the body. After that, the user will become the perfect Jinchūriki.

One note: Using the "Tailed Beast Challenge Scroll", you can choose multiple tailed beasts to challenge, and if you defeat the multiple tailed beasts, you can get multiple tailed beasts.

'Is there an alternative reward?'

And this reward, this Golden List is too playable, right?'

Although you can't get it directly, if you challenge nine-tailed beasts at one time, isn't it equivalent to gathering the conditions to create a Ten Tails?

'That woman Kaguya, she should like this reward very much, and she should choose the 'Tailed Beast Challenge Scroll' directly. '

'Unfortunately, it's just the tailed beast Chakra, without the husk of the ten-tails, she still can't get her power when she fights her two sons.

Rifan touched his chin and thought to himself.