Chapter 895: People and ghosts are showing off, only Kisame is being beaten

[Namikaze Minato: I remember when the golden list demonstrated Haki's power before, it borrowed the picture of Rifan fighting with Karin. At that time, Kanin used the power of Eight Inner Gates. ]

[Might Guy: Indeed, I was shocked when I saw the Morning Peacock that Uzumaki used after opening the Sixth Gate. Thinking about it now, Karin has the special physique of immortality, so it is not surprising to be able to open the Sixth Gate easily. ]

[Jiraiya: That kind of special system is simply the perfect system for taijutsu users. When fighting, you can do whatever you want. ]

[Third Raikage A: Possessing the mobility of Marine Six Styles, and the Eight Inner Gates that can surpass Kekkei Mōre, this Uzumaki Karin has unlimited future achievements. And she is only about nine years old now.]

[Onoki: Let alone nine years old, I now suspect that if you give Rifan a baby, he will be able to give him the power beyond the Kage in short period of time. ]

[Second Mizukage•Gengetsu Hozuki: I fully agree! If Rifan has an heir, one can imagine how powerful he will be. ]


'I don't know who will have the opportunity to give birth to Teacher Rifan's successor in the future.'

Terumi Mei, Pakura, Samui and others looked at the speeches of the second Mizukage in the message area, and suddenly an inexplicable idea came to their mind.

Not only Terumi Mei and others, but even some beauties in the ninja world who had no contact with Rifan began to fantasize.

After all, a powerful and handsome man, which unowned woman would not like him?

When people in the ninja world were speaking and discussing on the Golden List, 

The golden list also gradually began to demonstrate the power of Eight Inner Gates.

To the disappointment of some, it wasn't Rifan or Karin who was in charge of the demo this time around.

It's Konoha's ninja Might Guy.

However, although disappointed at first, people suddenly became interested when he demonstrated the Sixth Gate.

Not because of how stunning the presentation was, but because it was from the future.

——Eight Inner Gates, after opening the Sixth Gate, you can use the "Morning Peacock" that creates a sizing flame!

In the Golden List screen, Might Guy is full of rich green Chakra.

They saw him throw a punch quickly, and the powerful punch and the friction of the air generated heat.

The formation of hot flames fell on the figure in front of him.

[Killer Bee: This guy looks familiar. Wait, isn't the one who was beaten the one that my brother and I killed?]

[Fourth Raikage A: Ah, that's right! It's really Kisame. Guy from Konoha Village, did you also fight this guy?]

[Might Guy: Ale, have I met this guy before?]

[Second Mizukage•Gengetsu Hozuki: Looking at this guy's reaction, this should be a picture of the future. ]

[Onoki: The picture of the future, I won't be sleepy when it comes to this. Haha~]

[Third Raikage A: Since it is a picture of the future, it should be a picture that is more advanced than Killer Bee and the others using the Thunder Plough Hot Knife. ]

[Terumi Mei: It's just Sixth Gate and it already has such power, no wonder Might Duy can defeat the Seven Swordsmen of Mist Shinobi's with his identity as Genin…]

Kisame cracked the corners of his mouth, smiling at the picture in the sky.

"Hehe, it looks like I've done a lot of amazing things in the future."

"It actually attracted so many people to fight with me."

Although the pictures in the future are all pictures of himself being beaten, Kisame is not unhappy.

Instead, he enjoys being broadcast about his own future.

At least in this way, he can rely on future pictures to understand the strength of the enemy, while avoiding himself being beaten.

Even more, avoid being killed by Killer Bee and Fourth Raikage A using Lariat.

——Eight Inner Gates, after opening the Seventh Gate, you can use "Daytime Tiger".

—"Daytime Tiger" is a powerful air cannon that compresses the air and spreads it in one breath, forming a strong air cannon like a tiger.

On top of the Golden List, the picture turned, and a new picture appeared in front of people's eyes.

"Huh? It's me again?"

Kisame raised an eyebrow.

"Is this the picture after the guy just used the Morning Peacock update?""

"It should be the same fight."

"But this guy, who actually fell into the water and fought with me, is not afraid of being torn apart by sharks?"

"This is really... interesting."

"Could it be that I won this battle, and that guy will die in this battle?"

Seeing Guy with a strong green Chakra on his body fall into the water.

Kisame couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that this time, it won't be a picture of me being beaten."

Author: "..."