Chapter 924: First meeting of Naruto and Nine Tails

"Teacher Rifan, is mom really okay?"

"What if she got defeated by the old man Third Hokage?"

"And that First Hokage, he came back to life, didn't he?"

"And that thick eyebrow man, the one who got the 'Leopard King'. What if Mom loses?"

Looking at the back of Kushina leaving, Naruto asked Rifan next to him with a worried look.

Not long ago, Kushina had left and set foot on the road to Konoha.

It can be seen that, soon, Konoha will be hit by Kushina.

"It's alright, Naruto." Rifan put his hand on Naruto's head, "Karin also followed, didn't she?"

"Karin's power, you have seen it on the gold list before~"

"And your mother has been taught by me, and now her power is no less than that of the First Hokage.

"No, it should be said that it is beyond the First Hokage."

"As for the man with thick eyebrows, I don't think he'd dare to compete with Karin when it comes to Eight Inner Gates."

"Even if he has the power of the 'Leopard King' now."

Hearing Rifan's words, Naruto nodded ignorantly.

"Okay, don't think too much about it."

"Your mother has been trained and she is very strong."

"And now It's your turn to train."

"Get ready, Naruto."

"Next, I'm going to take you to see the Nine Tails in your body.

Rifan turned around and solemnly looked at Naruto in front of him.

"Nine Tails."

Naruto lowered his head, his face a little complicated.

He has been hated by the Konoha Village villagers for so many years, because he has Nine Tails in his body.

Most importantly, his parents die because of this tailed beast.

Although Rifan said that he would use the power of Nine Tails in the future, Naruto couldn't change his emotions for such a tailed beast for a while.

"Don't think too much, Naruto."

"The reason why Nine Tails appeared in Konoha Village at that time."

"Because it was controlled by a certain guy."

"Rather than hate the Nine Tails, hate the man who controls the Nine Tails."

"After that, you can still rely on that guy to make it to the list of the tailed beast Jinchūriki."

Rifan said.

Naruto is a child after all, and most of his thoughts are expressed on his face.

As an adult, how could Rifan not see it?

"Fuuf...I understand, Teacher Rifan."

"I'm ready, please let me meet that Nine Tails!" 

Naruto took a deep breath and nodded to Rifan very seriously.

"Then, pay attention, I will now bring your consciousness to the space where Nine Tails is.

Rifan put his finger on Naruto's forehead.

Naruto only felt a drop of his body consciousness as the energy flicked between Rifan's fingers.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in a dark room with only lights shining overhead.

In front of him, there is a huge prison cell.

"Is this the space of my consciousness?

Naruto looked at his hands, then looked at the cell directly opposite, and said in a low voice.

"Boy, you are here."

Suddenly, an extremely dull sound came from the cell.

Naruto looked up, just in time to see a pair of blood-red and huge eyes shining in the cell.

The Strongest Tailed Beast—Nine Tails Kurama.