It Sure is Complicated


The Snow Demon Ape let out a wild roar and walked forward.

There was an undisguised evil look in his eyes.

On the street, the unprepared and wandering crowd who were still watching the excitement saw the Snow Demon Ape and immediately became frightened and scattered.

"It's over, it's over! a beautiful girl, doesn't that mean me? "

Haruno Sakura closed her eyes in despair and said, "What should I do?"

A flash of light flashed in her mind, and she suddenly thought of Sasuke.

In this case, will Sasuke act as a hero to save the beauty?

If that's the case, the situation seems pretty favorable.

Haruno Sakura closed her eyes, only to hear the approaching footsteps that made the street tremble.

Just standing still Haruno Sakura felt scared and hoped that Sasuke to save her.

As the steps kept getting closer and louder...

It arrives!

It has arrived!

'Sasuke, come and save me!'


The footsteps seemed to be getting further and further, and farther away...

? ? ?

Haruno Sakura opened her eyes in confusion and turned her head.

She saw the Snow Demon Ape staring at a pair of eyes with an evil light, striding past Sakura herself, completely ignoring her existence and heading straight for Naruko.

Haruno Sakura suddenly felt as if 10,000 critical strikes hit her heart, and had the urge to spurt blood.


Does that mean I'm not as good-looking as the woman Naruto turned into?

Can this be said that my breasts are not as big as that woman's? (Translator note: This confused me, the word in place of breasts was 'Hungarian', but this context is talking about breasts. Right, someone help.)

Do your monkey eyes have any vision problems?

With that in mind, Haruno Sakura looked down at herself and then at Naruko.

Well, those are indeed bigger than mine.

But that's not the point!

The point is, can't I even compare to a man turned woman?

It turned out to be the most tragic scene that has occurred for her in this world. It wasn't that she summoned an erotic ape, but that the erotic ape she summoned didn't look at her but chose Naruko instead. Haruno Sakura's heart was broken.

Suddenly, there was a thought in her mind saying 'it is better to kill a piece of tofu in the world of life'. (Translator: I know, I gave up)

Naruko's face paled as she watched the evil-eyed Snow Demon Ape walking towards her.

The Snow Demon Ape showed a humanized evil expression, and a big black hand covered with white hair fell towards Naruko overwhelmingly.


Sasuke snorted lightly.

Mastema's wings fluttered, and he rushed out quickly, hugging Naruko from behind.

Then, he quickly flew away from the hands of the Snow Demon Ape.

Even Morimoto couldn't help but admire: "This is true love."

He didn't save Haruno Sakura, but he went to save Naruto. Isn't this true love?

Come on.

I'm optimistic about you pair of lovebirds.

Naruko, who was rescued by Sasuke, had her legs crossed and her arms wrapped around his neck, like an octopus entangling Sasuke, and moved: "Sasuke! I knew you would definitely save me!"

'Bastard Naruto, shut your mouth!,' thought Sasuke.

Haruno Sakura watched Sasuke fly through the sky with Naruko in his arms, and she felt as if a giant train whizzed past in her heart.

As Naruko clinged to Sasuke.

Her developing body under the sailor suit rubbed against Sasuke, and even his breath could clearly be felt on Sasuke's neck.

Although Sasuke knew that Naruko was a transformed Naruto, he couldn't help but fall into a trance at the appearance of a girl in front of him.

It made Sasuke feel a little warmer, but in the next moment, he came to his senses.

"Don't move! Or I'll throw you down!"

Sasuke shouted coldly with a grim expression on his face.

Naruko hugged tighter, "Noo, Sasuke~"

Haruno Sakura, on the ground, has completely passed out from the shock.

These days, the hardest thing to endure is not getting robbed of a man from a woman.

But getting the man you desire robbed by another man.

Is there any reason?

Why it is so complicated?


Seeing that his target was snatched away, the Snow Demon Ape roared angrily, strode forward, and chased after its target.

Both sides ran away.

The crowd on the street suddenly became a mess.

Far away,

A little boy wearing a dark green scarf heard the commotion of the crowd and said with a curious expression: "What is going on? Why is there such a big commotion? No, I'm going to have a look!"

Ebisu pushed the small round sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, "Master Konohamaru, your priority now is to go to the Clone Technique class, don't worry about these trivial matters, someone will naturally take care of them."

"What a joke!"

Konohamaru vowed: "As the younger brother of Boss Naruto, how can I Konohamaru be the kind of person who turns a blind eye to this excitement? If something is interesting, you must go and check it out."

Saying that Konohamaru ran over immediately.

Ebisu patted his forehead and said helplessly, "Master Konohamaru has been spoiled by that guy Naruto."

Konohamaru is the Third Hokage's grandson. If there is any accident, he, as a teacher, will be punished severely, so he has no choice but to follow.


The Snow demon ape pursued Sasuke and Naruko, crossing the streets, and causing villagers to riot.


A soft voice sounded.

"Earth Style Earth Flow Wall!"

As the ground shook, a thick stone wall rose from the ground, blocking the path of the Snow Demon Ape.


Naruko was pleasantly surprised when she saw the person using the ninjutsu.

Kakashi stood on top of the earth flow wall and said helplessly: "I guessed that if there is any trouble, it will have something to do with you."

At the same time, Kakashi turned his eyes to the white wings behind Sasuke, and his pupils shrunk.

what is that?

What kind of special ninja gear is that? Or mabye some kind of ninjutsu?

He has never heard of Konoha having such a thing.

Now is not the time to think about that, though.

Kakashi looked at the murderous Snow Demon Ape in front of him, and said, "It's better to get rid of you first."


Seeing the black-masked man blocking his way to chase Naruko, the Snow Demon Ape roared angrily, smashed the street with his enormous feet, and smashed his giant black fist toward Kakashi like a shooting star.


A dazzling lightning flashed from Kakashi's palm.

The thunder and lightning 'crackled' and sounded like a thousand birds emerging from the forest.

Kakashi jumped abruptly, avoiding Snow Demon Ape's fist, and at the same time stabbed Snow Demon Ape's forehead with his fiery palm.


In an instant, the bones shattered and blood splattered.

The blade made of thunder and lightning was like an indestructible thunder spear, which instantly pierced the skull of the Snow Demon Ape.

As the Snow Demon Ape's movements froze, the light in its pupils gradually dissipated, and finally became completely dim.

With a loud sound 'of bang', the body of the Snow Demon Ape fell backward, and the huge body smashed the street creating a shock wave.

Sasuke and Naruko descended from the sky when the ape was killed.

Kakashi flicked the blood from his hand, looked at the two of them, and asked, "You two, what is going on here? Who is the summoner who summoned this monster?"

Sasuke shook his head, "It's not a summoned beast, it's a Danger beast."

"Danger beast?"

Kakashi was startled.

It was the first time he had heard such a term.

Sasuke explained to Kakashi: "Danger beasts are terrifying creatures from the "Akame Ga Kill!" manga, with monster-level destructive power."

"In the manga of "Akame Ga Kill!"..."

Kakashi said with black lines on his head: "Are you trying to tell me that this monster came out of a comic?"