Garurumon Evolution

"Oh, it's an honored guest."

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen entering the door, Morimoto smiled lightly.

Although he said that, he still sat there with a relaxed look, and he didn't mean to be respectful at all.

Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed: "I heard Kakashi talk about your manga shop, and that you can get rewards from the comic by reading it. It's really eye-opening, and I want to try it too."

While speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Morimoto carefully, seemingly casually.

This is the mysterious powerhouse who used their Spiritual energy to attack him from halfway across Konoha Village.

The owner of this incredible comic shop?

He seems to be just an ordinary young man.

Of course, if anyone really treats him as an ordinary person and offends him, then he probably won't even know how he died.

Sarutobi Hiruzen even considered Morimoto to be a powerhouse at a higher level than himself.

"The first time you read its 5,000 Ryo, you could only read one, and the comics are all on the bookshelf."

Morimoto pointed to the bookshelf.


Sarutobi Hiruzen paid 5,000 Ryo and went to the bookshelf to choose a comic.

"Lord Hokage actually reads comics too?"

Inuzuka Kiba looked up to see Sarutobi Hiruzen and was stunned for a moment.

'The kid from the Inuzuka family.'

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and said nothing, looking at the five manga books on the shelf.

"Akame Ga Kill!", "One Piece - East Blue", "The Eight Dragons", and "Sailor Moon - Part 1"... Until he saw the fifth book "Velvet Pattern", his eyes could no longer move.

This cover...

It looked very exciting, he really wants to see it.

Nope! He is the Hokage, how can he read this kind of comic?

Why mention the title Hokage? The Hokage is also a man, right?

After a fierce quarrel between the two voices in his mind, justice finally triumphed over evil, and Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up "Velvet Pattern" and sat aside to watch.

It's really exciting, the first chapter is so exciting!

Sarutobi Hiruzen flipped through the manga and looked at it.

In the manga shop at this time, there were only the voices of Inuzuka Kiba and Sarutobi Hiruzen who kept flipping through the books.

An hour passed.

After reading "Digimon - Part 1", Kiba said with tears in his eyes, and a choked voice, "If Taiichi and Agumon are separated like this, I can't bear it..."

Taichi Yagami and the others joined forces with the Digimon to defeat Apocalymon, who wanted to destroy the Digital World.

The digital world has returned to peace.

However, after experiencing many difficulties and dangers, they finally have to face the moment of separation.

He knows what it's like to grow up with a pet.

Just like Akamaru, to him, it is no longer just a pet, but a brother who grew up with him and a comrade-in-arms who fought side by side with him.

If he was to be separated from Akamaru from now on, that feeling would be unpleasant just thinking about it.

At this time,

Soon Morimoto's system message was refreshed.

[Customer Inuzuka Kiba has finished reading "Digimon - Part 1", and obtained——'Garurumon Evolution Card'! ]

['Garurumon Evolution Card' - You can designate a canine to evolve into the Digimon Garurumon.

Garurumon is a mature Beast Digimon with cyan and white fur all over its body.

Their claws are sharp, their movements are agile, their hair is as hard as metal, their intelligence is very high, and they are very loyal to their masters.

Possess skills: Demon Fox Flame, Frozen Fang, Ice Wall...

Using the Garurumon evolution card does not give the ability to evolve again. ]

"This guy's luck is good, he actually got what he wanted most."

Morimoto smiled.

Although a Garurumon that evolves using an evolution card does not have the ability to evolve again.

But just in the form of Garurumon, it can definitely be called a powerful assistant.


A dazzling light fell into Inuzuka Ya's hand and turned into a black card.

Inuzuka Kiba looked at Morimoto curiously, "Boss, what kind of reward is this?"

Morimoto went on to say: "The Garurumon evolution card can make a canine evolve into a Garurumon, with all the abilities of a Garurumon."


Hearing this, Inuzuka Kiba's eyes widened, unable to believe that he was so lucky.

He originally came to this manga shop just to make Akamaru stronger.

But after reading the comics, he felt that even if he just came here for comics, it would be very good. He had never seen such a wonderful comic, even if he didn't get any good rewards, it didn't matter.

Unexpectedly, he really got a Garurumon evolution card.

His favorite Digimon while reading manga was Garurumon.

Garurumon is the Canine Digimon of the second male lead Ishida Yamato. It is loyal and brave, with a cool appearance and strong skills. It almost meets all his imagination for a ninja dog partner.

Inuzuka Kiba looked at Akamaru and said expectantly, "Akamaru, you can become a Garurumon later! After you have the power of a Digimon, we can go to Konohamaru and beat him up!"

"Woof! Woof!"

Akamaru barked twice in excitement, wagging his tail impatiently.

Inuzuka Kiba pointed the evolution card at Akamaru and shouted: "Transform! Akamaru!"

Akamaru waited, wagging his tail.

But nothing changed.

Inuzuka Kiba was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The evolution of Akamaru, Garurumon!"

Akamaru continued to wait with his tail wagging.

"I command you in the name of God, evolve!"

"This era needs you, it's time for you to evolve!"

"Attima, Dolostromo, Hagibadais@#¥%...Aoligi!"


After trying all kinds of spells nonsense, Inuzuka Kiba looked at Morimoto with a broken face, "Boss, what's the situation? Why doesn't it work?"

Morimoto leaned on his chin and said, "You can just throw the evolution card on Akamaru."

Inuzuka Kiba: (⊙_⊙)

It's that simple?

Don't you need to chant a spell on something so sacred? Does this make sense?

"Then why didn't you remind me, boss?" Kiba said.

"I thought you were having a good time there yourself," Morimoto said.

Inuzuka Kiba: (T^T)

'I'm strong, I won't cry...'

Shen Ye reminded: "Garurumon is too big, you can go outside and use the evolution card."


Kiba took Akamaru to the street and put the evolution card on Akamaru.

The evolution card instantly became radiant, and immediately turned into a mysterious energy flowing into Akamaru's body.

A fiery energy rampaged through Akamaru's body, like countless wild horses, and soon spread to all corners of his body.

Akamaru grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and blue lines began to appear on his body.


Akamaru turned into a Garurumon nearly two stories tall.

His posture was arrogant, his eyes were cold and severe, and there was a frightening and ferocious aura on his body.

"Totally alter the evolution of species..."

A look of shock appeared on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.

When Inuzuka Kiba started using the evolution card, he began to pay attention to them and witnessed Akamaru's evolution from a white puppy to a malevolent Garurumon.

This is the evolution of breakthrough species.

Evolutionary costs do not exist for species in this world.

It can no longer be described as simple magic, but a mighty power from a god.

Only someone who has witnessed this scene can understand.