True Love Is Unstoppable

While playing, Morimoto introduced to the people around him who were already excited from something they have never seen about the game: "The game I'm playing is called Dynasty Warriors.

The core selling point of the game is to allow players to experience the thrill of the game.

In the formation of a thousand people, as if walking on the ground, take the head of the enemy general.

Like Guan Yu, he is a skilled general, and even his moves are relatively ruthless..."

"Guan Yu's ultimate move is so cool!"

"There's a guy named Zhang Jiao coming over here!"

"Zhang Jiao's unparalleled skill is so strong, how can he summon thunder and lightning?"

"Awakening! Awakening!"

Naruto, Inuzuka Kiba, and Konohamaru crowded together, watching Morimoto play the game and to get familiar with the game, and shouted excitedly.

This game is really cool.

No matter where you go, you are able crazily harvest people's heads, and see all kinds of gorgeous special effects displayed all over the screen.

Seeing this group of people like this, Morimoto smiled.

The're this excited with only this?

Wait until they see Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy, how would they react?

Inuzuka Tsume and Inuzuka Hana looked a little dull and thought.

'With such a small thing, you can play such an interesting thing?'

Otherworld items are really incredible.

Of course, the most powerful is the owner of this comic shop, otherwise they won't be able to see this.

The current level of ninja technology is still very low.

Even the camera is still just a big wooden box, the kind of antique camera that a photographer needs to crawl into a copper sheet.

The PS4 handheld game console, a technology product that was popular in his previous life, is a completely super-technical existence in the Naruto world.

Morimoto demonstrated the game console and gave it to Konohamaru, saying, "Play it yourself. There are more than 20 games in it, all of them are very classic games, enough for you to play for a long time and not get bored."

"Hahaha! From now on, I can play games every day!"

Konohamaru couldn't help but take the game console aside and play.

Both Naruto and Kiba looked envious.

No way, the lethality of gameing consoles to boys of their age is unparalleled.

However, the two still suppressed their strong urge to play games and went back to their seats to read their comic.

While several boys were playing the game, Meogi had already read the "Sailor Moon-Part 1" comic.

[Customer Moegi has finished reading "Sailor Moon-Part 1" and obtained--'Exorcism Charm'! ]

['Exorcism Charm' - a spell made by the Priestess Hino Rei herself, it has a miraculous effect on exorcising evil spirits. ]

The charm soon fell on Moegi's hands.

When the light dissipated, a few charms with mysterious runes were revealed.

"Boss, is this the charm of Hino Rei?"

Moegi recognized the origin of these charms at a glance. After all, only Hino Rei used these charms to fight in the comic.

Morimoto nodded, "Yes, these were all drawn by Hino Rei herself."


Moegi was a little excited when she heard his words, like a fanatic girl who saw her favorite idol for the first time, "It turned out to be a charm drawn by Hino Rei herself? Then I will treasure it well, hee hee."

After a while,

Udon also read his manga.

[Customer Ise Udon has finished reading "Akame Ga Kill!", get - 'The Head of Sheila'! ]

['Head of Syura' - Syura, the son of Prime Minister Honest, held the Teigu Dimensional Formation- Shambhala. In terms of character, he is no less cruel than his father, and he is brutal and lecherous. He uses his father's power to rape and loot everywhere.

He used to travel abroad and learn from other martial art masters strength to develop a powerful martial art.

And during his travels, he collected famous criminals and experts from all over the world, collected Teigu scattered outside the empire, and established a secret police force headed by himself-Wild Hound, acting more unscrupulous in the imperial capital.

He was eventually decapitated by Lubbock of 'NightRaid'. ]


Morimoto looked at Udon's reward in amazement.

Is it okay to reward individual heads?

He just doesn't know if Udon's mental quality can handle it.


A ray of light descended on Udon's hands.

"What will it be?

Can it be Demon's Extract?

Or the heroine Akane's One-Cut Killer: Murasame ?"

Udon sucked back the snot that was about to flow and looked at the light with anticipation in his eyes.

After all, both Konohamaru and Moegi got what they wanted, so there's no reason why he can't.

In the gaze of a pair of eyes, the light gradually dissipated.

Revealing the head of a man with a tragic death.

His expression was ferocious, full of blood, and his eyes were staring fiercely before he died.


Udon saw the head in his hands at first sight, and he was so frightened that he fainted on the spot.

Moegi muttered: "Udon, you...ah!!"

When Moegi saw that it was a human head, she was so frightened that her eyes rolled over and fainted.

Of course for Konohamaru it was obviously unbearable as well.

Even a Special Jōnin like Inuzuka Tsume, who often performed tasks, looked disturbed by the sight.

Is there such a thing in the rewards?

This is going too far, right?

Seeing that Konohamaru was about to faint, Morimoto said, "Don't faint first, get the two of them out with the reward."

"Yes Yes..."

Konohamaru could only bite the bullet and ordered Koro to drag Udon and Moegi out.

Immediately, he looked at the Syura's head.

Konohamaru said to Koro, "Koro, throw it away! The farther you throw it, the better!"


After hearing this, Koro turned into his fighting form, grabbed Syura's head and threw it in one direction, making it seem as if a shooting star flying through the sky.


Konoha Village border.

"I said I'm not your master, get away from me!"

Asuma smoked a cigarette and gritted his teeth angrily at the Sukamon following him.

The Sukamon has been following him since yesterday.

After all, he is also a Konoha Jōnin, so he feels ashamed having such disgusting Digimon following him around all day wherever he goes.

It's really degrading his image.

And this Sukamon is very stubborn no matter how far he throws it it keeps coming back to him.

Hearing this, the Sukamon said sadly: "Master, don't be so heartless, I know, you must still like me."

"Who the heck likes shit?"

Asuma threw the cigarette butt out of his mouth in anger, "If I really like you, something better drop on me and kill me."


Before he finished speaking, Asuma was severely hit on the back of the head by a mysterious object.

Asuma was dizzy, looking at the thing that knocked him out, not only was he hit in the back of the head at the speed of light, but he it was actually a terrifying head, he couldn't help question himself: "Am I cursed?..."

Then, Asuma passed out.

"Master! Master!"

The Sukamon looked at Asuma who was knocked unconscious, and at first his face was in panic, and then gradually turned into a moved expression, "Like I thought, Master, you still like me. Could it be that all the cruelty you did before was because you wanted to surprise me? Master, I am so happy. I will always be your Sukamon and will never leave you. "

Suddenly the Sukamon said to himself, "Master, there won't be any problems, right?

By the way, if human beings encounter such a situation, they generally need human breathing, right?

There are no other human beings here, don't tell me... Do I...

Omg, I'm so embarrassed...

Me and master, um~

What am I afraid of? The master has proven with his life that he likes me, why should I care about these secular rules?

True love can't be stopped! "

Thinking about it, the Sukamon looked at Asuma and said affectionately: "Unexpectedly, my first kiss will be dedicated to the master under these circumstance. This will be my most sacred moment."

The Sukamon pouted at Asuma...

It took two minutes for the Sukamon to get up, looking at Asuma's already red and swollen mouth, "Master hasn't woken up yet, am I not doing enough artificial respiration? Do I have to do it again?"

The Sukamon sat down again...

After five minutes, the fecal beast got up and said reluctantly: "No, it's not working... Then do it again, this is the last..."

The Sukamon lowered its head again, going back and forth without caring about it's surroundings...


T: Then Asuma woke up and he and Sukamon went on to live happily ever after. So romantic.