Letters Continue On

Dear Son,

Yes, I am still writing to you. I was serious when I said that I want to be a constant in your life. I don't know what you're up to, but whether or not you will let me know is up to you.

What do I know of the father-son relationship? I know that a father is often the one not around because of working to provide the family income so the mother tends to do most of the parenting as they around the most. I know that the father will still be the one the sons look to as an example for what and how to do things. That is not to say that you will follow my example. I know for a fact that isn't always the case, as Vernon Dursley has been my example since Dumbledore dropped me off there. Let's just say that if I followed his example, I would be locking you out of sight, denying you food, and letting someone else that also hates you feed you and assign you chores and not caring a wit. I think your vehemence to that idea would make it almost impossible to complete anyway, not to mention the fact that that is not humane in the slightest and not something I can see myself doing. I honestly prefer the Weasley's or Malfoy's styles of parenting; neither are perfect, but each show that their child is more worth than a broom and dustpan.


Your Now Father,

Harry Potter


Dear Son,

Rainy England, am I right? It rained twice today, so the ground here is sopping.

I don't know if you know, but my home county is considered non-metropolitan. We have a ton of forested areas and three rivers running through. Needless to say, gardening here is considered really important and grass grows really fast with the amount of moisture and sunshine we get. I'd not be surprised if people had to constantly sharpen or replace their lawn mower blades if there wasn't a competition over who has the better mower.

For some reason I'm not getting mail. I wonder if it's the wards?

I hope your day went better than mine.


Your Now Father,

Harry Potter


Lord Malfoy sighed. Once again, he was playing go between with Potter and the Dark Lord. Since nothing too bad had come of it, so far, he kept passing the letters along. He also realized that his son had seen the initial pass-along message, as Draco had looked at him sideways for an entire day after wandering into his office for a book. He had left it lying on his desk by accident. When the next morning Draco had refused to look at him, he had had to set Draco in his office, corrected his assumptions on what was happening, spanked him, and grounded him from flying for the week. Since Draco was as big a Quidditch enthusiast as he was about complaining about Potter, he knew that hurt. For a whole three days afterwards, Draco had acted politely but not warmly towards him. The apology afterwards warmed his heart, and he showed it, especially when his ice prince was no longer acting that way towards him. Draco didn't understand what was going on, but since he was willing to trust his father with it, he was going to forget about it. Hopefully, nothing worse was going to happen.