A Prophecy Told, Surprise

Luna Lovegood sat in her carriage on the train. Prophesies were being fulfilled. unfolding, changing, and the course of four individuals were the focus of many of them. While one was known to three parties, there were others in play as well. She just couldn't share the vast majority. That saying, there was one, even if she wouldn't remember it after, and so she waited with Neville on the train. When the so called Golden Trio stepped into her apartment, she released a sigh.

When all eyes looked at her, including a silver-blue pair by the door, she spoke:

The child the Potter does desire:

Three things the Potter does require,

Cloak, wand, engraved stone.

To be alive must take a throne

Of death in Hel's domain,

For only then you'll both remain.

After that, she heaved a sigh, and she came back to her normal self. The others quickly tried to act as though everything was normal, but none could forget that she had spoken a prophesy. Those who knew about the Department of Ministries knew that there was now a new sphere on the rack with the others.

Harry sat with his head in his hands. That was a prophesy about him. Luna's mild premonitions were right, so a full on prophesy had to be right as well. He would not trust this to an owl, even one as trusted as Hedwig. This he had to go to Professor Snape with, as he said he would always be available for guidance. Mind, most of this seemed really clear cut, just filled with references with objects that he had to look up. Maybe he should tell his son too.


Snape stared at Harry. Two prophecies intersecting each other and showing a clear path now. Trelawney's he over heard part of: "the one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches, born of parents who have three times defied him, and he shall mark him as his equal. Meshed with this one it seemed there truly was away for both to live, but one must live as Death. Two immortal beings then... no wonder no one seemed able to kill Harry. Though apparently, if he didn't go with Luna's route, the end which he had heard paraphrased – they are set by destiny as opposites and one must kill the other to live – would happen. If there was a way for things to smoothly, to avoid war, Luna's way had to be the taken.

"What do you know of the tale of the three brothers?"

"Mostly that Ignotus Peverel was one."

"Yes, he was. There was once three brothers. One day they walked and came across a vicious river. The three brothers made a bridge and crossed the river. However, the river was a trap by death and for going across it he gave the three brothers three items. The eldest got the elder wand, which not only cooperates with everyone's core, but if conquered would lend it's loyalty and give the owner a power boost. He died shortly after in a fight. The second brother got the resurrection stone, which he used to raise his wife from the dead, but his wife no longer belonged in the land of the living, and pined for the land of the dead. Eventually she died again and he buried her. He died shortly after from heartbreak. The third brother asked something of death more wisely than the rest, and asked for an invisibility cloak to hide from death with. Many years down in the future, he passed the cloak on to his children and greeted death as an old friend. The three items make up the Deathly Hallows. That is the basic tale. There is an extended saying that if one was to have all three items they would be the Master of Death."

"So Luna's prophecy was open and shut instructions to someone who grew up hearing this tale."


"I hope you understand that now that I never wanted to have to kill him."

It was so clear – the throne of death in Hel's domain was the mastery of death. The three things he required were the Deathly Hallows. The only way to adopt an immortal person was to be immortal himself.


Draco reported the prophecy to his father. His father was thankful for the knowledge of what the remaining requirements were as he was working with Voldemort whether this was legal or not. Eventually he stopped. Immortal beings went way beyond what the Ministry dealt with on a regular basis. To either find a way to kill the Dark Lord, who was reportedly immortal, or for Potter to allow himself to be killed, which seemed just as hard, or just find a way for both to be immortal, really, and it seemed an immortal Potter could adopt Voldemort and make him immortal, or was making Potter immortal making Voldemort immortal? Now that he thought about it, the puzzle seemed to indicate that for both to remain, Potter had to become immortal, which meant making Potter immortal made Voldemort immortal. They were interconnected. No wonder Potter didn't really want to kill Voldemort but fought to get away each time. He forgot that until this past summer, since Voldemort had been trying to kill Potter, Potter was not on Voldemort's side, and the side of those wanting to kill his lord. Unless... The way they were that connected didn't make sense to him, but hopefully the Dark Lord knew.


Lord Voldemort stared at the table top. There was no way, unless... He had made Horcruxes. The only way that he knew of that making Potter truly immortal would make him immortal would be if he was a Horcrux. True, it wasn't one he had planned on making, but it was there. He connected with Nagini briefly and tried to connect with Potter the same way. He could. Of course, some things he couldn't touch as he was learning Occlumency, but the same connection was there. He had a thought that at some point, unless the state of the souls in Harry Potter were frozen, eventually they would battle out over who had control of the body. The engraved stone, the ring he had made. He had known it was the resurrection stone, but now he had to get a very nasty curse off that ring. He was pretty sure Dumbledore held the wand, had seen it up close and it was very like the pictures. It was also a very powerful wand. There had been a reason he didn't seem to win against the old man. He knew nothing of the cloak.


Harry stared at his cloak. The invisibility cloak passed down from father to son. There was no way that cloak was that old, was there? The person most likely to now who James had got it from was Sirius. The two of them were very like brothers. If James had gotten it from his dad, it could be, as most didn't last too long. The charms usually wore off within a decade. Even if James had made it at school, his cloak would be unusually well done and at the end of it's life. He decided to send Sirius an owl about how his father had gotten the cloak. He had found a book of mail protection charms and put them on the envelope before tying it to Hedwig.


Severus Snape had Harry Potter coming to detentions, "detentions", and remedial potion lessons. With an eye to help Harry Potter start to form such walls and mind organization, the first lesson had Harry attempting to organize his thoughts while under the supervision of Severus's legilemency, with the next few on the formation of walls while keeping the mind organized. Only after that, were the lessons on strengthening those walls and mental attacks started. He was doing this without the orders to do so, but it was needed if they were to survive.