chapter 6


After I finished getting ready I went down to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee as I really need the boost. When I sat down at the island table I was joined by Jason and Jacob I was just about finished my coffee when Jacob spoke up.

"They are hear"

All of a sudden I have butterfly's in my stomach and I gripped on to Jacob while we waited at the front door and when the car pulled up my heart almost stopped. The woman who stepped out her hair is sliver and her eye's are blue her hair reaches her waist line and all I can sat is that she is stunning.

"Lilly I presume and you are Alpha Jacob?"

"Yes your majesty I am Alpha Jacob and my mate Lilly Hail" My heart is now skipping a few beat's when we enterd the office and sat down the Queen spoke again.

"Lilly I know that this may come to a shock but yes I am you're mother and no I did not give you up you where taken by you're farther when he betrayed me and the kingdom I have been looking for you ever since he took you I promise you that I will try to get to know you and see what you have learned in the past few year's as I need to see if you need any more training is that ok?"

"My lady yes that is fine as I will also like to get to know you and I am glad that you want to thank you for coming out all this way" as I bowed my head in respect she came and gave me a hug witch I was taken back from.

"Lady what was the for" I can tell she can hear the shock in my voice and let out a little giggle.

"Lilian I am glad that you have been raised well but you can call me mom if that is what you would like?" I can see the sadness in her eyes and see that want's me to and I do to as I now have a mother that really dose love me. I nodded my head and hugged her back and I felt safe in her arm's we showed then to their room and half a hour later we where in the office.

"Queen Lilith I know that you may be extremely tied but we do need to talk about Lilly and how you are her mother as you said that Leon took her when she was a baby what do you mean by that?" Jacob asked and his voice stern

"Please call me Lilith as you are my daughter's mate you have that right and yes he did take her when she was a baby as he was angry with me as I didn't tell him about me fully well you seen I am a hybrid half wolf and half vampire and so are you Lilly but as you have not died you are still just a wolf. You see when I gave birth to you I died and so leon took it upon himself to take you and abandoned his kingdom so as I see it he must of left you and some one found you and raised you and I am gratful for that but that basterd is now the rogue king and we need to find a way to stop him as he know's that you are still alive and he want's you dead"

I stood there shocked as I now my own farther want's me dead and what has me shaking is that I don't know how to fight and I did ask Jacob if he could train me but because of what has been happening we didn't even have time to train.

"Jacob I know that we have talked about training but right now I need to learn how to fight and defend myself please I need you to train me please"

Jacob looked at me worried and then nodded we all walked to the training ground and started to train.



We are in the training ground and I told Jacob to not go easy on me I have now found out that I can control the element's and that is thanks to my farther on that end as he is a elemental. We just finished when we received a link saying that there is rogue's at the border when we asked what side we got told that they are at all end's witch mean's that he has come my father has now decided to come and kill me so we all shifted and that's when I saw mom come out and shift.

"Mom please go back in side this is my fight I can do this I don't want to see you get hurt please"

She shook her head. "Lilly this is much as my fight as it is yours, I want this asshole dead as he stole you from me and I thought you were dead for eighteen year's I am not going to lose you again ok I love you and I want you to be safe is that clear"

I nodded my head and we took off.