Ch89. King's respect - 4 (Encounter)

Kurt's body immediately disappeared from Groth's sight, leaving only the afterimage for the King to strike against, and the axe hit nothing but thin air, grass and dirt.

The next split-second, Kurt reappeared exactly one meter ahead from Groth.

He grabbed the hilts of his daggers and kicked the King right in his nose.

Kurt felt the cracking of the King's nose as much as the King himself did, only without the pain.

Groth let out a nasal howl, followed by a gush of blood that painted the grass' green in red.

"Powerful or not, you're a wolf after all, and you DO have a weak spot!" Kurt celebrated, getting up.

Only to see the handle of the war axe just about to hit him on the ribs again.


[VP REMAINING: 50/150]

Kurt's image blinked and reappeared right behind the Direwolf King, and in the blink of an eye, he knelt, unconsciously avoiding the axe handle strike, that Groth began to use like a stick.