Ch05. Ranking

The test room was exactly how I remembered it.

The mana stone in the middle of the room, secured by a glass tank protected with magic, that measured the mana level of the person.

The computer equipment that registered the awakened data all around, and in one of the corners, the physical ability measuring machine.

"Proceed to the physical testing, Mr. Blake." The examiner said.

I walked towards the machine, a long treadmill with holographic projectors around it.

It measured the awakened running seed in the first half of the test.

And in the second half of the physical test, the holographic projectors projected countless beasts so that the awakened could show if he had any combat/support abilities.

But when I was ready to step onto the treadmill, I remembered I was wearing the weights from my early run.

"Just a second, please. I have to remove this." I said, pointing to the weights, as I lifted the legs of my jogging pants.

The examiner raised a brow with a judging look.

But as I took the weights off, I heard the beep in my head, followed by system's robotic voice.

[Strength +1]

[Agility +1]

[Dexterity +2]

[Stamina +2]

Holy shit!

Six stat points for running with weights and taking them off?

The test would be way easier than the first time I did it.

I stretched out a bit, and stepped into the treadmill.

"Three, two, one, begin!" The examiner said, as I started to run.

I gave a few sloppy steps at first, getting used with my legs without the weights.

But as I got steadier, I felt my body grow lighter as I ran faster.

And I wasn't even getting tired, so I proceeded to run as fast as my limits allowed me.

I wanted to see the full potential of my new capabilities in level one.

But as I seemed to reach my full speed, I felt something off.

The next second, I saw the image of a beast right in front of me.

A huge Lizard man, swinging its tail towards my feet.

I rolled above the beast's tail and got up again, only to see two more Lizard men charging against me.

'If only I had a skill or something...' But I didn't have time to complain, as the beasts approached really fast.

The projectors were designed to react to the touch, and Lizard men were just F ranked beasts, so even if I didn't have a weapon, or even combat skills for that matter...

It was time to test a stat combination.

As the Lizard men were almost at melee range, I jumped towards them and grabbed their heads, smashing them against the treadmill at the same time.

I rolled over, got up again, and kept running as fast as I could, while more enemies appeared.

My physical test ended twenty minutes later, after I got hit by a Minotaur, a C ranked beast.

I was sweating a little as I got off the treadmill, and the examiner looked at me, silently.

"... Right... Now, place your hand in the device in front of the mana stone container..." He said, sounding a bit reluctant.

And after I placed my palm over the device, it beeped and glowed in purple.

A few seconds later, a screen on the device lit up with a single letter showing up.



I got an E rank?

"Is the mana measuring device functioning properly?" The examiner asked one of the operators.

"Seems so." The operator responded.

"Hum... Strange..."

"It's not that I'm not satisfied with the results." I said. "I mean, I could be a regular, but... What's strange?"

"I could ask if you have already been into a Nest before, but that's impossible due to the age of acceptance in guild raids, but your combat abilities are that of an at least D rank. However, your mana level is... Quite low."

Shit! I probably got caught up in testing the potential of my stats, and forgot that I'm just a teenager.

I ended up using the regular skills I acquired in my previous life as a thief...

Well... That at least explains why I couldn't do anything against Quintus as a regular back then.

"We'll give you a provisory awakened license, so you can apply to one of the guilds after you graduate from school. You can come back in three weeks, I'll check if it was some sort of interface error or anything of the sorts. Good luck out there, young man." The examiner said.

But I could still feel his curious stare, as I walked out of the examination room.

'So my innate previous life's acquired skills do make a difference in this current life...' I thought as I left the building.

The provisory license would be ready in three days, which gave me some time to figure some things out, and since if I recall it correctly, we were in the middle of spring break, soon I'd be moved from mixed class to awakened.

To start learning more about Nests, the guilds, and wielder's classes.

I would also have to prepare myself for the combat classes.

It would be a busy semester.

As I walked out the exit door, I saw Quintus' car waiting for me, and Nikolai sitting in a bench.

He waved as I looked at him, and Quintus got out of the car, coming in my direction.

I signaled Quintus to wait for a second, as I walked towards Nikolai, to find out why he was waiting for me.

"Hey," I greeted him again "did you wait for me the whole time?"

"It wasn't that much time. However, I did think you would take less time to leave the building.

"It seems I don't have much time, but is there anything you wanna talk about?"

"I have plans, and I don't plan on going back to school, I already told you that."

Nikolai's hands were tucked in his pockets, but he looked at me with a determination that I had only seen in his adult version.

'So, the king of the Black Market will rise anyways, huh...'

"And if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me." He went on. "No one ever spoke to me like like that, and I recognize a friend when I see one, so, til anytime, friend."

But as he turned around to leave, Quintus' voice sounded right behind me.

"Get in the car, little brother. Now."

His voice carried a tone that I had heard before.

Right after he killed Nikolai.