Ch07. Thief robbing thief - 3

I made Quintus bleed!

He stumbled backwards, falling on his butt as I looked at him in shock.

But then I remembered one of the conditions of the quest.

I had to steal his guild emblem, and I had the perfect opportunity right there and then.

"Are you alright, brother?" I asked, stepping towards him and kneeling to check on him.

I didn't know I had hit him that hard, but hi seemed slightly out of orbit as I touched his forehead, going straight to his pockets right after that, using the quick fingers I learned in the streets.

Three seconds were more than enough for me to find the badge and take it without him noticing.

But then I didn't notice what came next.

A clenched fist, straight to my jaw.

And I thought his first punch had hurt.

I saw an entire constellation of stars in front of my eyes, as I heard my brother's voice.

"How dare you..."

And then he punched once more.

And twice.

Three times, and I already found it hard to keep myself awake.

I raised my guard right when he punched a fourth time, sending me to the ropes.

"I thought you were a waste, and that your awakening was nothing but a nuisance for us, because nobody wants an E rank... But it seems you do have something up your sleeve. So if you want to stay alive, you better show it, right. Now!"

I heard the beep of the system in my head, as I felt the familiar, invisible force wrapping around me.

I don't know how Quintus changes when he enters a Nets, but I knew he was going in for the kill, when he used his telekinetic ability.






I didn't even had to think that hard, to know what skill I would copy.

I hoped that copying a wielder's ability would be just a level one feature, because if I could someday actually steal a wielder's ability and turn it into one of my personal skills...

Man, it would be dope!

'Telekinesis!' I thought, as I felt my conscience slipping away, further and further by the second.

"Now I want to see how you deal with real power, Kurt..."

I thought telling Quintus to shut up would be a waste of energy, and then the system window appeared in front of me.

It seemed a bit blurred, probably because I was almost passing out, but it was clear enough to read the content.



[DESCRIPTION: Allows the player to use the mana around him to create a telekinetic force to be moved at will.]


Okay, that had to do.

I focused all my will on staying awake, and thought.

'Invisible hand'

The effect was almost instantaneous.

My brother's eyes went wide in shock as he saw me capable of breathing again, panting as my knee touched the mat.

Quintus' invisible grip felt like softening a bit, and I could move a bit more freely, too. But not too freely.

The effort I had to put in just resisting his telekinesis was ridiculous.

And if I didn't think of anything real quick, I would run out of mana points to sustain the skill.

And if it weren't enough, I felt blood dripping from my nose, along with an excruciating headache.

I stepped forward as Quintus contorted his face in a horrible way, almost as if he himself was giving his all to overpower my skill.

Even though I knew it couldn't be the power of a level one skill.

I didn't know what was happening, but I had less than three minutes to do something.


So I kept on moving forward.

One step, then another.

And what seemed to be an eternity later, I was face to face with Quintus.

My nose and mouth were hot with blood, and I felt my strength waning.

It was now or never.

So I focused the mana around me all over my fist.

I didn't care if Quintus was going to suffocate me with his ability.

I had to give my all here, so I focused all my will on that punch, as I felt his grip wrapping around me again.

And punched, aiming for his jaw.

Suddenly, I felt nothing but a searing pain in my right hand as it connected with Quintus' jaw.

Even his telekinesis seemed to have faded, just as my strength.

But to my surprise, as I fell face-down, Quintus was falling backwards.

His eyes were closed.

So I put my hand in my pocket, and took his badge out, holding it tightly between my fingers, as I turned backwards on the mat.

If he ever woke up before me, he could kill me, I didn't care.

I won.

And I showed it with a raised middle finger pointed at him, while holding his Shadow guild badge.

As my conscience faded away.


"... Telling you, I don't know how he did it, but he stole my badge." I heard Quintus' voice. "And he defeated me."

"Bullshit!" Another male voice sounded near me.

I opened my eyes, and the training room had given place to a completely different room.

It was a dark room, illuminated buy torches, and there was a hearth in front of where I was lying.

Fire crept and it felt comfortable.

"Ugh... What happened?" I sat down.

Quintus was talking to an old man with a shaved head and an ugly scar over his right eye as I woke up.

"... And you expect me to believe that this E rank defeated you?"

Quintus glared at the old man and came towards the bed.

"Hey, little brother. How're you feeling?"

He looked neither upset, nor angry.

Quintus looked... Happy.

And I didn't know if I should worry about it or not, but I just waved my hand as to show him I was fine, when he said.

"There are a few things you and I need to talk. But first of all, the old man is Rodrick. He has a few questions before we talk business."

I didn't understand a single thing Quintus said, but before I could ask anything, the old man, Rodrick, said.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty, and welcome to the Shadow Guild."