Ch137. Black Nest

Kurt knew that the voice he had heard was not coming from that huge snake.

It was coming from much further away, from somewhere much deeper in that swampy forest.

So he knew that, if he wanted to understand what it meant, he had to kill that Beast, and proceed to the bottom of that damp mass of trees and dead water.

But the snake was a much tougher and more insistent adversary than Kurt had imagined.

It moved swiftly through the marshy terrain and slithered through the trees as if it were part of them.

Kurt wanted to be a little more honest with himself as he watched the swift, fluid movements of this enormous beast.

It was tough, all right.

It was insistent and persistent.

That's for sure.

But as Kurt dodged the snake's strikes, repelled the attacks of its fangs, and dodged the jets of venom it spewed out...

Kurt began to accept the fact that it wasn't strong at all.