Ch173. Clash of monsters - 2

Octavius's roar could be heard by everyone there, near or far, on the battlefield.

But more than that, what left everyone's jaw dropped the most, and with their blood frozen in their veins, was the wave of energy that emanated from the Dread Paladin with that scream.

The power that struck everyone on that battlefield was so overwhelming, powerful, deep and drenched in wrath, that many there felt effects even worse than when they witnessed Rhegal, disguised as the BWA Headmaster, using Dragon Fear.

Some fainted, others felt their noses bleeding, several felt nauseated.

But the weakest, most susceptible to mental-type abilities, immediately went crazy, scratching their own skin, digging their eyes out, inflicting on themselves every kind of pain imaginable, just to try to find some comfort, away from the feeling of their minds being torn apart.