
The next morning,

Jungkook was alone on his bed, Taehyung had cleaned him and made me wear some comfortable clothes and laid him properly on the bed then left. Jungkook was alone because Taehyung wasn't back from his mission.

Jungkook woke up groaning as the sunlight hit his face, he turned around but no use because his Hyung came to wake him up.

"Kook, wake up," Jimin said shaking him.

"Nuuu~ let me sleep" Jungkook pushed Jimin slightly.

"Kook, you have a mission in a few hours, you need to get ready and apply pain killers also" Jungkook whined and opened his eyes.

"He is not back?"

"No, I called Yoongi but he didn't pick up so I guess they are still on the mission" Jungkook nodded and sat up.

"Fuck" he groaned as Jimin chuckled.

"He went hard"

"He fucked me after years," Jungkook said as he rubbed his back.

"Okay. Now, go, get ready, take your painkillers and come down," Jimin said and left.

Jungkook took his phone and the first thing he did was message Taehyung.

Bunny 🐰

Good morning Taetae!

Come back soon and hope you are not careless while working

I have a meeting so I will be going in the afternoon and will be coming back at night

Love you Taetae 😘

Btw will you come here or to your place?🤔

Also I miss you 😗

Message me after you are done 😗

Bui Bui 😗

Also, love you 😘

Jungkook kept the phone aside and got up groaning from his bed. He somehow managed to get to the washroom, and when he looked in the mirror he smiled.

He touched the marks that Taehyung gave him, his whole body was filled with hickeys and marks, the marks claim that he is Taehyung's and nobody's else.

He brushed his teeth and removed the butt plug as he got in the bathtub which Jimin filled for him before leaving.

He let out a throaty moan as hot water touch his skin and relaxed him. He kept his head back and started to think about yesterday.

"We have our Taetae back but he doesn't know about 'us' but don't worry I will tell him soon." He groaned again "Aish! He went too hard again, I will make him compensate for that" Jungkook said with an angry pout on his face.

After an hour,

Jungkook took his painkillers and went down, while going down he was checking if his Taetae messaged him or not but seems like his Taetae is not back yet.

Jungkook sighed and kept the phone in his pocket.

"Morning everyone"


"Jimin and Hobi Hyung if you both have eaten then shall we go?"

"But Kook your breakfast?" Rosé asked.

"I am not hungry, Noona and if I eat now then we will be late and this meeting is important" he gave a small smile.

The three left for the meeting when Jisoo got a call.


"What!?!? Yes, I am coming right now!" she hung up the call.

"What happened, babe?" Rosé asked looking worried because Jisoo had a terrified expression.