Kookie Scared

YoonMinSeok kept the food on the side table and cleaned the room while Taehyung was calming Kookie.

After a few minutes,

Kookie was calm and only sniffing but he didn't allow anyone near him except Taehyung who held him tightly and made sure Kookie felt safe and warm.

"Baby, do you want dadda to feed you?" Kookie shook his head and buried his face in Taehyung's neck "Baby, eat something, you didn't eat dinner right?" Kookie nodded "Dadda will feed you, okay?" Kookie shook his head.

"Does Kookie want to drink banana milk and cuddle with dadda while having chips and ice cream as dadda and Kookie watch Disney movies?" Taehyung looked at Kookie who looked back at him and nodded slightly.

Taehyung signaled YoonMinSeok to bring banana milk, chips, and ice cream and also take the plate as he comfortably sat on the bed with Kookie still straddling him.

"No one should know," Taehyung said to YoonMinSeok who nodded and went down to bring the things.

"Does Kookie want to tell dadda what happened and who did it?" Taehyung asked as he caressed Kookie's cheeks.

"Kookie scared" Taehyung sighed and pulled him in a hug.

"But baby you never come out around him then why suddenly?"

"He brought plushies and say sorry to Kookie" Kookie looked at Taehyung with a pout and teary eyes.

"Baby, what happened?!! Why are you crying?!!" Taehyung panicked.

"Kookie dumb dumb" Kookie started crying again. YoonMinSeok entered.

They walked in and kept the things on the bed and were still there but away so that Kookie doesn't get scared.

Soon, Kookie slept crying in Taehyung's arms while holding him tightly.

"What happened after he came in the room?" Taehyung asked the three.

"Everyone went to the living room after dinner expects Taeyeon who went to his room and Tae we saw him going to his room, "Jimin said. Taehyung nodded.

"You guys can leave but don't tell anyone about this" they nodded.

"Tae" he looked at Jimin "Is uncle really behind all this?"

"The truth is that he is but it's up to you who you want to believe because I have seen him hurting my love! I am not stopping this time from destroying him! He reached the last line after hurting Kookie"

"If he is really behind all this then we are with you Tae" Hoseok said and YoonMin nodded.

"Thanks, guys, and good night" YoonMinSeok left.

Taehyung called someone "Get a doc to Bunny's room and come from the balcony"

"I am not going anywhere in the middle-"

"He hurt Kookie!!"

"No need for a doc, I am coming there myself" the person ended the call and Taehyung sighed.

He pulled Kookie closer as the latter whimpered. Taehyung got up and picked Kookie in koala style, he locked the door and started walking back and forth in the room waiting for the person and calming Kookie.

"Dadda" Kookie mumbled.

"Yes baby"

"Scared" Kookie hugged him more tightly.

"Don't worry baby, dadda is not going anywhere anymore. Dadda is always with Kookie" Kook nodded. Soon, Kookie fell asleep to Taehyung singing winter bear, Kookie's favorite song for him.