
"What are you doing here?!!" Taeyeon asked.

"That is supposed to be my question because this is my boyfriend's room" V was leaning on the wall beside the door.

"I-I came to check if he is here or not" Taeyeon tried his best not to stutter.

"You came to check on him with a knife and a gun or did you come to kill me?" V smirked seeing Taeyeon panicked.

Taeyeon gulped and put the knife on V's neck while pointing the gun at his forehead. The gun was touching his forehead. But V stood there unbothered and looked at Taeyeon with amusement.

"You are trying to kill me" V sighed and in flash, Taeyeon was under him, and V was standing on his back.

Taeyeon's hands are under V's leg while the latter bends down and points the gun at his forehead with a knife playing on his nape and V smirks.

"Then you picked the wrong person" V pressed his hands with legs and pressed the knife on his nape.

"Seems like putting you in a coma for two years wasn't enough for what you did to my brother and my lover.. how you made them suffer and cry. Even though they were beside each other they were not" V stabbed Taeyeon's right thigh in anger.

"You know I really want to kill you right now" V traced the knife on his nape "But I can't kill you yet" he stabbed his left thigh "Because you have to suffer" V went down on his ear "You will suffer more than my brother and my lover... You are going to regret everything you did" V smirked and got up playing with the gun and the knife "Get out because seeing you here makes me want to want to kill you" V growled scaring Taeyeon who someone managed to run from there.

"Tsk, what does he think of himself" V looked down at the blood and sighed "Now, I have to clean this mess"

After cleaning the blood,

V sat on the bed and opened his laptop hacking into Jeon's mafia CCTV cameras without any effort. He looked at his Bun working concentratedly which made him smile, he picked up his phone and called Taehyung.

"What do you want?" Taehyung asked and V knew he was frustrated.

"What happened to you?"

"Had a fight with Bun. What is he doing?"

"Working on some files," V said looking at Guk intensely. Taehyung hummed in return. 

"Did you find who that person was who messaged Bunny?" V asked.

"Yes, I did"

"Then who are you waiting to say?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes but replied "He was some guy he meet at the auction but the problem is that he has eyes on our Bunny and wants to get him"

"What is his name?!!" V growled a little.

"Calm down brother, you don't need to worry because I just came back after killing him"

"You personally killed him?"

"Yep, I can't let others kill someone who wants our Bunny. What if he does something?"

"Right. Taeyeon came to kill me"

"Then?" Taehyung frowned his eyebrows.

"Luckily I heard some footsteps while I got up to check my phone which was ringing because you and Bun had a fight and he was ranting, I bet he had a pout on his face and oh my god how cute-"

"V to the point!!"

"Oh yeah" V cleared his throat "He wanted to kill me but got stabbed on his both thighs instead and a warning from me to stay away and that his suffering will start"

"Okay. What is Bun doing now?"

"Someone came to meet him"


"I don't know that person is wearing a mask- wait they removed it and Tae, I think you should hurry to his base because it's Taeyeon- how the hell is he walking?!! Wait he is limping and also he has more men around him. I know Hobi hyung, Jimin and Jennie are there but-"

"I don't care who is there!! I am going" Taehyung said and V could hear him running since the latter was panting a little.

"Dammit! He is luring Kookie again!!" V said as he rushed to the car.

"That bastard!!"

"I am coming too" V ended the call and started the car.